Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Biggest Weekend of the Year is Finally Here!

It's the hard-nose, get down-N-dirty, rough-em, tough-em, bring it on kind of weekend. I'm talking about the best, I mean absolute BEST competitive sporting event ever to take place! I'm talking about the Ohio Sate vs. Michigan football game.
Yes, once per year I have the joy of watching this fantastic, can't miss event. And once per year I'll have the Monday after where I can rub in how the "big M" LOST AGAIN to all my fabulous Michigan clients that I do love dearly! They truly deserve it though!They like to talk down my beloved Buckeyes all year long, but when it comes down to the Monday after the game, every year it seems to be my turn again.

I'll put a little wager, a fitness wager if you will on it this year, cause' the "big M" is that bad. I'm talking absolutely awful!!!

That's right, I'll put a wager on it. All you Michigan clients of mine (you know who you are! The ones that harass me all year long, because you are so jealous.) you have to sign up with me for some more personal training sessions ( how about just half as many as my Buckeyes put up on the scoreboard. However, if Michigan does pull a miracle out of their you know whats, I'll give you FREE personal training sessions -again, half as many as the Wolverines put on the scoreboard.

My word is like Oak! Good luck to you!

P.S. Be careful of falling buckeyes from the heavens - (God's a Buckeye fan too!)

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