Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Three Ways To Work Off the Christmas & New Year Flab

Okay, so 2011 is done and gone by the way side. It was what it was, so now let's move on! You might have put on some extra pounds in the last year, especially over the past month and a half during the holiday season.

Here are three ways for you to work off that flab that you are fed up with and no longer want on your body.

First, exercise is key. In order for you to lose fat and not muscle you must get a combination of resistance training and cardiovascular training in at a minimum of three times per week. A simple Burst Training routine will take care of both of those at the same time. No need to spend hours on the treadmill. No need to spend hours on strength machines. Just a 30 minute burst training routine will benefit you more than any other workout I know when it comes to burning fat off your body.

As a fitness professional, I highly recommend everyone do this in a professional setting, such as a group class, or in a personal training setting, simply for the accountability alone. I offer a 21 Day Trial to try it out. Most places have a trial of their own. Take advantage of these.

Second, proper eating is vital when it comes to losing fat. There are two main things I look for nutritionally. One, are you eating breakfast? This is by far the most important meal of the day because it gets the metabolism reved up and burning more calories throughout the entire day. Without breakfast, your metabolism is at a snails pace. Two, are you eating every few hours throughout the day? Your metabolism will slow down if it does not have enough fuel to burn those unwanted calories. You wouldn't drive a car without putting gas in it would you? Simply eat every three hours all day long starting the moment you wake up.

Third, even if you are eating perfectly all day, everyday, you are still not even close to getting what your body needs to maintain a quality of life you want. This is why you take supplements. I'm not talking weight loss pills, or fat burning diets drinks. I'm talking about supplements to support your healthy eating habits. I highly recommend AdvoCare supplements because they are in my opinion the best products on the planet. I have them in my studio, I use these products everyday, and my wife and kids even use AdvoCare products. Use them. Your body will thank you for it. Read my AdvoCare story here:

Do these three things to burn off last years flab, and get your health back in check in 2012. Don't wait! Start now!

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center in Bluffton, SC.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Slight Edge...

I am asked to read something the other day as part of a mentoring program I'm going through. This book called "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson, is a great read. I wanted you to read just a small part of it as it has to do with your health. Make sure you not only read this as a health topic, but more importantly as a topic of obtaining a slight edge in your life.


-and it is easynot to do. Now, I’m defining EASY here as simply“something you can do.” The Slight Edge philosophyis based on doing things that are easy-littledisciplines, which, done consistently over time,add up to the biggest accomplishments. The problemis that all those things that are easy to do arejust as easy not to do. Why is something easy notto do? Because if you don’t do it, it won’t killyou today. But, that simple, seemingly insignificanterror in judgment, compounded over time, will killyou, destroy you, ruin your chances for success,and demolish your dreams. You can count on it.

Take, for example, the health issue of fat andcholesterol in your diet. Would you say that it’sa good idea to eat at least a pound and a halfof butter each day? How about drinking a quartof saturated oil? “Hey, my cholesterol’s way downto 200-got to get it up above 300.” Crazy, right?Sure it is-but millions and millions of people aredoing it every day. Why? We know what’s good for us:fresh fruit and vegetables, complex carbohydrateslike whole grains, unsaturated fats and oils, fishand chicken instead of beef. So why do we keepdigging our graves with our teeth? It’s easy toeat well-right? It’s easy not to-right? And whenyou eat that hamburger, you won’t die, will you?No, of course not. But that simple error in judgmentcompounded over time will ruin the quality of yourlife and eventually take you out of your lifeforever!

If you ate that hamburger and you had a heartattack-would you ever eat another one? No way!Eating a hamburger won’t kill you today, butcompound all those greasy, dead-animal pattiesover 10 or 20 years-as many as 5,000 of them!-andone day your clogged-up, stressed- out, overworkedol’ heart just quits! It’s not the one hamburger,it’s the thousands! That one hamburger is just asimple, little error in judgment. But compoundedover time, it can and will destroy you. It’s easyto do! It’s easy not to do! Either way, The SlightEdge is at work and at play. You’ve got to choosewhich way to go with The Slight Edge. And here iswhat makes doing the right thing such a hard choice for most people-

The Slight Edge Philosophy
by Jeff Olson

Try out a 21 Day Trial at Shaping Concepts to obtain your slight edge today!

