Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Simply Breathing

You’ve all seen it…The muscle head wanna be in the meat-head gym that throws the weights around and grunts so loud you can hear him from the showers. You know what I’m talking about. Did you ever wonder why they grunt? Well I’m gonna tell ya!

You see the one’s that grunt were never taught how to properly exert their energy through breathing therefore are having trouble with the exercise because of that. I understand that they are most likely trying to push around too much weight and that would force them to grunt a little. However, if they were to calm down and focus on the movement, and breathe normally, like they were walking down the street, pushing that same heavy weight would be much easier.

Inhaling during the easier part of the movement and exhaling during the tougher part helps the body relax, and when the body is relaxed is can exert more energy. Try it. Get on the floor, do as many push-ups as you possibly can, even on your knees if you have to. Once you get to the point of failure breathe very easy outword as you push yourself up and breathe in slowly as you go back down and I bet you can knock out a few more reps. Go ahead, try it.

Now you know how to breathe properly while exercising. WOW! Who would of thought?
Chad Cannon is a certified personal trainer, fat loss expert, speaker, author, and founder of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Studios. Learn more about how you can receive a FREE no obligations trial of his Shaping Concepts of Bluffton Fitness Programs and Get Sexy Boot Camps.

1 comment:

Heather Brower said...

It's wicked hard to breathe when in PAIN! Ugh! The breath seems to go right out of ya. But I'll try better.... :)