Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Climb

Something happened when I got home Friday night that just put me over the top, emotionally. My daughter had asked me to be a chaperone for a school field trip to the beach the first week in May. It was on a Tuesday (my day to work on business and not train anyone) so I had told her a week or so ago that I would do it. Well Friday when I got home she asked me again, because it was time for me to commit. Some circumstances have changed at work which means I might have to be there to train that day, so I told Madeline, my daughter, that I couldn’t go on her field trip now. That was a huge mistake! She started balling! Tears everywhere. After 20 minutes I felt so bad that my business was running me instead of me running my business, that I also started to cry. I had to turn down my own daughter to make sure I was able to train people.

I asked myself “why?”. Didn’t I choose to own a business so I could spend more time with my family? YES! Well guess what I’ve decided? I’m going on that field trip! Because my daughter wants me there and I want to be there with her. I'll find a way to make it happen or even close down for a few hours if I have to. And that’s that!

I was alone this weekend as my wife went to her mothers with the kids for last minute dress fittings for my sister-in-laws wedding (which I will also miss work for because I want to be there). Being alone was so hard. I had to really think about what I am doing with my life, my business, and what my goals and dreams are. Am I doing what I want to be doing? Am I doing what will take me to what I eventually want to be doing? I even asked myself if I was truly helping people. Part of me felt the answer was no.

Then I basically slapped myself and realized that of course I was helping people. I have been transforming the lives of others for almost 20 years now as a trainer. I have saved the lives of many people. I have helped people get out of pain. I have helped people beat Multiple Sclerosis. I have helped handicapped people move again. I have helped people fight cancer. I have helped people rehabilitate from surgeries. I have helped people recover from open heart surgery. I have helped people fight against heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, fibromyalgia and many more. I have helped athletes become champions. I have helped people lose hundreds of pounds. Am I an idiot to even question myself? Of course I have helped people!

I may not know exactly where this owning a business thing is going to take me, but I do know that the climb getting there has been an absolute blessing. I have learned so many things from so many people, and plan on learning so much more.

From this day forward I will not put my family second to my business, as I have in the past. I will choose to live life on my terms, not anyone else’s, and I will enjoy the climb to my goals and dreams, not thinking about what it will be like when I get there, but enjoying the climb itself.

As a tribute to my daughter, who loves Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana, I have put a video below of her new song "The Climb" with her very meaningful words on it. The words in the song literally spoke to me this past weekend and helped me get through a tough, tough couple of days alone. Maybe these words can speak to you in whatever stresses you are dealing with at this point in your life.

Watch the video below and really listen to the words that are given to you and you might understand what I mean.

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