Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Answer These Questions... Be Honest!

I received an email last week from a fitness marketing friend of mine asking me some questions about my business. It got me thinking about everyone else in this world (YOU), so I re-directed his questions in a different manner for you.

Answer these questions, be honest and don't be one of those people that doesn't reply. Really, answer the questions in the comment section. I REALLY want to know what each and every one of you are thinking...

1. What would you like to learn most regarding weight loss?

2. What are your biggest fears regarding losing your weight?

3. What are your biggest frustrations regarding you losing weight?

4. What do you really want to get out of me educating you on weight loss?

5. Why?

6. What do you feel is the single biggest obstacle between where you are now and where you want to be?

7. If you could sit down with me in person what you you ask me?


Heather B said...

1. What I would like to learn most regarding weight loss...I'd like to continue to learn more about nutrition and the biological/physiological effects that certain foods have on the body.

2. My biggest fears about losing weight. Well! I'm afraid that losing weight will affect my marriage. As I change, can my husband change and adapt with me? I am afraid to gain the weight back!

3. My biggest frustrations about losing weight is the fact I keep getting sick!

4. What do I really want to get out of you educating me about weight loss? I really want a friend and a coach who will be there through it all even when I'm crabby, sick and whiny! :) Above all that you could teach me, I believe having a supportive and encouraging friend is the most important to me.

5. Why? I know I can't do this alone and I don't know HOW to do it by myself.

6. The single biggest obstacle between where I am now and where I want to be is ME! :)

7. If I could sit down with you personally, I would ask more about your dad.

Manda said...

Hi, I am Amanda, I am very interested in doing your bootcamp, however I am trying to lose some weight on my own to prove to myself that I can do it! 614-325-6741
1. I have been a vegetarian for 2 months so it is still very new to me. I am looking to learn more on my nutrition. I don’t think I am getting the right nutrients into my body and I would like to avoid taking supplements if possible. I need more assistance in coming up with a ‘weekly menu’ to help me in fueling my body to aid in my weight loss.
2. My biggest fear is failure. I gained weight when I moved in with my boyfriend, due to the lack of exercise and always eating out. I have been trying to eat healthy for 5 months now but I find it hard to say no to eating out. I am afraid of falling off the wagon again like I did back in August.
3. My biggest frustration is that I always feel so lethargic (I think due to lack of nutrition)
4. I really need a ‘partner’ someone who I know is watching over me, someone who has my back and most importantly someone who can push me. I know that I can be pushed, and although I try to push myself, I can never cross that comfort line (I know that sounds crazy)
5. I am unhappy with my body. I am a very active person and I want to run a marathon someday but I just can’t find the motivation… I think due to my lack of energy. I also am used to working out with a partner; having that person who depends on me to go to the gym and I don’t have that here. I need some help with my diet there is no question and I need some support.
6. My biggest obstacle is my unrealistic expectations (I know that it is going to take time but I like to see results fast)
7. If I could sit down with you I would ask you to personally train me, I know you are booked up right now, but I would like to be on your list to train. I like to get my butt kicked… by favorite feeling is a sore muscle! I look forward to learning more from your blog; I love reading it!