Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Views On The New Kentucky Grilled Chicken

This has been all over the news. Kentucky Fried Chicken is trying something new…Kentucky GRILLED Chicken. Dietician Jayson Hunter and Trainer Holly Rigsby wrote a small piece for you on their views on the new Kentucky Grilled Chicken...

This is taken right from a press release off their website:

Jayson Hunter, RD, CSCS

“The introduction of Kentucky Grilled Chicken is a defining moment in our brand’s storied history,” said KFC President Roger Eaton. “KGC is the latest menu innovation that showcases our commitment to meeting our customers’ ever-changing needs while staying true to the standards of high quality and great taste pioneered by Colonel Sanders. This product will transform the industry.”

Well, at least they’re trying.

Or is it too late? Are they just doing this so they don’t get sued some day for their role in the obesity epidemic?

What do YOU think about the new “KGC”?

Holly Rigsby - Gotta love it!
Fast Food is Fast Food - whether it is grilled, comes in a “fit and active” happy meal or paired with a side of apple fries.

We need to stop looking for reasons to eat fast food - period.

“KFC says the grilled chicken has significantly fewer calories and fat, plus much less sodium, than its Original Recipe fried chicken…”Well no duh!

If you do not fry something it is going to be less….but how much less? When you take out the Fat you have to make it taste just as good another way…hmm, increased sodium?

Meals come with 2 pieces -a breast and a wing for ex - you are looking at 260 calories and 8 grams of fat - 600 mg of sodium……..not horrible right?

Maybe, but you order GRILLED KGC and are still eating up the biscuits, butter, mashed potatoes and cole slaw.

Where is the difference again???

The healthy options that are provided are a great way to save face, but the reality of it is that 1. this option is not that much better for you and 2. the majority of KFC’s sales comes from FRIED chicken anyway.
I remember when they were advertising “zero grams of trans fat” - and seeing commercials of families digging in to a big bucket of fried chicken - hello? just because you remove one “bad” ingredient does not mean that all of a sudden this is good for you.

Wasn’t their a similar trend with McD’s …adding healthier options? Sure they have salads and grilled chicken- but what else is being ordered with the salads (not to mention the ridiculous calories from salad dressing)…FRIES …and moms cannot deny this…I DO even do this once in a while.

And how many trips does it take to a place like this before you go back to ordering what you have always ordered?

If you MUST eat out, sure grilled is better over fried - however, let’s use common sense on this one and see the big picture effect that this will have on your fat loss efforts as well as your health.

Chad Cannon is a certified personal trainer, fat loss expert, speaker, author, and founder of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Studios. Learn more about how you can receive a FREE no obligations trial of his Shaping Concepts of Bluffton Fitness Programs and Boot Camps.

Top 10 Reasons Why You Will Fail...

1. You have failed before.

2. You are too old so just give it up now.

3. You don’t have a gym membership and it’s too cold or too hot to go outside.

4. You are a loser.

5. Healthy food is too expensive.

6. You are lucky to have 10 minutes to yourself these days so how are you supposed to stay on a regular workout and healthy eating routine?

7. Everyone who has lost fat and have kept it off just have a lot more willpower than you do or they are just smarter, maybe luckier and probably are just better than you.

8. For you to lose weight would be vein and below your standards. “Shallow” if you will.

9. You don’t want to lose all your overweight friends.

10. It’s impossible to fight the fat genes that you have inherited.

Alright I can’t stop. Here is a bonus for you…

Bonus… What else is there to talk about other than complaining about yourself?

Chad Cannon is a certified personal trainer, fat loss expert, speaker, author, and founder of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Studios. Learn more about how you can receive a FREE no obligations trial of his Shaping Concepts of Bluffton Fitness Programs and Boot Camps.

How I Lost 15 Pounds In Just 5 Minutes!

Okay, you want to know the real secret on how to lose body fat fast. I promise, no gimmicks, no weird exercise gadgets, no supplements, no diets. This is simply the real deal on how I lost 15 pounds of UGLY, UNWANTED FAT in 5 minutes!

Yes, I was overweight at one time. Back in 1995-6 I coached college track while attending grad school an hour away. I spent most of my days where I coached and lived on Big Macs about three times per day, everyday. Once I stopped coaching at the college level, I decided to get my body back. I tried everything and nothing worked. Finally, I found the absolute best possible way to get rid of my fat and I did it in 5 minutes. And I did it at a very low price of about $4.
I walked down to the hardware store, bought myself a hack saw and cut all the fat off me. It only took about 5 minutes.

Okay, I didn’t really do that. I must say though that I certainly wanted to, as do many of you I’m sure. Well I hate to say it over and over again, but nothing you do will make you lose fat that fast. Losing weight simply takes time. It is work. It takes determination. It takes willpower. It takes a lifestyle change! If you aren’t willing to put forth the effort, then live with the consequences and stop complaining about it.

I lost my weight by eating healthier and exercising. I put myself in that situation, so I got myself out of it. Yes it took time, but think about what I would look like today and how I would feel today if I didn’t take a few months to make some changes.

