Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fighting The Emotional Battle

So emotion is a very hard thing to work with when trying to lose weight. We will go through our ups and downs, feel like it’s very possible, then not possible at all. We’ll feel like we are being bombarded with too many things to do. We’ll feel like nothing can stop us at times. So many emotional feelings overtake us during the weight loss progress. This is so very normal. This is as normal as they come. This is also very normal that even I feel these things. It’s not just for people losing weight, it goes along with everyone. I’m also in a constant battle with my weight.

I am a very fit health professional, personal trainer, fitness business owner, and I am in a constant battle with my weight. If I ever quit what I’m doing…exercise, eating pretty healthy, guess what will happen to me? I go through the same things that everyone else goes through. The only difference is mine is maintenance, and improving myself, my endurance, my strength, my strong will to get better. To me there is a never ending limit to my goals. I simply want to improve every aspect every day.

But you darn well bet that I go through the same emotional feelings as everyone else. We are all in the same boat here. Some people are paddling faster than others, and then emotions will change, and those paddling fast, are now slower, and visa versa.

Emotion is a constant thing. And emotion is the most important thing in my life. If I lost my emotions, I would never have any drive to improve.

Fact is, we control are own emotions. Just know that there will be bad ones along the path to achieving any and all success.

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