Monday, October 24, 2011

14 Body Transformation Secrets (Part II)

Secret #8: You must eat plenty of fiber!

This is a big time secret for successful weight loss. Eating plenty of fiber in your diet
will have a bigger impact on your ability to lose weight than probably any other
nutritional strategy. Look for foods like cereals and bread that have a minimum of
three grams of fiber per serving. Eating fiber will keep you from feeling hungry,
improve your digestion and help you reduce your waistline fast! Try AdvoCare’s Fruit and Fiber Bars or Fiber Drink to increase more fiber. (Located in the studio or

Secret #9: You must create regular diet & exercise routines!

When it comes to making changes in your diet and exercise the most important thing
you can do is work on creating routines. Successful change comes from the repetition
of certain acts over and over again. Remember you’re making lifestyle changes not
just going on a short term diet. Go grocery shopping at the same time each week,
prepare your meals for the next day and schedule your time for exercise just like you
do any other appointment. I cannot stress how important this is.

You don’t have to be perfect in the beginning nor should you expect to be. Simply
work on creating better routines every day and you’ll soon find healthy eating and
exercising to be second nature.

Secret #10: You must be willing to make sacrifices!

You probably already knew this but it’s essential to your success. It’s easy to make
excuses for why you can’t eat healthy or find time for exercise. The reality is we all
have 24 hours to use each day. It’s up to you to decide how you’ll use the time. Take
an honest look at your lifestyle and habits right now and decide what’s most

Here’s some straight talk on what you need to do. If there’s any person, activity, or
habit that is not positive or supportive towards your weight loss goals they’ve got to
go! The most successful people have the guts to do this and their results show it. Go
and do likewise.

Secret #11: You must know your caloric requirements!

You cannot get your body to release stored fat unless you provide it with an energy
balance. Calories are simply energy and if you’re not eating enough to support your
resting metabolic rate plus daily activities you put your body in a fat storing mode.
Most people have no idea how many calories they should be eating for fat loss
and thus they struggle with seeing results. This is a vital piece of information to your
success. The reality is your metabolism is unique and experience has shown us that
it’s very ineffective to estimate your caloric needs. The majority of people who start
our programs are surprised to learn they’re actually not eating enough calories to lose

I recommend you complete a Nutritional Coaching Session each month if you’re serious about making a body transformation. (A Shaping Concepts trainer can scheduling this into your program each month).

Secret #12: You must use a heart rate monitor!

The most effective cardiovascular exercise routines are built around your individual
target heart rate zones. The intensity or heart rate range where your body is best at
burning fat is unique to your metabolism and body make-up.
Once you learn your ideal target heart rate zones you can begin exercising with pin point accuracy. Having a heart rate monitor is essential to tracking your intensity during cardio workouts. Polar® is my heart rate monitor brand of choice due to their compatibility with most
cardio equipment.

Secret #13: You must set quantifiable goals!

The practice of goal setting makes everything seem to fall in place. However, you
must set goals that can be measured. Set a number to the percentage of body fat or
inches you want to lose. This way you can measure your progress. Write your goals
down on an index card and post it someplace like your bathroom mirror where you’ll
see it at least twice daily. This is an extremely powerful technique. You become what
you think about so fill your subconscious thoughts with your goals as much as
possible. Your body really does follow your mind. Tell your mind over and over what
you expect and the results will amaze you.

Secret #14: You must eliminate processed and refined foods from your diet!

These foods are big time culprits for hindering weight loss. You think you’re doing well
by eating “low-fat” or “no-sugar” diet foods but in reality these foods are part of the
problem. Three words you should look to avoid on food labels are “hydrogenated, high
fructose corn syrup, and enriched.” These are just a few of the indicators that the
food has been processed, refined or chemically altered. The further you get away from
whole foods the harder it is to lose weight. Eating breads, cereal and other starches
high in fiber along with fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, nuts, fish, legumes, etc. is the
secret to slimming your waistline and improving your health. There are no magic pills,
diets or other shortcuts that will work like eating whole foods and exercising.

Come in and sit down with me for a free consultation and go through a TRIAL SESSION to see what it’s really like to get fit and healthy.

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center.

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