Monday, November 7, 2011

Will I be the one that GAINS TEN POUNDS this holiday season?

Studies show that the average American gains ten pounds over the holidays. Halloween just ended, and Thanksgiving is right around the corner with Christmas to follow. This should be a wake up call for many of you. Remember how hard it was last year and all the years before hard it was emotionally when you "planned" on doing a good job and not gaining weight during this time of year, but then it all fell to pieces. Emotionally and physically you were beaten. Well it's time to start now. Start taking control of yourself physically and taking control of your emotions. I've never said that losing weight is easy. However, there are very simple things you can do to help you achieve good results.

Go through this check list and make sure you are ready. Because losing weight and even maintaining it comes with sacrifices, life changes, and when it comes down to it, YES...hard work. But hard work dosn't stay hard for long once you form habits and start actually enjoying it. You might think I'm crazy, but billions of people feel the same as I do from doing it, so why are you any different?

Your readiness to lose weight check list:

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to accept the fact that physical change occurs from mental and emotional adjustments?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to accept the fact that a lifestyle modification may be required to correct your condition(s)?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to acknowledge a fair and legitimate timeline for evaluation of yourself, your progress, and the effectiveness of this program?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to complete cardiovascular exercise for thirty minutes or more up to 5 days a week if it has been determined to be imperative towards reaching your goals?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to keep a weekly food log to your trainer/accountability person for a reasonable period of time if it has been determined to be imperative towards reaching your goals?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to significantly change your diet habits, even if it means throwing food away and starting over, if it has been determined to be imperative towards
reaching your goals?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to significantly reduce or eliminate your soda, coffee or alcohol consumption as recommended by your trainer if it has been determined to be
imperative towards reaching your goals?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to receive additional education on diet and nutrition as recommended by your trainer if it has been determined to be imperative towards
reaching your goals?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to increase your water consumption as recommended by your trainer if it has been determined to be imperative towards reaching your goals?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to discuss the importance of your new lifestyle changes with your employer if your work environment presents significant barriers?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to spend less time with people who offer little or no positive encouragement and support for your goals? This includes individuals that may
selfishly not have your best interest in mind and be a bad influence with lifestyle choices.

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to take time away from other parts of your life (be it work, free time, hobby time, etc) to achieve an improved state of health and physical fitness?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you ready to commit to your trainer/accountability person in order to receive his/her commitment to you?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you ready to commit to showing up on-time for your scheduled workout appointments and treating them with the highest respect and priority?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you prepared to be accountable to your trainer/or anyone and your program and understand that an evaluation of your commitment will be used?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to commit to supplementing your nutrition with healthy top of the line nutritional products (not crap that you buy in an isle in the grocery store) in order to maximize your healthier eating habits thus increasing your overall metabolism and health?

Make sure that you are totally ready to participate in your own weight loss challenge. If you cannot commit to these you are most likely not ready to make the commitment to lose weight.

Now is the time to train your brain and get started in the right direction during the holidays of eating season. Don't be one of those people that gain yet another ten pounds by January. Set yourself up to succeed now and become one of those people that looks forward to the holiday season!

Come in and sit down with me for a free intro consultation and go through a TRIAL SESSION to see what it’s really like to get fit and healthy.Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center.

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