Friday, April 2, 2010

9 Ways To Help You Meet Your Fitness Goals

When starting a fitness program do it the right way. Don't waste your time just going through the motions. Do it right! Here are nine ways to help you get started, maintain and achieve your fitness goals.

1. Take before, during and after pictures of yourself. Front and side views.

2. Take before, during and after weight and body fat measurements.

3. Keep a nutrition log since eating is the hardest and most important part of weight loss.

4. Keep a daily weight loss journal of everything you are going through, or start a blog and put in a post each day to keep yourself accountable to others.

5. Write out a pledge to yourself to start, and follow through with all your goals. Make sure you sign it.

6. Find a weight loss buddy to go through the journey with.

7. Enter a local or national weight loss contest, or make up your own.

8. Make a goal to achieve something you don't think you can do every two months such as finish a 5k or 8k run/walk.

9. Before you do anything...get the guidence needed from a trainer or fitness professional with a consultation. Most consultations are free. Use professionals. They are called professionals for a reason.

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts in Bluffton, SC. Chad is known as the local fat loss expert. He can be reached at

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