Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Exercise + Nutrition + Supplementation = Better Health

What is better health exactly? It's three things... It's exercise. It's eating good nutritionally, and it's adding supplementation to help get what you cannot otherwise.

It's simple really.

Let me explain more about each and why each one is so important in obtaining a better healthy lifestyle.

Exercise...We all know how exercise can improve the way we look and feel. That is true, if done the correct way. Honestly most people try to over-do it then end up quitting after a week or two. Get in 90 minutes per week of cardiovascular exercise and combine some simple body weight resistance exercises into that cardio routine, that is a great program! Flat out!It's not rocket science!

Nutrition...This is probably the simplest part that everyone freaks out about. Just make sure you try to keep your metabolism moving and grooving as fast as possible by making adjustments each day, such as...eating breakfast, combining a complex carbohydrate and a protein each time you eat, eat something every 3-4 hours with smaller portions, drink lots of water, and try to stay away from bad foods. You know if a food is bad or not. Just stop eating them on a regular basis.

Finally Supplementation...Up until about a year and a half ago I always said if you eat properly you don't need to take supplements. Well, I was terribly wrong! I completely admit it. I was an idiot when it came to that. Here's why...No one eats healthy enough to not need help from supplements. No one! Not even me. Don't get me wrong, I don't want you to go out and start taking any old supplement out there, because there are many not so healthy supplements being sold to you, while only a few are pretty darn healthy, so you do have to make sure that what you are putting in your mouth is not hindering your body in any way.

Supplementation gives the body the vitamins and minerals that the body doesn't normally process itself or gets from the regular foods that we normally eat, but needs to feel good, to have more energy, to have less aches and pains, to lose weight, and so on...

So if you want to have a healthier body, simply add the three essentials to look better, and feel better both inside and out...

Exercise + Nutrition + Supplementation = Better Health!

Are You Ready?

There is one question I need to ask you...If you really want to make a change, if you really want to transform your body and you want to do it the correct and healthy way, my question to you is...Are You Ready? Watch this video!

Some people think I should be a trainer on the Biggest Loser!
What do you think?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Climb

Something happened when I got home Friday night that just put me over the top, emotionally. My daughter had asked me to be a chaperone for a school field trip to the beach the first week in May. It was on a Tuesday (my day to work on business and not train anyone) so I had told her a week or so ago that I would do it. Well Friday when I got home she asked me again, because it was time for me to commit. Some circumstances have changed at work which means I might have to be there to train that day, so I told Madeline, my daughter, that I couldn’t go on her field trip now. That was a huge mistake! She started balling! Tears everywhere. After 20 minutes I felt so bad that my business was running me instead of me running my business, that I also started to cry. I had to turn down my own daughter to make sure I was able to train people.

I asked myself “why?”. Didn’t I choose to own a business so I could spend more time with my family? YES! Well guess what I’ve decided? I’m going on that field trip! Because my daughter wants me there and I want to be there with her. I'll find a way to make it happen or even close down for a few hours if I have to. And that’s that!

I was alone this weekend as my wife went to her mothers with the kids for last minute dress fittings for my sister-in-laws wedding (which I will also miss work for because I want to be there). Being alone was so hard. I had to really think about what I am doing with my life, my business, and what my goals and dreams are. Am I doing what I want to be doing? Am I doing what will take me to what I eventually want to be doing? I even asked myself if I was truly helping people. Part of me felt the answer was no.

Then I basically slapped myself and realized that of course I was helping people. I have been transforming the lives of others for almost 20 years now as a trainer. I have saved the lives of many people. I have helped people get out of pain. I have helped people beat Multiple Sclerosis. I have helped handicapped people move again. I have helped people fight cancer. I have helped people rehabilitate from surgeries. I have helped people recover from open heart surgery. I have helped people fight against heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, fibromyalgia and many more. I have helped athletes become champions. I have helped people lose hundreds of pounds. Am I an idiot to even question myself? Of course I have helped people!

I may not know exactly where this owning a business thing is going to take me, but I do know that the climb getting there has been an absolute blessing. I have learned so many things from so many people, and plan on learning so much more.

From this day forward I will not put my family second to my business, as I have in the past. I will choose to live life on my terms, not anyone else’s, and I will enjoy the climb to my goals and dreams, not thinking about what it will be like when I get there, but enjoying the climb itself.

