Tuesday, September 13, 2011

More Muscle = Less Fat

More muscle equals less fat. It’s a scientific fact!

I know, I know, you don’t want to look like a body builder. Let me tell you, as a fitness professional for 22 plus years now, you WILL NOT get huge bulky muscles unless you inject something into your body, and I highly suggest you NOT DO THAT! It’s unsafe, illegal, and will give you countless side effects for life!

But you still must be improving your muscle strength and muscle tone to increase fat loss. See the body burns fat through the muscle. So the more muscle you have, the less fat you have. It’s really that simple when it comes to fat burning.

You can lose weight with all the fad diets, and just doing cardiovascular exercise day in and day out, but you will not be burning fat. You will however be burning off your muscle when trying to lose weight with low-carb diets and too much cardiovascular exercise. If you do choose to take this harder way out, which most people think that it’s easier, you will see and feel the effects of losing muscle rather than fat. If you want to have the “flabby skin” look and be really run down all the time, then that’s your choice. You will still lose weight, but you will be very unhealthy, and probably have a higher percentage of body fat than when you started, and add that to a higher cholesterol and bad blood sugar readings. Your choice.

If you want to look good, feel good have great readings in your blood sugar, and cholesterol, then start strengthening those muscles.

Here’s an example of how true this is…

Many of you know I’ve had two surgeries on my arm recently, one for a pinched nerve, and the other a torn tendon, which I’ve had for over 3 years. So I’ve been doing really no resistance training for about 6 months. In this time, I’ve been running quite a bit, even training for a marathon.

So before all this happened I averaged about 12% bodyfat. Since there has been no “muscle training” and lots of cardiovascular training, my weight has dropped 20 pounds (I wasn’t trying to lose weight), HOWEVER, my body fat went up to over 20%. I haven’t weighed this little or had this much fat in 20 plus years. I mean I was down to 150 pounds. Here’s the other thing… I had no energy, and really didn’t look good. And more importantly people noticed all this about me.

Here’s what I’m doing now…

As I said I had two surgeries, and still can’t do much strength training, especially some of the functional movements I love doing. But I have started. So here’s the plan I’ve done for the last month: (each day only last about 20 minutes total, if that.)

Monday – 4-5 sets of Chest 15x / Back 15x (nothing over 50 pounds)
Tuesday – 4-5 sets of Shoulders 15x / Triceps 15x / Biceps 15x (nothing over 12 pounds)
Wednesday – the same as Monday
Thursday – the same as Tuesday
Friday – the same as Monday and Wednesday
Sat / Sun – off

(I do my leg exercises each time I run with injury preventative non-weight barring exercises)

Notice that there is NOT ONE ABDOMINAL EXERCISE in this routine!!!

Since I have 8 weeks until my marathon, I’m still doing quite a bit of cardio, which completely counteracts what I’m trying to accomplish.

My running routine is this:

Monday – 3-4 miles (about 30 min)
Wednesday – 20-25 (3-4 miles worth) minutes of interval training
Friday – 4-5 miles (30-40 minutes)
Sunday – 10+ miles (90+ minutes)
Again, this cardio is VERY counter-productive to what my goal is (trying to build more muscle).


I’ve gained 6 pounds of muscle, and have lost about 7% bodyfat which is now down to 15%...and still dropping!

Now imagine what the results would be like if I weren’t doing all that counter-productive cardio. I should only be doing about 2-3 days of an average of 30 minutes.
By the way, remember I said I was doing NO ABDOMINAL EXERCISES? Well, I did this just to prove a point that tons of ab exercises don’t make your tummy tiny. I have a great 8-pack right now, after not having one 4 weeks ago at 22% bodyfat. All I did was uncover them. REMEMBER, THIS IS ONLY AFTER 4 WEEKS!

I have maintained my eating routine of eating right away each morning, and every 3-4 hours until right before I go to bed. Yes, I said MY LAST MEAL OF THE DAY IS 30 MINUTES (or less) BEFORE I GO TO BED. Each time I eat, I make sure there is a lean protein and a complex carb (higher fiber), and either a fruit or a vegetable. That’s it!

I did change my supplements a bit. As you know I take AdvoCare supplements, mainly because of the science and the product testing behind it. I have my Spark energy drink about 5:30am with 5 Catalyst (amino acids). I have an Arginine Extreme drink (for increased muscle endurance) mixed with a Mass Impact drink (for muscle building) 15 minutes before my strength training workout. I have a Post Workout Recovery shake after my workouts. Another Spark around 2-3pm. Sometimes I’ll try to have 3-5 more Catalyst. I have continued with other regulars such as OmegaPlex (Omega-3’s), Coreplex (multivitamin), Purple Champs (development of the brain, eyes, and nerves & overall health), and CitriZinc ((immune support). I will also have a Rehydrate drink (electrolyte replacement) before and after runs, and O2 Gold (enhances oxygen intake for prolong periods) on my long run days.

So I’m telling you all this so that you really understand the differences of losing “weight” and losing FAT! Honestly people, if you choose the rout of losing “weight”, 99% of the time you will be heavier in the future than when you started. That is a FACT, not an opinion! Losing “weight” is actually harder to do than losing fat. Think about it, you have to cut carbs, or even worse, cutting calories. That’s just not easy for anyone. I’m not sure why anyone would want to cut anything from their diet. You can eat more carbs and more protein, and actually eat more food than normal when you plan to lose fat. It’s also harder to do hours and hours of cardio in order to lose “weight”. When trying to lose fat it only takes 2-3 times a week for about 30 minutes.

Most people pick the losing “weight” option simply because of the strength training. The perception is that it’s hard, it’s painful, and it just flat out hurts all the time. That is only a perception. If done correctly, strength training can be fun and be done in a minimal amount of time. Being coached on how to train your muscles the correct way is vital as you want to do it in the most efficient way possible.

There you have it. It’s your choice, but know that I will always pay more attention and work more with those that choose the losing FAT path. The path that people choose tells me a lot about what type of person they are. Trust me when I say this, I know it when you choose the losing “weight” option. I can see right through it, and so can everyone else.

Again, it’s your choice. I don’t want to steer you towards one path more than the other, but…

Okay are you kidding me???? Of course I do! Everyone needs to burn FAT, not just lose weight. This is what makes you a healthy person or not. And that is what it’s all about… being healthy and fit!

If you would like help in losing that unwanted FAT and become a healthier, come in for a FREE TRIAL SESSION Today!

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts fitness studios in Bluffton, SC.

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