Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Lack of Accountability Did Her In!

ACCOUNTABILITY...The key factor when it comes to losing weight, toning up, slimming down, leaning out, getting ripped, pumping up, trimming down, or whatever else you want to call it.

How many times have you tried to start a workout reamin only to quit before you ever got started? That's because there was no ACCOUNTABILITY!

The person in the video, Doreen, really thought she would be able to continue on her regular fitness routine. After years of training at Shaping Concepts, and even one other place before Shaping Concepts, Doreen thought she had enough knowledge to do it on her own. Fact is...she does have the knowledge! At this point she could probably train many of you out there. What she didn't understand was that she received something else at Shaping Concepts that she didn't even know she was getting...

Fact: You don't have anyone to keep track of you at a local gym!

  • you don't have anyone checking your weight and body fat regularly

  • you don't have anyone checking your nutrition log regularly

  • you don't have anyone saying " I want you to get in at least 45 minutes of cardio in intervals before I see you again."

  • you don't have a set appointment to see anyone

  • you don't have anyone calling you to see why you were late or why you didn't show up

  • you don't have anyone making you do 23 more repetitions after you want to stop at 10 just because 10 sounds like a good number

  • you don't have anyone giving you daily tips on fitness and nutrition to help you get even better results

  • you don't have anyone there to encourage you along the journey, especially during those hard times which we all have

Face it, even Luke Skywalker had to be accountable to someone...Yoda, the ultimate accountability Jedi!!

Why do you think there are so many private fitness studios now? Real fitness pro's that want to really healp people make a change and get them RESULTS don't work at the local gyms anymore!

That's why I got out...There was simply no accountability in the local gym scene. The people working there are personal trainers. The people that open up and work in private studios are fitness professionals! This IS what YOU want if you want to get


A fitness professionalSo what are you going to do now?

You can go on doing the same old routine you've been doing. But think about how you will feel and look one year from now if you keep doing that. What about two years from now? What five or ten years from now? How will you look and feel at that point if you keep doing what you are currently doing?

Now what if you get someone to hold you accountable, say a fitness professional, at a privately owned fitness studio to help you reach those goals that you have right now?

A place this this...

If you went to a place like this and got some good coaching by a real fitness pro, how do you think you would look and feel just one year from now? Two years from now? What about five or even ten years from now?

My bet is that you would look and feel great!!

So what is the lesson in this? Just like Doreen said in the video, ACCOUNTABILITY was the key factor she did not have when she tried to do it on her own. What should you do now?

Here's a little hint...

Trust me when I say that sometimes this is how you want to feel after a workout. Not all the time, but sometimes. Do you train as hard as she did?

Just because you have read this post and have now embeded the accountability thing into your brain, I'm going to offer you a "Get Started Trial". Your not going to buy a car unless you test drive it first, correct? So I'm giving you a "Test Drive" with No Obligation and No Pressure to buy. Just come in to see if this is something that you need to get you headed toward your goals.

These people all took the Test Drive and found out that it was a good fit for them…
Rochelle C. lost another of 5 pounds this month. She also lost 5.5 inches. That's a total of 10 pounds in less than two months at Shaping Concepts and with the help of the AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge. Great job Rochelle. Keep it up!

Amanda H. lost of 5 pounds this month. Amanda is making great progress! Keep up the great work.

Bob C. dropped 7 pounds, 4.5 inches, and went from 25.2% body fat to 23.5, and 27.7 BMI to 26.6 on the AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge.

Peggy A. lost 4 more pounds this month. That makes a total of 27 pounds now! Great job Peggy! Whoo Hoo!!!

Liz H. for losing another 4 pounds this month. That's 12 pounds total lost Liz! Way to go!

Joni G. did it again! Way over 100 pounds lost now Joni! You have transformed your life! I totally look up to you for all the hard work you've put in!!!!!

…And that’s just a few for the month of July


ACCOUNTABILITY, thats the key to YOU getting the RESULTS YOU truly want!

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts fitness studio in Bluffton, SC.

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