Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mind Over Matter

I am seeing the world in more than just a physical, objective, subjective level. I am seeing the world on a spiritual level that is fairly new to me. And for some reason I have connected a spiritual level to exercise. I can reach past all the physical feelings most of us feel while working out. I can now focus my energy on improving each and every movement to the extreme through relaxation and focus, not what I feel physically. Yes I still feel the burning muscle fibers, and yes the muscles do eventually fatigue, however I have taught myself through focus that my muscle fatigue can go much longer than I ever thought to get to the failing point. Where most people stop as soon as the muscle burn starts happening, I now thrive on that feeling knowing that is the time where I am going to improve myself and in-turn keep going. I know the burn is there. I also know the burn will not get any worse. Face it, burn is burn no matter if you feel it for 5 seconds of 60 seconds. I just relax and focus on the movements and focus on flexing the muscles as hard as I can till I can no longer flex them, usually a minute or more longer after I first wanted to stop. This completely comes from a spiritual level. It goes way past the physical level.

I focus on the movement, not the pain. I try to complete each movement to the best of my ability, then move on to the next movement. I completely block out everything else around me. I don’t let anything or any other movements or sounds distract me from accomplishing that movement. The only ending point is when the muscle actually gives out, not when the pain kicks in. I challenge you to try this methodology next time you workout and see if you can do much more than you ever thought you could.

Watch this clip from the movie “Peaceful Warrior” and see if you can take something from it into your workouts and everyday things that you do.

Chad Cannon is a certified personal trainer, fat loss expert, speaker, author, and founder of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Studios. Learn more about how you can receive a FREE no obligations trial of his Shaping Concepts of Bluffton Fitness Programs and Get Sexy Boot Camps.

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