Monday, April 16, 2012

Consistancy Gets You the Results You Want!

Do you ever spend a day or two every now and then or every weekend, etc. eating or drinking way out of control? Or have you ever just canceled your training session without rescheduling it?

You see, most of my days are spend listening to stories of how badly people ate, and how passed out they were from drinking too much, especially at an "older, grown up age", and honestly I get sick just thinking about it. The bad part is people do this then come into their training sessions complaining that nothing seems to work, the weight just isn't coming off. Why is this workout so hard? Well, your body feels like crap because of the way you treat it. That's why. Just sayin!

Imagine if for only one month you avaoided red meat, ate every 3 hours, only had one alcholic drink a week, and never ever missed your training sessions. How do you think you would feel then? How do you think you would look? Do you think you would lose some weight? Do you think your cholesterol might be a bit better? What about your blood pressure?

Notice I never said to avoid functions or to avaoid a great outing with friends. DO THAT STUFF! Just don't act like a 19 year old college student at a frat party while doing it!

You want to make a change in your fitness level, your weight, your health? Then change your consistancy with the way you eat, drink and act! Think about it. In just one month of being consistant, think of all the good results you could have.

I had one person, a person that needs and wants to lose over 100 pounds, come in and on her warm up on the treadmill decides to go into a dead sprint for one minute...on her warm up. I asked why are you doing this? It's only a warm up, I said. She said... to make up for all the burgers, hot dogs, and beer she had over the weekend. I asked her... you think that this one sprint will help that? She said yep, cause I did it as fast as I could. REALLY? Is this really how people think?

No!!! How about taking a slow jog or even a fast walk for 20 minutes 4 times a week and do it for a month? That's how you're gonna burn fat off that body! Consistancy!!! It's not always about how hard you push for a short time. It's about being consistant over a long period of time. And I'm sorry, but even one month is a VERY SHORT amount of time.

Consistancy is the key! Pushing as hard as you can is great, however when trying to lose weight it's better to be consistant with everything you do, from eating to sleeping, avoiding certain foods and drinks, and not missing your workouts, strength trainings days or cardiovascular days. You simply have to be consistant. That does NOT mean be perfect by any means. It just means be consistant. Be good 6 days out of the week with your eating. Then give yourself a pass on the 7th day. Don't miss your workouts by any means. This means, if you miss a training day, you better take at least 10 minutes and do as many push-ups, squats, and planks as you can right before you go to bed! Don't miss it! If you missed one of your 4 cardio days, you better make it up on next day off!

Do you think Michael Jordan ever missed a practice? No! He was consistant! Do you think Tiger Woods ever misses a practice? No! He is consistant! Why do you think pro Basketball and Major League Baseball have 7 game playoffs? They want the most consistant team to be their champions! That's how they find the best of the best!

You want results, be more consistant!

Chad Cannon is the owner of the Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center in Bluffton, SC.

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