Monday, August 23, 2010

Beat Belly Bloat! Drop Pounds Fast!

Many women like to talk about their belly bloat or their muffin top. One of the biggest things holding them back is too much sodium, and not enough water.

Just by cutting as much sodium as possible each day for just a week or two, you'll notice a huge difference with your belly bloat. Also make sure you are drinking lots of water, at least eight 16oz. glasses every single day.

You'll be so surprized how much sodium you take in each day once you start keeping track of it. It's usually a big shock!

Click on this link Lower Your Sodium Now to download your very own free meal planning system and start getting rid of your belly bloat!

Chad Cannon is a Fat Loss Expert and owner of Shaping Concepts.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How A "Coach" Showed Me The Way!

So everyday I dish out a little abuse, if you will. Meaning I put people through fitness workouts. That's what I do day in and day out...get people into shape. So, I guess you could call me their "coach".

Well even I, a coach, needs to be pushed a lot. Even I, a coach, needs a coach. I need the help just as much as anyone else out there.

Two of my biggest goals I have set for myself are, grow my business (only I need to know the specifics), and two finish a half marathon in October.

I have learned throughout my life that trying to achieve things on your own never works. We all have "coaches" the first part of our lives in all the teachers we had. They were"coaches" that helped us learn and grow to achieve a goal...educate ourselfs as much as possible and graduate.

We've all had sports coaches, mentors, business leaders, etc. to help us get where we are today. Think about it... if you didn't have all your teachers to help educate you, would have passed high school? No! Of course not. That's what they are there for.

So what have I done to help myself reach those two goals I mentioned before? I have surrounded myself with "coaches". I have a running coach to help me train for my half marathon, physically, and mentally. I have a few different business coaches to help me and mentor me in growing my business.

I could easily try to do all this on my own, but I've never had a multi-million dollar business before. I've never been an All-American distance runner before. So I have surrounded myself with those types of people. They have been through it. They have learned through trial and error how to do it. And they have done it. I have not! So it's pretty simple. I'm going to follow their advice!

Perfect example: two days ago, I was on my long run of the week with my running coach. I was supposed to run 90 minutes that day. Well my pace is a bit slower than his, however, for the first six miles he really pushed me, hard. I was hurting after just three miles. He then decided to throw in some sprints in the second half of the run. I wouldn't expect anything less from him. I just wasn't expecting sprints at that point.

So he knows that my goal for this half marathon is to break 2 hours. At the end of our run which was 98 minutes by the way, and 11 miles, he says "see, you're going to kill the 2 hour mark". If I were to keep my regular pace, and not do the sprints, I would have demolished two hours running 13 miles. He was just proving a point to a very painful way!

My point to you is that he was coaching me and proved to me that I can do it better than I imagined. A "coach" will help you out in those ways and more. Surround yourself with coaches to help you reach your goals.

I'm a coach to many others trying to improve their health. Use the help from others that know what they are doing. Use it! It doesn't make any sence to "try it" on your own, if you know you could "do it" with the help of others.

To use Chad's services as a fitness or health coach, he offers a free, no obligation consultation and trial session to help you get started today. Click HERE for your free consultation and trial session now!