You can do the same. You CAN do the same!
Chad Cannon is a certified personal trainer, fat loss expert, speaker, author, and founder of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Studios. Learn more about how you can receive a FREE no obligations trial of his Shaping Concepts of Bluffton Fitness Programs and Get Sexy Boot Camps.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Daughter and My Muscles

My daughter saw me the other day with a sleeveless shirt on and said to me "wow daddy, you’ve got some muscles". That’s pretty cool coming from a 6 year old.
Earlier that morning the two of us went to the recycling center and her job was to recycle all the magazines. I had a few fitness magazines in there, some with some big body building guys on the covers. She was very intrigued by their muscles and couldn’t stop looking and commenting on them.
So after commenting on MY muscles that night, she then went on to say "If you work hard you could look like those muscle guys too." This is a funny conversation I’m having with a 6 year old girl (keep in mind that she’s always around fitness and a healthy lifestyle being in my family).
So we sit down and have an education session. I go on to tell her that no matter how hard I try, daddy will never look like those guys. I explained to her that my genetics won’t let my body do that. She actually understood that part. So then I said I’d probably have to spend 5 hours a day, everyday working out to even come close to looking like that years and years from now, and I would have to eat about 3 or 4 chicken breasts every meal every day.
So she said "daddy, because you work so much, you’ll have to get to the studio in the middle of the night, around 2 o’clock and workout before you start training people." She said "set your alarm, you need to start tonight".
I told her I would do it but only if she came with me every night. She said "okay daddy, I’ll set my alarm too." Then she added "But wait…Maybe I should ask my teacher first. She might not like that idea".
Chad Cannon is a certified personal trainer, fitness professional, owner of Shaping Concepts of Bluffton, author and speaker. Get your free trial at http://www.shapingconceptsbluffton.com

No Time To Workout? Whatever...Watch This Video!

So I walked in the bathroom last night to help my wife give the kids their nightly bath. When I walked in however, my wife wasn’t bathing them. Our kids were playing together in the water while my wife was doing a workout. IN THE BATHROOM! So of course I had to grab a camera...

From now on, if I hear anyone say that they don’t have time to get a workout in, I will always think of my wife doing her bathroom workout.

When you think you are too busy you might just be in the perfect place to get a quick workout in!

Chad Cannon is a certified personal trainer, fitness professional. owner of Shaping Concepts of Bluffton, author and speaker. For a trail offer at Shaping Concepets fitness go to http://www.shapingconceptsbluffton.com/

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Simply Breathing

You’ve all seen it…The muscle head wanna be in the meat-head gym that throws the weights around and grunts so loud you can hear him from the showers. You know what I’m talking about. Did you ever wonder why they grunt? Well I’m gonna tell ya!

You see the one’s that grunt were never taught how to properly exert their energy through breathing therefore are having trouble with the exercise because of that. I understand that they are most likely trying to push around too much weight and that would force them to grunt a little. However, if they were to calm down and focus on the movement, and breathe normally, like they were walking down the street, pushing that same heavy weight would be much easier.

Inhaling during the easier part of the movement and exhaling during the tougher part helps the body relax, and when the body is relaxed is can exert more energy. Try it. Get on the floor, do as many push-ups as you possibly can, even on your knees if you have to. Once you get to the point of failure breathe very easy outword as you push yourself up and breathe in slowly as you go back down and I bet you can knock out a few more reps. Go ahead, try it.

Now you know how to breathe properly while exercising. WOW! Who would of thought?
Chad Cannon is a certified personal trainer, fat loss expert, speaker, author, and founder of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Studios. Learn more about how you can receive a FREE no obligations trial of his Shaping Concepts of Bluffton Fitness Programs and Get Sexy Boot Camps.

What ESPN taught me...

So I was catching up on a little Sports Center over the weekend as I try to do at least once every week to see if any new NFL trades have happened, any new baseball players failed steroid tests, see how Tiger was doing in his comeback, and many other things. I happened to see a poker commercial (only on ESPN!). Even though I can’t stand card games, this particular advertisement caught my attention. It said something like…They all start with the same odds. That got me thinking about the life in weight loss and how, for the most part, we all start with the same odds when it comes to losing weight.

Some people need to lose a lot, some a little. Most people have chosen to eat unhealthy and not exercise, which is why they are in that position in the first place. Most people need to decide one way or the other which path they will continue to go down.

For the most part, everyone that needs to lose weight has gone down the same path, the wrong and unhealthy one for many reasons. But my point is that most people did the same thing. All those people now have the same odds in choosing which path to go down next. I’m not talking about circumstances now. I’m only talking about the odds they have to choose which path to take. Everyone has the same odds. Either choose the same path that got them where they currently are, or, choose the healthier path and make a life changing decision.

We all started out with the same odds. I know which one I chose for myself. Which path will you choose?

Chad Cannon is a certified personal trainer, fat loss expert, speaker, author, and founder of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Studios. Learn more about how you can receive a FREE no obligations trial of his Shaping Concepts of Bluffton Fitness Programs and Get Sexy Boot Camps.

