Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What it takes to TRANSFORM!

A lifestyle transformation is not just doing what it takes to lose weight. A complete transformation includes all aspects of a person's life, including family, physical and emotional well-being; fashion, home design; personal finance; food; and jobs.

Everything around us effects the way we live our lives, especially emotionally. Even being around the right colors, and lighting changes our mood.

If you are a person that truly wants a life transformation, a person that is unhappy with who you are, it usually has to do with everything involved in your life, not just what you look like.

The television show The Biggest Loser is well known for the Body Transformations that people go through. What most people don't realize is that most of the people on that show not only changed their fitness habits, but also their eating habits, their emotional wellbeing, their home lifestyle, even their jobs once they returned home. You'll see a difference in the way they dress, and the colors they wear. You'll see a difference in the way their home is put together. You'll see a difference in their organizational skills. You'll see a differnce in their friends and the people they hang around with. You'll see a difference in the foods they eat. You'll see a difference in healthy habits, and priorities. It's an all in one package deal when a life is transformed.

I know this sounds like a lot, but remember where the people on The Biggest Loser started. They were worse off than most people. So don't think you can't do it.

Start with a few simple things. These things might sound simple, but they are not at all easy. I totally admit that. However, I do know that all of us can make these changes.

  • First and foremost, get away from all the negetive people in your life. I don't care if they are your best friends. If they are a negative influence, they effect you in a bad way. You don't want anything to do with that. Surround yourself with those that you want to be like. Happy people, people that make money, people that are fit and healthy. Surround yourself with coaches and mentors that will help you achieve your goals and dreams.

  • Figure out what your true passion is and do that for a living. I'm not saying go quit your job. But work on transitioning to something you really love doing. Working in a place you love everyday makes all the difference in the world.

  • This one sounds wierd, but trust me, it WILL help more than you can ever imagine. Eat breakfast, and a healthy one at that! Start your day off on the right foot by fueling your body right from the start. You WILL feel so much better throughout the rest of the day simply because you ate first thing in the morning.

  • Everyday, do some kind of exercise. You'll be so shocked at how you feel after a simple power-walk. Get yourself on a regular scheduled out routine with both resistance training and cardiovascular training integrated into it. I also highly recommend going for a power-walk outside in the sun at least once per week, just to look up at the blue sky and think. It's a great release!

Again, I know that this all sounds good and you might want to do them, but you also might be telling yourself, it's just not me, I can't really make these changes. I'm hear to tell you, YES you can make these changes. It's a simple decision, a split second decision, either to do something about it, or to keep doing the same thing and keep getting the same results. You CAN do it! I believe in you!

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center in Bluffton, SC and is an Advisor with AdvoCare International.

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