Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Setting goals NOW before the holidays hit!

Okay, I read a blog from a friend of mine, Scott Colby, also a trainer, and wanted to share it with you. It's about how Thanksgiving is such a bad time for binging, and slowing down your workouts, and so on. Let me explain more...

Thanksgiving is just 2 short months away and is a dangerous time of year as the most people overeat and begin to skip their workouts. So I am challenging you.

I want you to set some performance goals that you want to accomplish by Thanksgiving.
By performance goal, I don’t mean weight loss goal, like lose 20 pounds.
It should be something like doing 50 consecutive push ups.
Stretch your limits a little bit here…

Here are Scott's performance goals that he said he will accomplish by Thanksgiving…

100 consecutive push ups

20 consecutive pull ups

Bear crawl the length of a football field without my knees touching the ground

Run a 6 minute mile.

All of these goals will push him to his limits, epecially the 20 pull ups.
He said he will make a video of himself reaching each goal which will help keep him accountable.
By training to reach these performance goals, he will be developing a better body in the process.
So don’t get hung up on weight loss goals.
Increase your performance and a better body will be the natural result.
So what are your performance goals that you can accomplish by Thanksgiving?

I'm setting my goals!
Thanks Scott!

Great Tip for Watching your food intake!

Hey everyone! If you are like me and have trouble with sneaking those bad foods every now and then, I have a great tip to help you out and stop you from binging on foods that are holding you back on attaining your fat loss goals. Watch this 2 minute video to get your tip for watching your food intake!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Announcing The "Sexy Six" Women Of Bluffton for the Get Sexy Boot Camp!

Alright, you've come to the right place! Click on the video to see if you hear your name called to be chosen as one of the "Sexy Six" to go through 10 weeks of our Get Sexy Boot Camp at no charge!

Congratulations and I look forward to meeting you!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Oldy, But Goody! The best exercise for more strength!

Need more strength? Want to feel stronger? Want more muscle? Want to burn more fat? I have your answer here! In the video below, I have shown you 10 different ways to do the best exercise there is, in my opinion, that works so many muscle groups! The exercise...push-ups! I know most of you are saying I can't do push-ups, well I'm here to tell you...YOU CAN! There are probably thousands of different ways to do push ups. In this video I've shown you just 10. Some are for the beginner, and some for the advanced. Whatever your level, add push-ups to your routine! They will make you feel and look better. Everyone can do push-ups!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Self-Made Treadmill Right In Your Own Home!

Hey everyone! Are you one of those people that always has the excuse of not having a treadmill or a place to do cardiovascular exercise? NO MORE EXCUSES!!! I have a great way for everyone to do GREAT cardiovascular training in your own home, or out.

I know that there are stairs available all over the world. It's up to you to take advantage of those stairs. One of the best cardiovascular exercises is walking stairs, and if you incorporate intervals into the stair workout, as in the video below, you will be burning much more fat in half the time. That's sounds like a great scenario to me - more fat burning in half the time! Isn't that what we all want?

Try my stair interval workout 3-4 times per week and you will lose unwanted, ugly body fat, garaunteed! No doubt about it!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Learn How To Get Your 6-Pack Abs With 3 Fat Burning Elements!

Watch this video to see how YOU can get a great FAT BURNING workout, anywhere! There are 3 basic elements needed for burning your unwanted, flabby fat! Find out what they are in the video below!

What Is Your Business - Compared to Your J.O.B.?

Hi, I am Chad Cannon. I’m in the business of making people feel good. By that, I mean – feel good through exercise, better nutrition, and nutritional supplementation. I can even help you get out of debt. As I said before, I’m in the business of making people feel good. Feel good about their bodies, health wise and appearance wise, feel good about the social aspect of their lives, feel good about their relationships, feel good about their wealth, and most of all… feel good about helping others feel good.

My business is like many others. I realized this after having a conversation with a client of mine just a few days ago. This conversation made me realize how important my job and my businesses are to you, and how important “I” am to many of you.

