Monday, April 26, 2010

De-Jiggle Your Middle - 5 Ways To Help This

Don't you hate it when you jump up and down, and all you feel is "jiggle" in the middle? I hate that feeling. Yes, even I know that feeling. I used to know that feeling...up until I started doing these 5 things on a permanent basis.

1. Stop eating out. Limit it to once per week. This way YOU have control over what is in your foods. When you eat out, you never really know how it's cooked.

2. Eat every 3-4 hours no matter what. This will increase your mtabolic rate substancially! Any longer than that without eating automatically slows down the metabolism and makes you gain fat.

3. Start eating every meal/snack with both a protein and a complex carbohydrate. The protein will help make those muscles stronger so they will burn more fat at a higher rate. The complex carbohydrate will give your system and your muscles the energy it needs to keep your metabolism burning at a high rate.

4. Do at least 3 days of resistance training each week. Each time must include all the main muscles in the body.

5. Do cardiovascular activity (no, yard work does not count...I don't care what you say!) at least 3 days a week of at least 30 minutes. No Matter What!!! Get it in!

There you have it. Once I incorporated those 5 things, and started making it a part of my lifestyle on a consistant basis, there was no more jiggle in the middle. I'm not just saying this to try to convince you to do it. I actually did this. I made the concious decision to do these things and it has worked great.

P.S. Notice I didn't say anything about cutting out this or that in my diet. It's not about what you "cut out", but more about what is needed to be added.
Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts in Bluffton, SC, and is known as the low country Fat Loss Expert. He can be reached at

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