Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Top 10 Tips to Weigh Less, Live More

So last week we had a seminar on food and ways to help you eat better to lose weight, held by the Shaping Concepts Health Coach Shelly Hudson, and she gave a lot of great tips. So I wanted to share with you the top 10 tips to weigh leaa and live more.

1. Feed your soul with primary food. Friends and family, physical activity, spirituality, and a satisfying career feed us. Lack of primary foods creates over-reliance on secondary, edible food.

2. Drink water. Most people are chronically dehydrated. We often mistake thirst for hunger. If you feel hungry between meals, drink a glass of water before giving into cravings. Limit liquid calories from soda and juice.

3. Eat a plant-based diet. Plant foods are typically lower in fat and calories and higher in fiber than meat, dairy and processed foods, while providing loads of essential nutrients.

4. Chew you food well. Digestion begins in the mouth. By thoroughly chewing your food, your body will better assimilate nutrients; you will also slow down your eating. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register that it is full. By slowing down your eating, you'll feel full and satisfied on less food.

5. Eat real food. Avoid products with high-fructose corn syrup or a long list of unpronouncable ingredients. They tend to be highly processed, lacking the nutrients your body needs, and are often loaded with empty calories.

6. Eat breakfast. skipping meals causes your blood sugar levels to peak and dip, affecting your energy and moods. It can also cause overeating later on because you're so hungry.

7. Eat mindfully. Turn off the TV. Get away from the computer. Sit down and savor the food you are eating with no distractions.

8. Get moving. Do any type of physical activity every day. Find movement or exercise you enjoy.

9. Sleep, rest and relax. When you are sleep deprived or stressed, your body will crave energy, causing cravings for sugary snacks as an energy boost.

10. Schedule fun time. Boredom and stress can lead to overeating. Make sure to take time to laugh, play and participate in activities that bring you joy.

So from my personal daily activites, I know that the biggest problem I have is with number 7. I'm just a very busy person, therefore I don't take the time to sit and enjoy my food. many times I'll eat something fast for 2 minutes in between my clients, or I'll eat in the car. When I get home I'll heat up my food, take it upstairs and eating while giving my kids a bath, cause that's when I mostly get to see them during the week, and I don't want to miss that time. So eating mindfully is definately my biggest issue. How about you? What is your biggest issue according these 10 tips?

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center in Bluffton, SC.

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