Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Three Ways To Work Off the Christmas & New Year Flab

Okay, so 2011 is done and gone by the way side. It was what it was, so now let's move on! You might have put on some extra pounds in the last year, especially over the past month and a half during the holiday season.

Here are three ways for you to work off that flab that you are fed up with and no longer want on your body.

First, exercise is key. In order for you to lose fat and not muscle you must get a combination of resistance training and cardiovascular training in at a minimum of three times per week. A simple Burst Training routine will take care of both of those at the same time. No need to spend hours on the treadmill. No need to spend hours on strength machines. Just a 30 minute burst training routine will benefit you more than any other workout I know when it comes to burning fat off your body.

As a fitness professional, I highly recommend everyone do this in a professional setting, such as a group class, or in a personal training setting, simply for the accountability alone. I offer a 21 Day Trial to try it out. Most places have a trial of their own. Take advantage of these.

Second, proper eating is vital when it comes to losing fat. There are two main things I look for nutritionally. One, are you eating breakfast? This is by far the most important meal of the day because it gets the metabolism reved up and burning more calories throughout the entire day. Without breakfast, your metabolism is at a snails pace. Two, are you eating every few hours throughout the day? Your metabolism will slow down if it does not have enough fuel to burn those unwanted calories. You wouldn't drive a car without putting gas in it would you? Simply eat every three hours all day long starting the moment you wake up.

Third, even if you are eating perfectly all day, everyday, you are still not even close to getting what your body needs to maintain a quality of life you want. This is why you take supplements. I'm not talking weight loss pills, or fat burning diets drinks. I'm talking about supplements to support your healthy eating habits. I highly recommend AdvoCare supplements because they are in my opinion the best products on the planet. I have them in my studio, I use these products everyday, and my wife and kids even use AdvoCare products. Use them. Your body will thank you for it. Read my AdvoCare story here:

Do these three things to burn off last years flab, and get your health back in check in 2012. Don't wait! Start now!

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center in Bluffton, SC.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Slight Edge...

I am asked to read something the other day as part of a mentoring program I'm going through. This book called "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson, is a great read. I wanted you to read just a small part of it as it has to do with your health. Make sure you not only read this as a health topic, but more importantly as a topic of obtaining a slight edge in your life.


-and it is easynot to do. Now, I’m defining EASY here as simply“something you can do.” The Slight Edge philosophyis based on doing things that are easy-littledisciplines, which, done consistently over time,add up to the biggest accomplishments. The problemis that all those things that are easy to do arejust as easy not to do. Why is something easy notto do? Because if you don’t do it, it won’t killyou today. But, that simple, seemingly insignificanterror in judgment, compounded over time, will killyou, destroy you, ruin your chances for success,and demolish your dreams. You can count on it.

Take, for example, the health issue of fat andcholesterol in your diet. Would you say that it’sa good idea to eat at least a pound and a halfof butter each day? How about drinking a quartof saturated oil? “Hey, my cholesterol’s way downto 200-got to get it up above 300.” Crazy, right?Sure it is-but millions and millions of people aredoing it every day. Why? We know what’s good for us:fresh fruit and vegetables, complex carbohydrateslike whole grains, unsaturated fats and oils, fishand chicken instead of beef. So why do we keepdigging our graves with our teeth? It’s easy toeat well-right? It’s easy not to-right? And whenyou eat that hamburger, you won’t die, will you?No, of course not. But that simple error in judgmentcompounded over time will ruin the quality of yourlife and eventually take you out of your lifeforever!

If you ate that hamburger and you had a heartattack-would you ever eat another one? No way!Eating a hamburger won’t kill you today, butcompound all those greasy, dead-animal pattiesover 10 or 20 years-as many as 5,000 of them!-andone day your clogged-up, stressed- out, overworkedol’ heart just quits! It’s not the one hamburger,it’s the thousands! That one hamburger is just asimple, little error in judgment. But compoundedover time, it can and will destroy you. It’s easyto do! It’s easy not to do! Either way, The SlightEdge is at work and at play. You’ve got to choosewhich way to go with The Slight Edge. And here iswhat makes doing the right thing such a hard choice for most people-

The Slight Edge Philosophy
by Jeff Olson

Try out a 21 Day Trial at Shaping Concepts to obtain your slight edge today!

Chad Cannon is the owner of the Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Studio in Bluffton, SC.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Burn Off the Ten Pounds You Gain Over the Holidays!

During the holiday season we all dred the eating, yet we all still do it, even though the end result we know will be weight gain. Today, I want to discuss how to get those holiday ten pounds off your body as fast as possible.

You could go through some weight training machines, and spend 60 minutes everyday on the bike or elliptical and burn some good calories...


You could do it in a more efficient way replacing glycogen with free fatty acids thus sheeding those unwanted pounds off your body in a much shorter amount of time. Let me expalin...

In order to maximize your exercise routine and burn more of the correct type of calories in a shorter amount of time there is only one way to do this. It's called BURST TRAINING.

I'm going to give you the perfect plan of action to do this.

First there are two different types of BURST TRAINING that must be done:

1) Burst Training Resistance Exercies

2) Burst Training Cardiovascular Exercises

Here's the sequence you want to follow:

Warm up for 5 minutes with a brisk walk.

Go through 3-4 sets of different resitance exercises like this...

Squat Jumps 10x

Push-ups 10x

Bridge up & down 10x

Plank 30 seconds

Go through this sequence with absolutely no rest except to sip water 3-4 times through.

As soon as you are done go to a treadmill to start your cardio Burst training.

On the treadmill I want you to Sprint for 1 minute. I'm talking 8, 9, even 10 mph. It's a complete sprint. It's only for one minute. You NEED to be VERY winded after that 1 minute. Then walk slowly for 2 minutes. Repeat this 4 times. So it looks like this...

1 minute Sprint

2 minute Slow Walk

Do this a total of 4 times.

Now that you are pretty worn out, you go through one last resistance exercise Burst Training routine picking four new exercises just like this...

Dumbbell Shoulder Press 10x

Reverse Lunges 10x each leg

Bench Dips 10x

Bicycle Abs 30 seconds

Go through these 4 exercises again with no rest a total of 3-4 sets.

You WILL burn TONS of the correct kind of calories to trim your waistline. Repeat this routine three t0 four times each week for one month and you will see AWESOME results! After one month, pick new resistance exercises and increase your speed on the treadmill, but continue the same type of routine.

Now make sure to start eating correctly. The two main area's with your nutrition are to eat breakfast and then eat small meals throughout the day. If you do these two simple things, your whole life will change drastically!

If you want to get even better results come in for a 21 Day Trial!

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center in Bluffton, SC.