This is taken right from a press release off their website:

“The introduction of Kentucky Grilled Chicken is a defining moment in our brand’s storied history,” said KFC President Roger Eaton. “KGC is the latest menu innovation that showcases our commitment to meeting our customers’ ever-changing needs while staying true to the standards of high quality and great taste pioneered by Colonel Sanders. This product will transform the industry.”
Well, at least they’re trying.
Or is it too late? Are they just doing this so they don’t get sued some day for their role in the obesity epidemic?
What do YOU think about the new “KGC”?

We need to stop looking for reasons to eat fast food - period.
“KFC says the grilled chicken has significantly fewer calories and fat, plus much less sodium, than its Original Recipe fried chicken…”Well no duh!
If you do not fry something it is going to be less….but how much less? When you take out the Fat you have to make it taste just as good another way…hmm, increased sodium?
Meals come with 2 pieces -a breast and a wing for ex - you are looking at 260 calories and 8 grams of fat - 600 mg of sodium……..not horrible right?
Maybe, but you order GRILLED KGC and are still eating up the biscuits, butter, mashed potatoes and cole slaw.
Where is the difference again???
The healthy options that are provided are a great way to save face, but the reality of it is that 1. this option is not that much better for you and 2. the majority of KFC’s sales comes from FRIED chicken anyway.
I remember when they were advertising “zero grams of trans fat” - and seeing commercials of families digging in to a big bucket of fried chicken - hello? just because you remove one “bad” ingredient does not mean that all of a sudden this is good for you.
Wasn’t their a similar trend with McD’s …adding healthier options? Sure they have salads and grilled chicken- but what else is being ordered with the salads (not to mention the ridiculous calories from salad dressing)…FRIES …and moms cannot deny this…I DO even do this once in a while.
And how many trips does it take to a place like this before you go back to ordering what you have always ordered?
If you MUST eat out, sure grilled is better over fried - however, let’s use common sense on this one and see the big picture effect that this will have on your fat loss efforts as well as your health.