There are many reasons people fail and succeed in the health aspect of their own body. There is one major reason that I have figured out, and it doesn’t stop in the health aspect of life. It actually carries on through everything a person does in life.
It is honestly the most vital part of your entire life as we know it. It is the one thing that makes us who we are, how we shape our life, what determines our entire future.
I’ve given you, from a trainers aspect, all the tips and best ways to achieve success. This, however, is something totally different. This digs down much, much deeper than any tip I could ever present you.
When reading this I want you to be in a quiet place. A place where there are no distractions. The reason why is because I want you to think for yourself, not as the person you present yourself to others as, but as the person you really know yourself to be or want to be.
Again, I don’t want you to think of me as a trainer while reading this. Right now I’m just a guy that is trying to build a relationship with you to help you achieve success with what I have learned. I had to learn all this myself, and to be really honest with you, I had to grow up, put my big boy pants on, forget my fitness pro ego and take it for what it really is… The Truth!
Okay, so let’s pretend you are on a plane about to take a giant leap. By the way I totally have to give credit to Jenny Donnelly, an independent distributor of AdvoCare, just like me, for giving me this analogy. So back to your giant leap…If you have ever been sky diving befor

What about when you are driving, and you come to a stop light. Do you enjoy sitting at those red lights, or do you really want to be the fastest driver in the world and floor it the entire drive everywhere you go? Are you really the kind of person that says I can’t wait until I hit the next red light so I have to stop. No, nobody thinks that way. We all want to get things over with as fast as possible, excepts when it comes to things that put us in uncomfortable situations, like things that help us lose weight, such as exercise.
So let’s say you are in your home and the power goes out. What do you need to do in or

So my point is… why does it take people sooooo looooong to make the decision to transform their life? Why does it take so long for people to make the simple decision to change their life?
When people want to wait and think about things, those things very rarely happen. I get people that tell me in an initial consultation here at the studio that they want to think about it. No! You already told me you wanted to lose weight, that you were totally unhappy with the way you feel, look and perform, so why do you want to think about it? Just flip the switch!
The reason why… is because they haven’t made the simple decision to do something about it.
People can “want” all day long, everyday. But wanting gets you nowhere fast. Deciding get you places! So when you decide to lose weight, guess what you’ve already started the process. Wanting to lose weight, just prolongs the inevitable… failure.
So the one major reason why people either fail or succeed in everything that life brings us is all due to if we make the decision to move forward, or are we still wanting to?
Did we DECIDE to do something about it? That’s it. That is the one major thing that dictates our future. You make your own path in life, no one else. Your life is based on your “decisions” or “wants”.
Make your own destiny by deciding what you do with your life! And deciding happens as fast as flipping a switch! No longer.
BElieve! BEgin! BEcome!
Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center is Bluffton, SC. Come try Shaping Concepts with a 21 Day Trial!