Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It's a First Ever in Shaping Concepts History!

I’m honestly wondering if the population in the U.S. has completely lost its enthusiasm for losing weight. Well, let me take that back. I wonder if as an overall population people just don’t want to put the effort into losing the weight correctly anymore. There are now so many other ways to lose weight these days (unhealthy ways) yet the one that everyone knows is the healthiest way to lose the weight, the one way that everyone knows will help the body feel and look better, has almost gone by the way side. You know the way I’m talking about; eat healthy and exercise.

As I mentioned before, here at Shaping Concepts there has been a first. That first however is not a good one. I’m certainly not happy about it. Maybe it’s me. Maybe people just don’t care about taking care of themselves any longer. I’m not sure what the deal is. I do know it completely HAS to change.

You see we have plenty of clients here at Shaping Concepts. At the beginning of each day, our books say we are completely full. However, this is the honest to God’s truth…We have had more cancelations in the last 30 days than we have had training sessions. I’m honestly lucky my doors are still open. Now I don’t want people to come in for me, so I can keep my place open for business. I want people to come in on a regular basis to lose weight, and take care of themselves, keep their medical bills down, and just feel good about themselves. I personally couldn’t live with myself knowing I took the easy way out. But that’s just me.

And don’t tell me it’s the economy. That’s a bunch of…BS!… People are canceling to take trips and going to great places, meanwhile when I do see them once in a blue moon, I hear…”I just can’t seem to lose any weight.” Well guess what people, you never will if you keep stopping! Working out once every two weeks isn’t going to do CRAP. I personally workout at least 5 days per week. I don’t do anything real hard. I do some cardio mixed in with my resistance training 3 days per week and add 2 days of easy cardio on two other days. Each one of these last less than 20 minutes usually. Oh, and I watch what I eat as well. Yes, I cheat every now and then, but I make little sacrifices here and there. It’s not hard! So why are people sacrificing their own health then complaining about how bad they feel all the time? I don’t know, but I’m going to do something about it. My profession IS FAILING! And as a fitness professional I got in this business 20 years ago to make a difference, so I guess it’s time I need to go do that. Cause I apparently have done a horrible job thus far as an overall big picture. Yes, I’ve changed many lives around, but as a population, it’s not looking good.

So what do I do about this? There are many things I could do. There are many things I need to do. Then there are many things I should do. I have to figure out the things that will make the most profound statement. Give me your opinion on what you think I should do to change this lazy minded – take the easy way out epidemic. I’d like to hear all your ideas. Remember , I’m looking to change the overall population, not a few people here and there.

Chad Cannon is a certified personal trainer, fat loss expert, speaker, author, and founder of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Studios. Learn more about how you can receive a FREE no obligations trial of his Shaping Concepts of Bluffton Fitness Programs and Get Sexy Boot Camps.

1 comment:

Heather B said...

Ideas for the overall population:

1. Write that book!
2. Go on Oprah. Ok, maybe not Oprah but get yourself on TV.
3. Have a national website addressing your concerns about the state of the overall population re: diet, exercise, nutrition, etc.
4. Join a web based support group about fitness/diet/nutrition and be a specialist. Example: www.diettv.com

Ideas for Shaping Concepts and individuals:

When you feel passionate about your career and the people you are helping, I'm sure it must be frustrating when people aren't helping themselves. There's only so much you can do. People are creatures of habit by nature and I think it's sad but I'm not surprised they fall back into their poor, unhealthy habits. However, with that being said, you are doing NOTHING wrong! Keep focusing on the people who are committed and who want your help. Those people will in turn inspire others to get healthy and it will be a domino effect before you know it!

Hang in there...you are making a difference!! :)