As a tribute to my daughter, who loves Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana, I have put a video below of her new song "The Climb" with her very meaningful words on it. The words in the song literally spoke to me this past weekend and helped me get through a tough, tough couple of days alone. Maybe these words can speak to you in whatever stresses you are dealing with at this point in your life.

Watch the video below and really listen to the words that are given to you and you might understand what I mean.

I Can Only Imagine

Imagine what you can do once you find your reason to do it! Don't EVER let anything or anyone hold you back from achieving your dreams!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Eat More To Weigh Less

Excuse the picture, but I had to get your attention!

Yes, what you hear over and over again is absolutely true! You do have to eat more to weigh less.

Every time food goes into your mouth you could either speed up your metabolism or slow it down. To slow it down and end up gaining weight, eat larger portions and only eat 1 or 2 times per day.

However, if speeding up your metabolism and burning lots of unwanted body fat is your goal then start eating smaller portions and eat those small portions at least every 3-4 hours. This will keep the metabolism running at a higher rate which means burning excess body fat.

Also, by combining a complex carbohydrate and a protein together each time you eat, the metabolism will speed up even more.

As stated above, you want to eat smaller portions about every 3 1/2 hours throughout the day so by the end of the day you will end up eating more food than the norm. However you are only putting in 300-400 calories each time you eat. The body can easily digest that amount of food in a much faster manner than it would trying to digest a 900-1200 calorie meal.

The fact is, when a small amount of calories are being digested, the whole process happens quicker, which in-turn speeds up the metabolism. What does this mean for you? Weighing less!

Answer These Questions... Be Honest!

I received an email last week from a fitness marketing friend of mine asking me some questions about my business. It got me thinking about everyone else in this world (YOU), so I re-directed his questions in a different manner for you.

Answer these questions, be honest and don't be one of those people that doesn't reply. Really, answer the questions in the comment section. I REALLY want to know what each and every one of you are thinking...

1. What would you like to learn most regarding weight loss?

2. What are your biggest fears regarding losing your weight?

3. What are your biggest frustrations regarding you losing weight?

4. What do you really want to get out of me educating you on weight loss?

5. Why?

6. What do you feel is the single biggest obstacle between where you are now and where you want to be?

7. If you could sit down with me in person what you you ask me?

If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Don't Believe Your Doctor!!!

I cannot tell you how many times I hear people tell me that their doctor told them to go on this diet, or to cut calores, or to drink only diet cokes.

It's crazy!

It's also WRONG!!!

Your doctor knows what medicine to give you for this disease and that injury, but they have no clue when it comes to losing weight. Feel free to bash me all you want. But I hear stories every #@!&?! day!!! And that is everyday too many!

I hear stores like giving shots and taking a pill and not eating anything but a shake from the doctor for one month.

I hear stories of fasting for one month and then start on the Atkins Diet. (You know he died-from his own diet!)

I hear stories of don't eat any carbs and only eat 500 calores per day.

Simply put, if you are not eating at least 1500 calories per day, you will not lose weight and keep it off! If you do not eat complex carbohydrates, you will have no energy - because a carb is the ONLY source of energy you get from food! The ONLY one! If you don't combine a carb and a protein each time you eat your metabolism will not be as fast as you want it to furn fat! If you go over 3 1/2 hours without eating, you WILL slow down your meetabolism - and GAIN WEIGHT!

STOP listening to your doctors and START listening to someone who helps people lose weight for a living!

10 Simple Tips You Can Pick From...

Many times, we as fitness professionals give you so many things to do and so many changes to make in order to lose weight , it just seems impossible and overwhelming! So instead, why don't we focus on 2-3 small and simple changes to improve over-all health.

Pick 2-3 of these SIMPLE tips to help improve your over-all health.

1. Eat whole wheat or whole grain breads.

2. Drink 2 swallows of water every 10 minutes throuout the day.

3. Powerwalk 4 times per week for 30 minutes each.

4. Eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking everyday.

5. Combine a complex carbohydrate and a proetin every time you eat.

6. Do 20 squats, 20 push-ups and 20 crunches every other day.

7. Get professional help; fitness pro, nutritionist, couneling.

8. Read a motivational book every month.


10. STOP complaining about everything if you're not willing to make any changes at all!!!


I have a story for you.

