Sunday, December 28, 2008

Not The Same Old Resolution...

Every Year millions of people across the globe set themselves up for absolute failure. Even though most intentions are strong minded, the vast majority come up very short on setting reachable resolutions for the next 365 days.

Unfortunately, most settle for "Getting healthy and losing weight" or Losing weight and exercising more".

I hate to tell all those that have set one of these two as their resolutions, you are doomed to fail!!!

Becoming healthy is not a resolution. Losing weight is not a resolution. Exercising more is not a resolution.

Resolutions are much more specific - if you want to achieve any of the above. Better examples of more specificity would be...

1. I'm going to exercise 30 minutes, 4 times per week, every week with a mix of cardiovascular and resistance exercises, so I can lose weight and become healthier.

2. I'm going to eat 5 times per day while combining a protein and complex carbohydrate every time I eat, so I can lose weight and become healthier.

3. I'm going to replace all white breads and white pastas with whole wheat breads and pastas so I can become healthier.

By setting a more specific resolution for your health related goals, you will be 100% more apt to achieve them. Don't cut yourself short by making a bad choice to start off the new year.

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