Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Important Question To Ask Yourself...

Chad Cannon here, YOUR Fat Loss Expert!
I have a very important question I want you to ask yourself. The answer you give yourself is so meaningful to your entire life, your entire being. The answer you give yourself is the structure of your entire life!
What is my question? You better make sure you are seated before you read on, because that’s how meaningful it is. It truly defines your entire life!
Okay, here it is…
How “passionate” are you about the things in your life?
I’m talking about the things that you really and truly love. I’m talking about the things you really and truly care about. I’m talking about the love you give to others, and yourself. I’m talking about the goals you set for your wealth. I’m talking about the goals you set for your health.
For the most part my training clients come in to lose weight and expect me to do all the work to make them lose weight. The fact is, they are not going to lose anything unless there is a “passion” to do so. If that “passion” is there, they will do anything in their power, that they know is the best and smartest way to do so to get the results they truly want.
“Passion” drives you! I cannot put it any simpler than that. “Passion” drives you!
For those of you that don’t have “passion” or don’t know where to get it…”passion” comes from one place and one place only!
From “Emotion”!
“Emotion” WILL fuel your “passion”!”Emotion” WILL fill your “passion” up so much you will feel like you can accomplish anything. Not just feel it, you know it! I’m not just saying that, I truly mean that!
I was in Dallas last weekend for an Advocare Success School. The experience I had during this ranked up there with my children being born and the moment I saw my wife walk down the isle. It was truly that “emotional” for me! I’m not ashamed to say I got teary-eyed at least 20 times over the three day event. These were tears of “passion” and love of my future – of what I know is going to happen to me, my family, and generations of my family to come. I saw many people go through that transformation up front and saw people achieve their purpose in life right before my eyes. I saw people arrive where they’ve been trying to get for years.
I know what my purpose is in life here on this earth. I’ve known for quite some time now. The difference is I know now how to fulfill what I’m suppose to do. I now have “passion” about it, and I got it from all the emotion I had and saw people go through last weekend at the Advocare Success School.
I saw and heard so many GREAT “passionate” people that spoke from emotion. Two of the best I saw were Andy Andrews . He had to be the best speaker I’ve EVER seen or heard. He’s also probably the craziest person I’ve ever seen! You HAVE to check out his books! I’m so not kidding! Get them NOW!
The other person you might be pretty shocked at. Don’t laugh! It was presidential candidate Governor Mike Huckabee . I learned many things about his past he shared with us…did you know he was given by doctors a “health” death sentence about 7 years ago from having type II diabetes? He went on to lose 150+ pounds, run 4 marathons including the New York City Marathon, and so much more. That’s a whole other story I’ll bring up later some other day.
Honestly, I’ve NEVER EVER been around so many honest, influential, “passionate” people in my entire life. I’m talking probably 2-3 thousand people.
If you want to sit down and talk with me or phone conversation personally with me, about how to become “passionate” and have purpose in your life, I am absolutely here for you. I might not be able to help you. I might not be able to draw from your emotion. I might not be able to help at all, but on the other hand…I MIGHT! I’m giving out –in this newsletter only- my personal cell phone number. You can call me anytime, no charge, no fees of any kind. Let me help you with what I’ve learned. Call NOW if you want true “passion” and purpose in your life. 843-263-6287.
If anyone wants to attend the next Advocare Success School with me and my wife, the next one is in February 2009 in Dallas. We already have our tickets! Let me help you get yours NOW! Call me 843-263-6287!

Okay everyone, I have a short video that I want you to watch from the time I was in Dallas. One of my good friends “Z Buttar” from Florida, spoke a few words for me. Check it out here:


Advocare Teresa In Beaumont said...

Welcome to Advocare. You know you can create hot links in your text so that you just have to click on the word to go to the link and you do not have to include the entire URL within the sentence.

Advocare Teresa In Beaumont said...

When you type your word to Link e.g. Andy Andrews, highlight it and then click on the hot link icon above the post box, probably near font color and size icons, a box will open for you to enter the URL.

Once I figured this out, I went hot link crazy!

And wait till you start discovering widgets!

Good Luck

Shaping Concepts Wellness and Fitness said...

Thanks, Still a bit confusing, but I'll figure it out.