Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Movie Worth Watching...

If you want to be inspired, there is one particular movie I highly recommend watching…

It’s called Peaceful Warrior.

It came out in 2006 and has Nick Nolte in it.

It’s kind of a sports movie, but more a movie about how you think, how you perceive things, how to block things out and focus on the moment, not what you are doing 10 seconds or 10 minutes from now. It’s about living each moment to the fullest, blocking everything else out and focusing on what you love doing. It is also a true story, which I love.

I just happened to come across this movie on TV and right away it hooked me in. It was like I was meant to watch it at that particular time in my life. I needed a little focus in my life at that time and this movie certainly gave it to me.

I can’t tell you how inspired I was after watching it - in making me better and making my business better. I’m at a peaceful place right now because of this movie. And whenever I leave this place, I’m going to turn that movie back on, until I’m back in that peaceful place.

One of the main lessons I learned from this movie is…Make sure you love what you are trying to accomplish in life. I mean really and truly love it. Like you were meant to do that particular thing.

For me…I realized how much I love what I do. I knew it, but I had forgotten it for a while. I was focusing on the future and not what I was currently doing. I have to think about the future a little being a business owner, but I need to live in the now, not in the later. I was living in the later for a long time, and I realized it was not a good place for me. Now, since watching this movie, my life is much fuller and more in-depth. I’m much more aware of everything, and I truly love helping people reach a better place in their health.

If you want to be in a better place in your life…go rent “Peaceful Warrior”.

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