Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Time To Head To Dallas

Have you ever believed in something so much, you’re willing to drop everything to do it. This is the way I feel about why I’m going to Dallas February 20-22. About a year ago, my wife and I started a second business, still helping people lose weight, still helping people get healthy, still helping people achieve their dreams. I also added the component of helping people achieve not just health goals, but also wealth goals. That’s right, I have the ability to help others get healthy and wealthy, including you if you need it. How does that sound to you? If you had the chance to help others become healthy and get out of debt, how great would that truly make you feel? And help yourself at the same time! To me that’s the ultimate feeling!

Where am I going? To the AdvoCare Success School. Last year was my first attending this conference, and honestly I was completely amazed, astounded, astonished, I was just in awe of the entire possibility of helping others achieve their dreams. I saw some unbelievable things happen at Success School last year. I’m telling you, my jaw was in my feet most of the weekend. I also had tears in my eyes, happy tears, from the whole experience. It was honestly a life changing experience for me. I have never been the same since.

Check out these two video to see how AdvoCare has changed the lives of others (Sorry, I had technical difficulties getting these video's downloaded, so just click on the links)…
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFPd-h-buWk&feature=related

AdvoCare is many things to me…a way to improve my health, a second income coming in (especially during these hard times), a back-up plan (how many of you out there have lost your jobs, with no back-up plan?), a way to help others achieve their dreams of health and wealth, and more.

AdvoCare has changed my life and it can change yours too. If you are interested in getting healthier, bring in a second income, helping others do the same, please email ctcannon@hargray.com . To see all that AdvoCare has to offer, women check out this video http://www.presentation4women.com/ and men go to http://www.presentation4men.com/.

Last year I met people that didn’t have a cent to their name and needed AdvoCare’s opportunity so they sold their car’s to get to Success School. Just CRAZY! This is how powerful AdvoCare can be to you. Don't wait to check it out!

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