Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Inspiring Movie You MUST See...

I was watching a fantastic, very inspiring Christmas movie with my daughter over the weekend. You might not normally think it is an inspiring movie, but there were parts in this movie that I needed myself, to push even harder in business, with my fitness goals, with many of you to reach your fitness goals and more.

The movie I’m talking about is "Polar Express".

I highly recommend everyone see it. If you don’t have it, go rent it, barrow it, whatever, just watch it!

Tom Hanks stars in it. He plays a train ticket collector. He punches words in the kids tickets at the end of the movie according to what has happened to that particular child.

One ticket he punched had the word "Learn" on it, as in lesson learned. Let us all keep learning more and more about ourselves.

Another ticket had the words "Depend on, Rely on, Count on", as in you can count on me. Let us feel safe about counting on others to help us through all different times in our lives.

Another ticket had the word "Lead" on it, as in leader or leadership, or leading the way. Let us be leaders in what we believe in and strive for.

The entire movie was based on the word "Believe", as in believing in Santa and the Christmas spirit. There was a bell that was given to a child by Santa, and he could only hear it if he truly believed in the Christmas Spirit and Santa himself. Let us all believe that we can reach the goals we set, whatever they may be. Then many more of those goals just might be accomplished.

There was one thing in the movie that struck a huge chord with me. I’ve used the phrase before, but when you hear it in another way, it makes you think a little. The phrase was "One thing about trains, it doesn’t matter where they are going, what matters is deciding to get on."

I’m the conductor of this fitness, weight loss, healthy train, whatever you want to call it, and I’m going Full Speed Ahead, with or without you. If you decide to not get on, not to take the ride with me, that’s fine, and I wish you well, but if you want to hop on and go on the ride of your lifetime, I’m very happy to have you on board with me, cause I’m going, and I’m going Full Speed Ahead and I’m taking everyone who joins me to a new and exciting place in their lives!

You decide!

What really matters is deciding to get on!

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