Chad Cannon is the owner of the Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Studio in Bluffton, SC.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Burn Off the Ten Pounds You Gain Over the Holidays!

During the holiday season we all dred the eating, yet we all still do it, even though the end result we know will be weight gain. Today, I want to discuss how to get those holiday ten pounds off your body as fast as possible.

You could go through some weight training machines, and spend 60 minutes everyday on the bike or elliptical and burn some good calories...


You could do it in a more efficient way replacing glycogen with free fatty acids thus sheeding those unwanted pounds off your body in a much shorter amount of time. Let me expalin...

In order to maximize your exercise routine and burn more of the correct type of calories in a shorter amount of time there is only one way to do this. It's called BURST TRAINING.

I'm going to give you the perfect plan of action to do this.

First there are two different types of BURST TRAINING that must be done:

1) Burst Training Resistance Exercies

2) Burst Training Cardiovascular Exercises

Here's the sequence you want to follow:

Warm up for 5 minutes with a brisk walk.

Go through 3-4 sets of different resitance exercises like this...

Squat Jumps 10x

Push-ups 10x

Bridge up & down 10x

Plank 30 seconds

Go through this sequence with absolutely no rest except to sip water 3-4 times through.

As soon as you are done go to a treadmill to start your cardio Burst training.

On the treadmill I want you to Sprint for 1 minute. I'm talking 8, 9, even 10 mph. It's a complete sprint. It's only for one minute. You NEED to be VERY winded after that 1 minute. Then walk slowly for 2 minutes. Repeat this 4 times. So it looks like this...

1 minute Sprint

2 minute Slow Walk

Do this a total of 4 times.

Now that you are pretty worn out, you go through one last resistance exercise Burst Training routine picking four new exercises just like this...

Dumbbell Shoulder Press 10x

Reverse Lunges 10x each leg

Bench Dips 10x

Bicycle Abs 30 seconds

Go through these 4 exercises again with no rest a total of 3-4 sets.

You WILL burn TONS of the correct kind of calories to trim your waistline. Repeat this routine three t0 four times each week for one month and you will see AWESOME results! After one month, pick new resistance exercises and increase your speed on the treadmill, but continue the same type of routine.

Now make sure to start eating correctly. The two main area's with your nutrition are to eat breakfast and then eat small meals throughout the day. If you do these two simple things, your whole life will change drastically!

If you want to get even better results come in for a 21 Day Trial!

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center in Bluffton, SC.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to Stay Motivated During the Holiday Season

It can be easy to lose your motivation this time of year. Here's how to spice up your routine and stay focused.

The hardest step is the first step. Isn’t that the saying we use? Well, the hard part you’ve done already: You took that first step and started a regular exercise routine to get fit and healthy. But now, especially during the holiday season you're finding out that keeping up with it is as hard as taking that first step. You need to keep exercising, but how do you do it without getting bored and losing motivation?

Motivation to Keep Exercise Exciting

What is it about fitness that makes it fun for you? What motivates you most and keeps you focused and centered on a workout? Try these methods. They can help you stay focused and interested in your exercise routine:

· Find a buddy.
Working out is much more fun when you do it with someone else. Find a friend who will exercise with you, and won’t let you back out of your workout dates and times. This “buddy” could also be a trainer that is somewhere waiting for you.

· Set goals and a schedule. If you don't plan time for exercise and dedicate yourself to it, it's hard to stay motivated. Schedule times and dates for workouts on your calendar, and jot down what you plan to do and goals you want to accomplish.

· Push yourself. Don't work out to the point of injury, but push yourself during exercise routines — don't give up because you don't feel like it or simply because you're tired. Push yourself to go a little harder or a little longer, and you'll feel great afterward.

· Read or listen to music.
If you're walking on a treadmill or using an elliptical machine, try reading so you lose track of the minutes while you're burning calories. Or pump yourself up with some favorite music: high-energy, fast-paced songs can give the boost you need to get through your exercise routine. Create a playlist or CD of songs that motivate you for a workout.

· Cut out the routine from your exercise routine. You're more likely to lose motivation if you stick to the same workout routine, so come up with options so that you don't get bored. Walk one day, run another, hop on a bike, and try different aerobic and resistance exercises.

