Monday, December 19, 2011

The Slight Edge...

I am asked to read something the other day as part of a mentoring program I'm going through. This book called "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson, is a great read. I wanted you to read just a small part of it as it has to do with your health. Make sure you not only read this as a health topic, but more importantly as a topic of obtaining a slight edge in your life.


-and it is easynot to do. Now, I’m defining EASY here as simply“something you can do.” The Slight Edge philosophyis based on doing things that are easy-littledisciplines, which, done consistently over time,add up to the biggest accomplishments. The problemis that all those things that are easy to do arejust as easy not to do. Why is something easy notto do? Because if you don’t do it, it won’t killyou today. But, that simple, seemingly insignificanterror in judgment, compounded over time, will killyou, destroy you, ruin your chances for success,and demolish your dreams. You can count on it.

Take, for example, the health issue of fat andcholesterol in your diet. Would you say that it’sa good idea to eat at least a pound and a halfof butter each day? How about drinking a quartof saturated oil? “Hey, my cholesterol’s way downto 200-got to get it up above 300.” Crazy, right?Sure it is-but millions and millions of people aredoing it every day. Why? We know what’s good for us:fresh fruit and vegetables, complex carbohydrateslike whole grains, unsaturated fats and oils, fishand chicken instead of beef. So why do we keepdigging our graves with our teeth? It’s easy toeat well-right? It’s easy not to-right? And whenyou eat that hamburger, you won’t die, will you?No, of course not. But that simple error in judgmentcompounded over time will ruin the quality of yourlife and eventually take you out of your lifeforever!

If you ate that hamburger and you had a heartattack-would you ever eat another one? No way!Eating a hamburger won’t kill you today, butcompound all those greasy, dead-animal pattiesover 10 or 20 years-as many as 5,000 of them!-andone day your clogged-up, stressed- out, overworkedol’ heart just quits! It’s not the one hamburger,it’s the thousands! That one hamburger is just asimple, little error in judgment. But compoundedover time, it can and will destroy you. It’s easyto do! It’s easy not to do! Either way, The SlightEdge is at work and at play. You’ve got to choosewhich way to go with The Slight Edge. And here iswhat makes doing the right thing such a hard choice for most people-

The Slight Edge Philosophy
by Jeff Olson

Try out a 21 Day Trial at Shaping Concepts to obtain your slight edge today!

Chad Cannon is the owner of the Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Studio in Bluffton, SC.

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