One year ago I was in the best shape of my life. I was 36 years old at the time. Keep in mind that I ran track in high school, college, even after college, against the best of the best, yet I am proud to say that I was in the best shape of my life one year ago. Not too many people can say that.

Also one year ago I wore a size 32 waist in my pants. That's really good at age 36. Well today, one year later, I've gained weight and all my pants no longer fit. I still work out, I still eat healthy, I still do the same things I did before.
Wait, there is one thing I started one year ago that is totally different than what I was doing in the past. I'll tell you in a second.

As I said, I've gained weight and my pants no longer fit. I didn't lie to you. I've now weight about 7-8 pounds heavier than I was last year at this time , and my waist size is now a size 28!!! My body is chissled, I have great six pack abs. I'm stronger than I've ever been. I'm more powerful than ever, more confident, have more energy, can work out longer, at a higher intensity. I can also pay my bills with no worries. (Can you do that in today's economy?)

As said above, I added one component to my life one year ago. That component is AdvoCare products. I'm not here to tell you that this is what you need. I'm simply telling you that this is what I'm passionate about. Why? Because it has changed my life, completely! It's also changed my wifes life completely. We are both distributors of AdvoCare nutritional supplementation, because we believe in it so much!

I want to know what you are passionate about. What drives you? What in your life has changed your health for the better? Not just your health, but your entire life?

If you cannot answer that, there is something missing in your life.

Passion! It's something we all need to live life to the fullest!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Five Fast Ways To Increase Your Metabolism!

Increasing the metabolism in your body will strip away fat faster than you can ever imaging. So I've come up with the Five best ways to speed up your metabolism as fast as possible.

1. Eat breakfast! You must eat breakfast within 30 minutes after you get up in the morning. Eat a bout 2 cups of a complex carbohydrate for energy such as aotmeal and a about 1 cup of a protein to fuel your muscles such as scrambled eggs made with egg beaters, or even a protein shake. (go to www.AdvoCareConcepts.com for a very healthy protein shake)

2. Eat every 3 hours during the day starting after your breakfast. This should make you eat 5-6 small meals each day. When I say small I mean about 300 calories each meal.

3. Combine a complex carbohydrate (foods higher in fiber) and a protein every single time you eat instead of breaking them up throughout the day. This alone will greatly improve your metabolism. Example: piece of whole wheat toast with low fat peanut butter on it.

4. Get as much cardiovascular exercise in as you possibly can. 30-45 minutes three times per week minimum! Just go out for a power walk! You don't need fancy treadmills or ellipticals to do cardio.

5. Combine total body resistance training with short bursts of higher intensity cardio at least 2-3 times per week. Example: 20 squats, 20 push-ups and 30 seconds of step-ups.

Alright here's a bonus for you:

6. Drink at least 8 16oz glasses of water every day. This does not mean guzzle down water all day long. Take 2 swallows of water every 10 minutes throught the entire day, every day. This should get you the correct amount of water.

The Buck Stops Here

You heard me. "The Buck Stops Here". What does this mean exactly? It means: I accept responsibility for my past. I am responsible for my success. I will not let my history control my destiny. Stop blaming other people and outside circumstances for where we are in life. Instead, allow our lifes to become testaments to the true power of choice. "Adversity is preparation for greatness"

This comes from Author, Speaker Andy Andrews. How can you use this in your weight loss. It's simple really. You have to take full responsibility for how you feel and look presently today. Stop blaming others, stop blaming life circumstances. You are responsible for what you are today, period. You are the one that chose to eat. You are the one that chose to become lazy. You are the one that chose to not take care of your body. No one else and no life circumstance made you do those things. You made the choice.

I know this sounds pretty harsh. The fact is, it is harsh. It should hurt a little.

Here's the good part: When you can come to recognize that you are responsible for everything in your past to get you where you are today, you will now be able to move on and achieve something great. When you recognize this, only then will you allow your life to become something powerful, and be a true testament of the power of choice.

You can order Andy's Book Here: http://www.andyandrews.com/store/bestsellers/product/the-travelers-gift/

Be Inspired - Get Back Up!

I found this very inspirational video you have to watch. If you think you are stuggling in life right now, with your weight, with family, with financial needs. Whatever it may be, you might think twice after watching this.