· Where to work out.
Your environment can have a big impact on how well you focus on your exercise routine. If you prefer being outside, schedule an exercise program around outdoor activities. If you get too distracted by other people in a health club, try investing in videos or exercise equipment and do your workout at home.

· Join group exercise classes to spice things up. Usually group classes are longer and more intense than individual workouts, which usually means more calories being burned. Group fitness classes will definitely keep you more focused and you tend to work much harder and not even realize it.

· Eat for exercise.
The old saying “Eat to live. Don’t live to eat” is where most people fail. Don't exercise on an empty stomach, but don't eat a huge meal right before exercising, either. Stick to a healthy, balanced diet for lots of energy, and have a light, healthy snack before a scheduled workout so that you don't feel hungry. This is another important reason to have a scheduled exercise time, so you know exactly when to plan your meals.
To make working out a part of your lifestyle, you may need to occasionallycome up with new and fun ways to exercise. Just keep your end goal in mind — better health, fitness, and happiness —and find ways to enjoy your workout.

Here at The Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center our exercise programs are built around your goals and are done in certain phases, meaning the pattern of the workout is changed once per month, even though every time you come in your workout is slightly different. This keeps your body guessing and your metabolism fast. We encourage healthy eating, not dieting. We also have an awesome new program that incorporates some group fitness classes combined with some individualized training. You get the best of both worlds. We also encourage proper supplementation to go along with eating clean foods. So everything listed above to help with motivation is what we do, so why not add these to your own daily routine to keep up the focus?

Come take Complete-Fit program test drive on a special 21-Day Trial. It’s awesome and I know you’ll love it!

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Cenepts Fitness Training Center in Bluffton, SC.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Four Life Factors to Live By

I live my life with these four factors in mind to try to make everything much better for me and others, to be the best person I can be. These obviously change over the years as I get older, but right now, these are the best things for me that I try to follow. Maybe they will work for you as well.

1. Be as fit and healthy as you possibly can be.
I consistently try to improve myself physically, and emotionally. I mean I just completed something I've been wanting to do since I was a young teenager - a marathon. Something that was terrifying, enlightening, physically demanding, emotionally demanding, and just downright crazy! I try to keep pushing myself to knew heights, over and over again, knowing that there are no limits to anything I do.

2. Love your wife or husband.
I love my wife more than anything. That's obviously why I asked her to be my wife. I know I'm not the best husband by any means, but at times, I have to show her my compassion. She's the world to me and I'd do anything for her.

3. Spend as much time with your kids as possible.
If there's one thing that upsets me more than anything, it's not getting to my kids "functions". It's so important to me to be there during their performances, sporting events, etc. I am a lucky person to be the owner of a company therefore have the ability to get to leave work when I need to. Even if it's bad for the business. There is NOTHING more important than being there for your kids. I miss out on lots already working long hours, evening hours, and more, so I vowed about a year ago to spend more time with my kids. I try not to take that for granted.

4. Everything you do in life, do it to the best of your ability and beyond.
This part is very hard. For me I find that in some areas of my life this is easy, and some are more difficult than anything. I try to use my strengths and push more with those, and constantly try to push harder on the things I don't do well with. "Don't Settle" is a motto I personally follow. I continuously tell myself that there is more, there is better, so keep working!

This is by fay the most important rule of all that I know is true and that never changes. I know that my number one factor is number one and always will be because without it, numbers two, three, and four can't happen.

Come on in to my fitness center to see if it's for you on a 21-day trial, or schedule a FREE Intro personally with me where we will do a consultation and assessment.

Chad Cannon is the owner of the Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center in Bluffton, SC.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Will I be the one that GAINS TEN POUNDS this holiday season?

Studies show that the average American gains ten pounds over the holidays. Halloween just ended, and Thanksgiving is right around the corner with Christmas to follow. This should be a wake up call for many of you. Remember how hard it was last year and all the years before hard it was emotionally when you "planned" on doing a good job and not gaining weight during this time of year, but then it all fell to pieces. Emotionally and physically you were beaten. Well it's time to start now. Start taking control of yourself physically and taking control of your emotions. I've never said that losing weight is easy. However, there are very simple things you can do to help you achieve good results.

Go through this check list and make sure you are ready. Because losing weight and even maintaining it comes with sacrifices, life changes, and when it comes down to it, YES...hard work. But hard work dosn't stay hard for long once you form habits and start actually enjoying it. You might think I'm crazy, but billions of people feel the same as I do from doing it, so why are you any different?

