Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I'm not Perfect, How About You?

Thanksgiving week is next week. I'm sure many of you are trying to save room for the great feast. Trust me, I love all those fabulous foods as well. Yes, even the pumpkin pie (with cool-whip of course).

I'm definitely not perfect by any means, especially when it comes to the holidays. Most of you think that I don't cheat at all, that I eat perfectly all the time. The truth is, I cheat quite a bit. But for the most part, I eat pretty healthy. (I'm not trying to lose weight either).

I know I'll eat pretty badly this Thanksgiving, so I've been working out a little extra and a little harder the last few weeks. I know that during dinner I'll be fine. It's the deserts that kill me. You see if there are sweets in the house (cake, pie, candy, etc.) I'm a goner! That's why I don't keep any of that stuff in my house most of the year. If it's not there, I won't eat it. But this Thanksgiving, the pumpkin pie, the cherry pie, cookies and more, uhhggg. It's just as hard for me as it is for you!

So let's make a pact this Thanksgiving - a pact we'll do together, you and me! I'll only have one serving of everything at dinner, then one piece of desert. 4 hours later, I'll do it all again, but choosing a different desert this time. I might do this 3-5 times over a 2 day span, but at least I won't stuff myself all at once and make myself feel like crap! This way I get to have every desert there is (just once).

If I can do it, so can you! Come on, take the challenge with me. We are not perfect, nobody is! So let's both eat a healthier way this Thanksgiving. Enjoy you feast!

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