Tuesday, November 10, 2009

3500 Calories

Do you know how many calories you need to burn in order to lose just one pound?

Most people actually know this answer, but don't really know what that means.

The answer, in case you don't know, is 3500 calories. You need to burn off 3500 calories in order to lose one pound of fat.

Here's another question for you...

How many calories, on average, do you burn on a treadmill going one mile?

Answer: About 100

What does this mean exactly?

This means that to lose one pound of fat, by walking or running, you will need to go a distance of 35 miles.

My personal goal is to lose about 1000 calories every time I workout. I do this in a combination cardiovascular/resistance type workout. An example would be walk/run for 30 minutes, then move onto an total body resistance workout that incorporates fast cardio segments such as jumping rope, or step ups, or jumping jax. That's just me. You don't have to do that type of workout, but that's what I enjoy. It makes me feel good.

So, if I'm getting 3 workouts like I just described each week that burns about 1000 calories each, plus 2 more cardiovascular workouts each week that burns between 500 and 1000 calories each, this means I'm burning about 4000-5000 calories each week just during my exercises. Now I'm also eating about 2000-3000 calories each day so I can sustain that workout level. By doing this, my metabolism is running at a higher, more sufficient rate, therefore burning even more calories while at rest when I'm not working out, even while I sleep.

my goal is to get at least 3500 calories burned each week during exercise. Remember 3500 calories burned equals the loss of one pound of fat. This is why I stay lean and toned.

I know that 3500 calories burned in one week sounds like a whole lot, especially when you only burn 100 calories by walking one mile. It really is easy and once you get into a workout pattern that works for you, you will start seeing the results.

I have an online Meal Planning System that anyone can use that can help you with your calorie intake at http://www.blufftonpersonaltraining.com/ultimate_meal_planning.htm.

Now you know one BIG reason why cardiovascular training is so important when it comes to losing weight. So go hit the treadmill right now!

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