Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cardiovascular Training - Mixing It Up!

Weight loss has three very important key factors…

1. Resistance exercise
2. Proper lifestyle eating
3. Cardiovascular exercise

Without one of these the results you are looking for just won’t be what you thought they would be. All three must be done to get the full results you want. You CAN have that lean, toned, sexy look again!

Today I want to focus on only one of the three aspects of weight loss, cardiovascular exercise.

I’ll put it as simple as I can for you. If you are trying to lose weight, no matter how much, the average person must do at least 30-60 minutes of any exercise that gets you breathing heavy 4 to 5 times per week. This is on top of eating healthy and doing your resistance exercises.

I’m sure this sounds like a lot, however, it’s really not! What you don’t want to do is continue to do 60 minutes every time cardiovascular exercise is performed.


One day go for a 30 minute power walk. The next day turn your resistance exercise routine into a cardiovascular exercise routine. Simply add short bursts of cardio exercises in between your resistance exercises.

Example: Squat in place 20 times (resistance), push-ups on your knees 20 times (resistance) jumping jax for 30 seconds (cardiovascular). Repeat this a few times, then pick three others such as walking lunges 20 times (resistance), crunches on a stability ball 20 times (resistance), walk fast up and down your stair case for 60 seconds (cardiovascular), then repeat this a few times.

Try adding little “heavy breathing” exercises to your resistance days and there you go, you just did another cardio day while doing your resistance exercises. You just saved time! WOW!

Try adding short cardiovascular exercises during each resistance day to combine the two and to save time in the long run. It honestly doesn’t take much. Then the days you’re not doing resistance exercises is when you go for your longer power walks. Over all you can save up to three days of working out per week if you do this.

If maintaining the weight you have is your goal, try combining the resistance and cardiovascular exercises three times each week and maybe add one long cardio only day, if needed.

Try this, and see how fast the fat melts off of you! It Flat Out Works!

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