Monday, September 1, 2008


Admit it, YOU want to be sexy too...The "Get Sexy Bluffton" Woman's Body Transformation Contest. Read Below On How You Can Register To Be One Of The (6) Women Who Are Selected To Qualify For This Amazing 10 Week Program Absolutely FREE!

Do You Want To Look Better With No Clothes On?
Not too many people get excited about exercise to help prevent diseases such as heart disease, stroke, or even diabetes. But when it comes to getting "sexy", everyone comes running!
If you want a flat, sexy tummy, to fit into a slender red dress, feel confident at the beach in a bikini, or even get the body back that you had in your 20's, if that's what important to you, then let it be, because that's the most important and motivating thing for you. So I encourage you to get sexy because by taking care of your outsides you'll automatically improve your insides.

Getting sexy is all about lowering body fat and increasing lean muscle mass to get that tight, toned, athletic body anyway. My "Get Sexy Boot Camp" is here to make you look and feel better inside and out! I will make this boot camp challenging to YOUR current fitness level, not the person's next to you!My "Get Sexy Bootcamps" are extremely personalized while at the same time they provide the camraderie, motivation, and support that you can only get from a group.Normally, a one on one session with a Shaping Concepts fitness professional would cost you $35-60 per workout. Now, you have the opportunity to work with a Shaping Concepts fitness pro in a fun and exciting group environment for only a fraction of the cost. Best of all, for a limited time I'm choosing (6) women to participate in my program absolutely FREE! I will be choosing the "Sexy Six" from applications received by the deadline of Friday September 19th, 2008.

If you are not chosen as one of the "Sexy Six", you can still join my "Get Sexy Boot Camps" for just over $12 per session. We have found that the social support and accountability that comes with group training consistently provides far better results than going it alone.
I will teach you how to build a fast metabolism that will have you burning unwanted body fat while at the same time, building lean, sexy muscle every hour of every day. So what are you waiting for? Sign up to get the "sexy" back by filling out the web form here:

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