Monday, June 14, 2010

No Time For Fitness?

So I received an email the other day from someone asking me for help with their fitness level and motivation. I gave her a few tips to follow and some nutrition advice as well. She emails back saying that she has no time to workout and that she thinks she should only start with a 10-15 minute workout, twice per week.

Alright, this to me honestly sounds like excuses from someone that doesn't have any motivation whatsoever. Someone that thinks they'll be doing something good for their body from those twice per week workouts. Honestly doing fitness only twice per week doesn't do a whole heck of a lot. So this is what I replied back to her...

I told her that if she has 10-15 minutes, she could get an enitre body workout in with both resistance and cardiovascular training involved by performing "Burst Training", but instead of doing it only twice per week, do at least 3 times, if not 4 or even 5 times each week.

Burst Training is performing a few different exercises, let's say three, but could be 5, 8, or whatever you want, about 10-15 times each, and do as many sets of that routine as you can in your 10-15 minute time slot.
Here's an example: 10 jumping jacks, 10 push-ups, 10 squats. Repeat these for 10 minutes, non-stop.

You'll be out of breath. Your muscles will be tired, and you'll feel like you worked out for an hour.

Another thing I told her is that she really needs to set some goals. Something that is out of her comfort zone, such as signing up for a 5k in 2 months (notice I said, signing up for it, not just saying you'll do it -make the commitment!), or give yourself 30 days to be able to do 50 push-ups (modified or not) in a row, without stopping.

Everyone needs a goal. Once a goal is reached, set new goals. I signed up for a half marathon a few weeks ago, which will take place almost 4 months from now. I also signed up for a Mud Run a month after that, which is running 4 miles in the mud through military obsticles, and is a team oriented thing. I've never done either of these before. They are both way out of my comfort zone. Once I finish these, which I know I will, I will feel a sence of accomplishment like never before.
Fact is...Make the commitment to get your fitness in. If you only have a few minutes, which EVERYONE does, then make those few minutes work for you. And continue making new and challenging goals to keep the motivation strong.
Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts in Bluffton, SC, and is known as the low country Fat Loss expert. He can be reached at

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