Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fitness Professionals... What are you paying for?

One of my clients told me a great story recently.

Nancy, who has been a client of mine here at Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Studio for about 5 years was recalling how back in the day, when she belonged to the local Gold’s gym. On her very first day she was given a free personal training session where she was taken over to one specific wall of machines, about 8 machines in total (even though there were over 50 machines in the gym) and was shown one time how to adjust the seat height according to her own height. She didn’t actually do anything on any of the machines accept about 5 reps just to figure out how to use them. The trainer wrote on her little workout card that she needed to do 3 sets of 12 reps at a certain weight.

So Nancy said for years and years, because she is very religious about doing her exercise, she did this same routine at the same weight, same seat adjustments, same repetitions, same number of sets, same everything. Year after year! She did it because that is what her trainer told her to do… Her trainer that she was given to her, for free, for a one time “personal training session”.

I’m sorry but this is not PERSONAL TRAINING! There is nothing personal about what he gave her. Nothing! He probably didn’t even know her goal, or even bothered to ask. Nancy said to me the other day how stupid she was for doing that same routine for so many years. She knew she was never improving in any way, but kept doing the same routine because that’s what her so called trainer said to do.

There are reasons why personal trainers are not considered as professionals. This is one reason.

Times have changed!!!

Nancy has been attending fitness sessions here at Shaping Concepts for many years now. Here’s some of the main reasons why…

We want to know what your goals are from the get go. At Shaping Concepts you don’t pay much for the training session itself. What you are paying for is the program design. We follow a very drawn out design that has been made just for your specific goals.

And forget about sitting on machines, we want you to move and be active. Move functionally, as you do throughout your entire day. You would be very surprised how many squats, lunges, pushing, and pulling movements, and rotations you do all day long. So this is how we train. I mean I can’t remember the last time I did a seated leg extension with a load down at my ankles in the middle of the day, so why would I train my body for that?

And don't forget about learning how to eat properly for your goals and overall health. We do that too. Infact that's 80% of you getting the results you want. When's the last time someone from the local gym told you that?

Another reason to come to Shaping Concepts or any training studio, and not a gym is this…
We are going to teach you about fat loss!

You could do this on your own, or at your local big national chain gym… mobilize fat, transport and oxidize it in the body, keep the insulin stable and glucagon high, raising your metabolism and make sure your omega-3 intake is optimum. Alright GO!


You could join my studio and I’ll take care of all that for you!

This is what today’s fitness professional is. So don’t make the mistake of hiring yourself a personal trainer. Instead go find yourself a fitness professional that knows how to do all this and knows how to come up with a program design according to your goals and needs. Anyone can take you through an exercise routine. Not everyone, however, can teach you how to lose fat.

Your body changes by the minute. Stop doing the same exercises, the same weights, the same reps.


Come in and sit down with me for a free consultation and go through a TRIAL SESSION to see what it’s really like to get fit and healthy.

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Studio in Bluffton, SC

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