Monday, October 17, 2011

14 Body Transformation Secrets to Success (Part I)

Secret #1: You must eat something every 3-4 hours!!!

One of the most important steps in your metabolism makeover is stabilizing pancreatic
hormones so you can begin releasing stored body fat. Eating small meals frequently
throughout the day helps provide a consistent supply of energy signaling to your body
that it no longer needs to store fat.

Secret #2: You must do aerobic exercise!

The majority of your weight loss especially in the beginning will come from doing
aerobic exercise like walking. The most successful clients start with aerobic exercise
for 30-45 minutes each day for a minimum of five days per week. The intensity needs
to be low for aerobic exercise, that’s why walking is so effective. You don’t necessarily need to
start performing higher intensity cardio routines until after an aerobic base is
established. Consult with your trainer on your ideal target heart rate range for aerobic

Secret #3: You must drink plenty of water!

This is an absolute necessity. You cannot lose weight without drinking a minimum of
eight glasses of water each day. This is a minimum requirement. Multiply your
bodyweight by .55 to determine your target water intake in ounces. Carry a water
bottle with you everywhere you go and sip on it throughout the day.

Secret #4: You must minimize alcohol consumption!

The cold hard truth is alcohol is nothing more than empty calories made up of sugar
that can stop fat burning in its tracks! There’s plenty of research showing the
numerous benefits of a glass of red wine daily to your health, but the key is
moderation. If you’re going to drink alcohol, do so with a meal and limit your intake. The choice is yours but remember your decision on how much alcohol you consume will always
affect your results.

Secret #5: You must decrease your consumption of saturated (animal fats) while
increasing unsaturated (omega-3) fats!

The latest research is showing that one of the biggest problems with the American
diet is that we’re not eating enough unsaturated fats. These are the “good fats”
typically found in cold water fish and plant sources. I recommend you supplement
your diet with AdvoCare’s OmegaPlex (found on the supplement shelf in the studio or at The benefits to your overall health and waistline from taking extra Omega-3’s daily are so numerous that I consider it a “super food.” Also, you can choose whatever brand you want, but take note that we carry AdvoCare products because of the world-class science and testing behind the products. You just have no idea what you are getting from an “over the counter” product.

Secret #6: You must consume plenty of fruits and vegetables!

I’m sure this is not breaking news to you but eating more fruits and vegetables really
is essential to your success. You must make a conscious effort through your meal
planning and grocery shopping to incorporate more fruits and vegetables. It’s recommended to eat 9-13 servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

Secret #7: You must provide your body with adequate rest!

If you’re not getting 6-8 hours of sleep each night you’re significantly limiting your
ability to lose body fat and develop lean muscle. Not getting enough sleep will cause a
stress response in your body and raise cortisol hormone levels. This will make it very
difficult to release stored body fat and allow for muscle re-growth and recovery. Many people including myself, struggle with getting enough sleep. I personally take AdvoCare’s SleepWorks to help with this. ( I absolutely LOVE it!!


Come in and sit down with me for a free consultation and go through a TRIAL SESSION to see what it’s really like to get fit and healthy.

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center.

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