You see I was talking with a teacher… an elementary school teacher, the evening before tropical storm “Hanna” was to make landfall. We were discussing how her school had been canceled the next day. She was very worried about her kids. I asked her why she was so worried. She simply said, ”They need me!” I jokingly said “what are they going to do without you?” She replied… “they’re not going to learn how to read”.

I stopped dead in my tracks, and thought for a moment. I thought how important she truly is to a countless number of kids, because she was right… who else is going to teach them how to read. That’s her business. That’s what she does for a living. Her “JOB” is being a teacher. Her “business” is helping kids learn how to read.

Of course that got my mind stirring… stirring about MY business. My “JOB” is being an owner and fitness professional. My “business” is making people feel g.o.o.d, in many different aspects.
During this thinking, I totally realized how important my “business” and I am to all of you. Just like this teacher, someone who totally changes the lives of others, I also have the gift and ability of doing the same.

So I ask you, I beg you to please let me help you feel good. Call me at 843-757-8626 or email me at chad@shapingconcepts.com for a FREE one-on-one phone or in-person consultation. I can’t wait to hear from you!

By the way…What is YOUR “business”?

Monday, September 1, 2008

Want More Stability? Try Un-Stability Training!

BOSU Ball training is one of the best ways to work on balance, coordination, stability, pure strength and much more. Just try standing on the ball. That's hard enough as it is. Once you can stand with no problem, then try walking in place on the ball, then walk in place while turning around in a circle. Don't forget to try both directions. As we all get older and our balance seems to worsen, we have a higher chance of falling and breaking bones. By working on unbalanced surfaces now, you can beat the loss of strength and stability by gaining more now! I highly suggest everyone has a BOSU ball in their homes. As you will see on this video, it is great for every age, not just adults. Both of my children have grown up on a BOSU Ball right from the start and honestly have GREAT coordination and will probably have lots of athletic abilities!


Admit it, YOU want to be sexy too...The "Get Sexy Bluffton" Woman's Body Transformation Contest. Read Below On How You Can Register To Be One Of The (6) Women Who Are Selected To Qualify For This Amazing 10 Week Program Absolutely FREE!

Do You Want To Look Better With No Clothes On?
Not too many people get excited about exercise to help prevent diseases such as heart disease, stroke, or even diabetes. But when it comes to getting "sexy", everyone comes running!
If you want a flat, sexy tummy, to fit into a slender red dress, feel confident at the beach in a bikini, or even get the body back that you had in your 20's, if that's what important to you, then let it be, because that's the most important and motivating thing for you. So I encourage you to get sexy because by taking care of your outsides you'll automatically improve your insides.

Getting sexy is all about lowering body fat and increasing lean muscle mass to get that tight, toned, athletic body anyway. My "Get Sexy Boot Camp" is here to make you look and feel better inside and out! I will make this boot camp challenging to YOUR current fitness level, not the person's next to you!My "Get Sexy Bootcamps" are extremely personalized while at the same time they provide the camraderie, motivation, and support that you can only get from a group.Normally, a one on one session with a Shaping Concepts fitness professional would cost you $35-60 per workout. Now, you have the opportunity to work with a Shaping Concepts fitness pro in a fun and exciting group environment for only a fraction of the cost. Best of all, for a limited time I'm choosing (6) women to participate in my program absolutely FREE! I will be choosing the "Sexy Six" from applications received by the deadline of Friday September 19th, 2008.

If you are not chosen as one of the "Sexy Six", you can still join my "Get Sexy Boot Camps" for just over $12 per session. We have found that the social support and accountability that comes with group training consistently provides far better results than going it alone.
I will teach you how to build a fast metabolism that will have you burning unwanted body fat while at the same time, building lean, sexy muscle every hour of every day. So what are you waiting for? Sign up to get the "sexy" back by filling out the web form here: http://www.shapingconcepts.com/getsexybluffton.php