Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I Had The Worst Day Of My Life!

Back in 2001 I was working at a plantation activity center doing basically janitorial work and only training about one time per day as an assistant director. I absolutely hated it! I mean I felt like puking just driving to work. Not kidding! Few things are worse than doing janitorial work when all you want to do is train people to become healthier, stronger, leaner people. So after one particular crappy day, I mean really crappy day (more than normal), I decided I was going home early and also took the next day off to think about what I was going to do for the rest of my life.

That next day just so happened to be a day that totally changed my entire life, as well as most other people. You see that day was 9-11. I know everyone’s life was changed that day, but mine was a little different. Because I was home alone watching everything unravel on TV, I realized something. I realized my life was meaningless and going nowhere, as far as my professional career.

I was still in my first year of my marriage, had no kids, was in a brand new house I had just built, and had no clue where my professional career was going with the job I was in.

Watching everything that happened on TV that day did not let me think about my future as I wanted to that day, however, what it did do was clearer and much simpler. It made me realize I had to make a change in my life, immediately!

The next day I went in to work, quit my job on the spot and became my own boss as an independent contracted trainer for hire. I didn’t know anything about business, about getting a lot of clients off the street, but I did it. I had to! I had no other choice. I must have been really bad, because my wife backed me 100%!

I completely took the leap. I took a chance on myself. A chance to become something more, something better. A chance to help me grow as a person, inside and out.

Well, needless to say within 3 years I was named as one of the top 100 personal trainers in the nation. I educated myself more in those 3 years than what I learned in all my years of schooling. I went to clinics, seminars, met some of the best fitness pro’s in the world. I was completely driven to make it on my own and improve my life, and I did!

Today, I own a successful fitness studio. I’m a great copywriter, speaker, educator, entrepreneur, as well as being an expert in the fitness field. I’m also married to the best women ever to walk the planet (in my opinion). I have 2 wonderful, healthy kids, have built our second home, and much, much more. I have grown so much as a person. Much more than I would have in that crappy job I used to be in.

Trust me, things didn’t change over night, like I wanted them to. There were good times and many hard times. But I know for a fact that I have worked my butt off since that unforgettable day.

The fact is, I made my life what it is today. I went out and got it. I never gave up. I never quit!

If you’re having one of those days, where you feel like you are at your lowest point, I’m here to tell you to get your butt off the couch and go make yourself a new life! If you’re depressed about your body, your weight, the way you look and feel, your energy level, your health, if you’re pissed off at how you arrived at this point, I’m here to tell you to do something about it. NOW!

Don’t tell me you cannot afford to eat right or to join a gym or to hire a trainer. Don’t tell me that it’s the economy. It’s not circumstance. It’s you! It’s the decision you make.

If you simply want to make a change, a lifestyle change, if you want to do more, be more, like now, then the fastest and most certain path for you is here:

Make your own destiny!

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