Tuesday, January 6, 2009

No Better Way To Start Off The New Year Than How I did!

So I am a very competitive person. I was in sports for the most part of my life, even ran track in college and after. I always have to be the best at everything I do (although I know I’m not). The fact is, I can’t stand it when I have the chance to achieve something great or prove to myself that I can accomplish something, it’s hard, I mean very hard not to give it my all.

Well, last Thursday, New Years Day, I talked a few clients of mine into running a 5K road race with me that morning. These two women, Liz and Charlene, had never done anything like this before. In fact Liz says she has never run in her life until last Friday when I made her do it after her training session.

I met both at the race last Thursday, a 34 degree, very windy morning. They were both bundled up. I told Liz I would run the entire race with her and was hoping that Charlene would tag along with us.

I recorded both of them before the race as well as after. Check out the video’s…
Just Before Race Time…

Shortly After The Race…

I honestly have to say that there really is no better way to start off the new year than helping two people achieve something they never thought they could do. I ran the entire race, step for step with Liz and helped her finish the race in just over 36 minutes (under our goal of 37 minutes) and then ran back to help Charlene finish in about 39-1/2 minutes, breaking the 40 minutes mark. They both thanked me and said they could not have finished if I were not with them. I can’t tell you how good that felt. Even though, after listening to the results, knowing I probably would have been in the top three in my age group, it felt much better helping other people finish rather than achieving something for myself.

Thanks ladies for giving me a great start to a great new year!

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