Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fat People Allow Failures of The Past To Hold Them Back!

Believe that it is very possible to use past failures to succeed in the future! Is this something you believe?

You see most fat people allow past failures to hold them back from future endeavors, whereas fit people use their past failures to push forward to a better life.

You cannot and should not assume that that the future will be the same as what happened in the past. The future has not happened yet! You control and make a decision towards everything that happens next. Nothing that has happened yesterday should happen again. Instead, use what happened yesterday to springboard you to a different and better future.

Everyone fails sometime or another.

In fact the most very successful people have failed more often than those not so successful. The only difference is the very successful people learned from their failures and changed to improve on them.

Most people see failure as proof that they are not good enough, educated enough, even smart enough to achieve greatness. Only a few "world-class thinkers" use past failures as learning experiences to start over at a higher level. Nothing is different with the failures. A failure is a failure! The difference is in the thinking after the failure.

This is what we call "Mental Toughness"!

So decide right now to let go of all your fear of failing, whatever it may be and carry on or move forward thinking like a champion.

It is completely up to you.

To experience what world class thinking is all about just for one day, act like it is impossible to fail all day long.

You just might like the way it feels and continue on with that everyday.
Chad Cannon is a speaker, author, fat loss expert, and owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Studios of Bluffton/Hilton Head, SC.

Monday, October 19, 2009

I'll Start Tomorrow

"I'll start over on Monday"

Is this you?

Are you one of those people that have used this action step over and over again that never has action to it?

Wake up and realize that your Monday is never going to come. There is no waiting. TODAY is the day to start the first day of the rest of your life to better health and fitness.

Ask youreslf "When am I going to stop starting over?" It's not like your cholesterol started over. Your diebetes didn't start over. Your high blood pressure didn't start over. What makes starting over every time better? What makes tomorrow better than today to get fit?

The fact is, if you continue starting over every time life gets in the way, you WILL eventually die fat!

Starting over is an endless loop that keeps people fat foever.

Whatever you are planning to improve your health and fitness, stop planning and go do it! TODAY!

Chad Cannon is a speaker, author, fat loss expert, and owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Studios of Bluffton/Hilton Head, SC.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Losing Weight With Carbohydrates

To LOSE WEIGHT you must reduce carbohydrates! UNFORTUNATELY this is what people all over our great nation believe is to be true, but are VERY WRONG! Most people cut down on bread, cereals, and sugars, etc.

Many of these are very important energy sources which your body consistantly needs. Plus, if you cut down on carbohydrates, which by the way is cutting calories (not a good thing when trying to lose weight!) you will lose weight, but you will also be shrinking yourself. This is because tissue won't be replaced and repaired the way it should. ONLY when the body has enough carbohydrates will it allow protein to build new tissue. When reducung the amount of carbohydrates, protein is used to provide energy which in tern leads to tissue losing the ability to repair and rebuild.

Foods that contain larger amounts of refines sugars and starches (bad carbohydrates) promote a sudden rise in blood sugar levels, providing an immediate source of energy that is spiked by insulin and is rapidly followed by low blood sugar levels. This can cause more craving of more bad sugars, fatigue, dizziness, nervousness, and even headaches. In this ongoing process the body surpresses other nutrients that are very essential to everyday living, which results in becoming obese. Most diets are high in refined sugars (bad carbohydrates) and low in vitamins and minerals.

Most carbohydrates with white flour, white sugar and polished rice are lacking the essential Vitamin B you get from good carbohydrates, which comes directly from the sun.

Eat carbohydrates for more energy, resulting in a higher metabolism, but only the good carbohydrates!
Chad Cannon is a speaker, author, fat loss expert, and owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Studios of Bluffton/Hilton Head, SC.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fat People Hang Out With Other Fat People. Fit People Hang Out With Other Fit People. MAKE SENSE?

In your "inner circle" of friends, how many of them are fat and how many are fit?

I've always been taught to hang out with people that I want to be like. Rich people hang out with other rich people. Great business owners hang out with other great business owners, great athletes hang out with other great athletes, happy people hang out with other happy people. And guess what? Fat people usually have fat friends that are just as unhappy as they are.

Try to build good relationships with fit people who will have a positive impact on your life, your thinking, everything you do. Don't cut out the others, but start spending less time with them and much more time with fit people.

Who's in your inner circle?

Chad Cannon is a speaker, author, fat loss expert, and owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Studios of Bluffton/Hilton Head, SC.

Monday, October 5, 2009

How Digestion Effects The Metabolism

The metabolic process is different for all individuals. It all starts with Digestion. Digestion starts directly in the mouth where food first touches the body. Digestion then moves from the mouth to the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and the large intestine. This is where the mechanical and chemical phases of the metabolic process happen. Most people think that metabolism is determined just from what they eat and how much they exercise. While those two are very relative in helping the metabolism, digestion is a big determinent factor in your metabolism. If your digestion is not running smoothly, your metabolism might be slower than you think.

Your body is about 55% water, 20% protein, 15% fat, 9% minerals, and 1% carbohydrates and vitamins. These basic blocks must be replaced on a consistant basis through the foods we eat. However, each individual will have different proportions of each component.

Some foods are used as fuel and are burned right away for fast energy. Other foods become building blocks of tissue and fluids.
Chad Cannon is a speaker, author, fat loss expert, and owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Studios of Bluffton/Hilton Head, SC.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Being Over-Fat - Not Over-Weight

So many health problems can arrise from having excess body-fat. A few to name that you may have are Hypertension, which increases the risk of Stroke. Being over-fat can also increase the percentages of having Disbetes, which can bring on other illnesses. Heart Disease majorly increases with having too much body-fat, which makes a much higher percentage of Atherosclerosis. Also associated with high body-fat are Abdominal Hernias, Varicose Veins, Gout, Cancers, Respiratory Problems, Arthritis, Complications during Pregnancy, Labor and other forms of Surgery. Wait, that's not all. Being over-fat can also lead to a High Accident Rate and even Flat Feet.
Chad Cannon is a fitness professional, certified trainer, author, motivational speaker, and fat loss expert. He owns Shaping Concepts Fitness Studio in Hilton Head, SC.