Tuesday, March 10, 2009

10 Simple Tips You Can Pick From...

Many times, we as fitness professionals give you so many things to do and so many changes to make in order to lose weight , it just seems impossible and overwhelming! So instead, why don't we focus on 2-3 small and simple changes to improve over-all health.

Pick 2-3 of these SIMPLE tips to help improve your over-all health.

1. Eat whole wheat or whole grain breads.

2. Drink 2 swallows of water every 10 minutes throuout the day.

3. Powerwalk 4 times per week for 30 minutes each.

4. Eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking everyday.

5. Combine a complex carbohydrate and a proetin every time you eat.

6. Do 20 squats, 20 push-ups and 20 crunches every other day.

7. Get professional help; fitness pro, nutritionist, couneling.

8. Read a motivational book every month.


10. STOP complaining about everything if you're not willing to make any changes at all!!!

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