It's a First Ever in Shaping Concepts History!

I’m honestly wondering if the population in the U.S. has completely lost its enthusiasm for losing weight. Well, let me take that back. I wonder if as an overall population people just don’t want to put the effort into losing the weight correctly anymore. There are now so many other ways to lose weight these days (unhealthy ways) yet the one that everyone knows is the healthiest way to lose the weight, the one way that everyone knows will help the body feel and look better, has almost gone by the way side. You know the way I’m talking about; eat healthy and exercise.

As I mentioned before, here at Shaping Concepts there has been a first. That first however is not a good one. I’m certainly not happy about it. Maybe it’s me. Maybe people just don’t care about taking care of themselves any longer. I’m not sure what the deal is. I do know it completely HAS to change.

You see we have plenty of clients here at Shaping Concepts. At the beginning of each day, our books say we are completely full. However, this is the honest to God’s truth…We have had more cancelations in the last 30 days than we have had training sessions. I’m honestly lucky my doors are still open. Now I don’t want people to come in for me, so I can keep my place open for business. I want people to come in on a regular basis to lose weight, and take care of themselves, keep their medical bills down, and just feel good about themselves. I personally couldn’t live with myself knowing I took the easy way out. But that’s just me.

And don’t tell me it’s the economy. That’s a bunch of…BS!… People are canceling to take trips and going to great places, meanwhile when I do see them once in a blue moon, I hear…”I just can’t seem to lose any weight.” Well guess what people, you never will if you keep stopping! Working out once every two weeks isn’t going to do CRAP. I personally workout at least 5 days per week. I don’t do anything real hard. I do some cardio mixed in with my resistance training 3 days per week and add 2 days of easy cardio on two other days. Each one of these last less than 20 minutes usually. Oh, and I watch what I eat as well. Yes, I cheat every now and then, but I make little sacrifices here and there. It’s not hard! So why are people sacrificing their own health then complaining about how bad they feel all the time? I don’t know, but I’m going to do something about it. My profession IS FAILING! And as a fitness professional I got in this business 20 years ago to make a difference, so I guess it’s time I need to go do that. Cause I apparently have done a horrible job thus far as an overall big picture. Yes, I’ve changed many lives around, but as a population, it’s not looking good.

So what do I do about this? There are many things I could do. There are many things I need to do. Then there are many things I should do. I have to figure out the things that will make the most profound statement. Give me your opinion on what you think I should do to change this lazy minded – take the easy way out epidemic. I’d like to hear all your ideas. Remember , I’m looking to change the overall population, not a few people here and there.

Chad Cannon is a certified personal trainer, fat loss expert, speaker, author, and founder of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Studios. Learn more about how you can receive a FREE no obligations trial of his Shaping Concepts of Bluffton Fitness Programs and Get Sexy Boot Camps.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mind Over Matter

I am seeing the world in more than just a physical, objective, subjective level. I am seeing the world on a spiritual level that is fairly new to me. And for some reason I have connected a spiritual level to exercise. I can reach past all the physical feelings most of us feel while working out. I can now focus my energy on improving each and every movement to the extreme through relaxation and focus, not what I feel physically. Yes I still feel the burning muscle fibers, and yes the muscles do eventually fatigue, however I have taught myself through focus that my muscle fatigue can go much longer than I ever thought to get to the failing point. Where most people stop as soon as the muscle burn starts happening, I now thrive on that feeling knowing that is the time where I am going to improve myself and in-turn keep going. I know the burn is there. I also know the burn will not get any worse. Face it, burn is burn no matter if you feel it for 5 seconds of 60 seconds. I just relax and focus on the movements and focus on flexing the muscles as hard as I can till I can no longer flex them, usually a minute or more longer after I first wanted to stop. This completely comes from a spiritual level. It goes way past the physical level.

I focus on the movement, not the pain. I try to complete each movement to the best of my ability, then move on to the next movement. I completely block out everything else around me. I don’t let anything or any other movements or sounds distract me from accomplishing that movement. The only ending point is when the muscle actually gives out, not when the pain kicks in. I challenge you to try this methodology next time you workout and see if you can do much more than you ever thought you could.

Watch this clip from the movie “Peaceful Warrior” and see if you can take something from it into your workouts and everyday things that you do.

Chad Cannon is a certified personal trainer, fat loss expert, speaker, author, and founder of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Studios. Learn more about how you can receive a FREE no obligations trial of his Shaping Concepts of Bluffton Fitness Programs and Get Sexy Boot Camps.

7 At-Home Glute Tightening Exercises

Hey Chad Cannon here with 7 exercises you can do in the privacy of your own home to tighten your behind. None of us wants that part of our body to jiggle, so follow this circuit on the video and your glutes will thank me later. Enjoy!

Chad Cannon is a certified personal trainer, fat loss expert, speaker, author, and owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Studios in Bluffton, SC. Learn more about how you can receive a FREE no obligations trial of his Shaping Concepts Fitness Programs or the Get Sexy Boot Camp Trial.