Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How's Your Fitness Resolution Coming Along?

The problem with New Years Resolutions is that they are wants... "I want to lose weight", or "I want to get healthier", or "I want to feel better".

These are all great, however "wants" don't seem to last very long. In fact many New Years Resolutions fall by the way side after only 10 days, and most are completely gone by January 15th. So let me ask you, how is your New Years Resolution coming along?

In order for a resolution to stick and stay there must be a reason behind it. Instead of "I want to lose weight", try this "My kids need me to lose twenty pounds and be a healthier person so I can be a better mom for them". That has a specific goal and a major reason why to have that goal.

So about this time of year people are dropping off like flies and completely giving up on losing weight, getting fit and becoming healthy again, mostly because there is no reason why. And trust me they are all feeling very guilty for it. Find your reason, and you will always succeed.

Also, find some kind of accountability. Keeping a food journal, track your workouts with a type of computer software and put it on facebook so people know you are doing it. Join a group fitness class, hire a fitness and nutrition coach. These are all types of accountability.

Without some type of accountability, and a good reason why to succeed, failure is immanent.
Stick to your guns. When you think you can't, tell yourself you can and walk away from where you are. Stay away from people that are negative and will only discourage you. You don't need them in your life. Spend most of your time around people you want to be like or have what you want. Learn from them. Be encouraged about where you are going and what you are about to obtain. Don't dwell on the past. Only look ahead at what can be.

You can do it! I have faith in you!

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center in Bluffton, SC. Try a 21 Day Trail to see what Shaping Concepts is all about.

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