Your readiness to lose weight check list:

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to accept the fact that physical change occurs from mental and emotional adjustments?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to accept the fact that a lifestyle modification may be required to correct your condition(s)?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to acknowledge a fair and legitimate timeline for evaluation of yourself, your progress, and the effectiveness of this program?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to complete cardiovascular exercise for thirty minutes or more up to 5 days a week if it has been determined to be imperative towards reaching your goals?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to keep a weekly food log to your trainer/accountability person for a reasonable period of time if it has been determined to be imperative towards reaching your goals?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to significantly change your diet habits, even if it means throwing food away and starting over, if it has been determined to be imperative towards
reaching your goals?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to significantly reduce or eliminate your soda, coffee or alcohol consumption as recommended by your trainer if it has been determined to be
imperative towards reaching your goals?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to receive additional education on diet and nutrition as recommended by your trainer if it has been determined to be imperative towards
reaching your goals?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to increase your water consumption as recommended by your trainer if it has been determined to be imperative towards reaching your goals?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to discuss the importance of your new lifestyle changes with your employer if your work environment presents significant barriers?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to spend less time with people who offer little or no positive encouragement and support for your goals? This includes individuals that may
selfishly not have your best interest in mind and be a bad influence with lifestyle choices.

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to take time away from other parts of your life (be it work, free time, hobby time, etc) to achieve an improved state of health and physical fitness?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you ready to commit to your trainer/accountability person in order to receive his/her commitment to you?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you ready to commit to showing up on-time for your scheduled workout appointments and treating them with the highest respect and priority?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you prepared to be accountable to your trainer/or anyone and your program and understand that an evaluation of your commitment will be used?

YES ____ NO ____ Are you willing to commit to supplementing your nutrition with healthy top of the line nutritional products (not crap that you buy in an isle in the grocery store) in order to maximize your healthier eating habits thus increasing your overall metabolism and health?

Make sure that you are totally ready to participate in your own weight loss challenge. If you cannot commit to these you are most likely not ready to make the commitment to lose weight.

Now is the time to train your brain and get started in the right direction during the holidays of eating season. Don't be one of those people that gain yet another ten pounds by January. Set yourself up to succeed now and become one of those people that looks forward to the holiday season!

Come in and sit down with me for a free intro consultation and go through a TRIAL SESSION to see what it’s really like to get fit and healthy.Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

9 Good Reasons To Give My Fitness Training Program A Shot!

1. Accountability: We educate, support and guide you every step of the way, applying just the right amount of pressure to make sure you follow through.

2. Science: There's NO gimmicks- our system is based on the proven methods of using high intensity, short duration "burst training" to develop lean muscle, improve cardiovascular conditioning, increase metabolism, and optimize the hormonal systems in your body for fat loss.

3. Track Record: We've helped over 1000 Bluffton area residents lose weight, look great, and feel like a million bucks. Follow our system and you'll get the same!

4. Motivation: We know how to get you going FAST and keep you going so the results come quickly!

5. Expertise: You're coached and trained by a certified, highly knowledgeable fitness professional. All of our trainers are required to be certified by a nationally accredited organization. Unlike at a gym, not just anybody can be a trainer at Shaping Concepts. We select only highly educated, passionate, and dedicated fitness professionals (not some college kid trying to make a buck)!

6. Structure & Consistency: Let's face it, this is where the breakdown almost always occurs. We keep you on track, moving forward, so you see and feel the results quickly.

7. Customization: Your program is created for YOU, based on what YOUR body needs, ensuring that you reach your goals quickly and with 100% certainty!

8. Efficiency: We know you're busy so we get you in and get you out, at your convenience, so you can continue with your day.

9. You Are NOT Alone Anymore: Going it alone doesn't work...our programs are guaranteed to work if you simply follow the system!

Come in and sit down with me for a free intro consultation and go through a TRIAL SESSION to see what it’s really like to get fit and healthy.

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center.

Monday, October 24, 2011

14 Body Transformation Secrets (Part II)

Secret #8: You must eat plenty of fiber!

This is a big time secret for successful weight loss. Eating plenty of fiber in your diet
will have a bigger impact on your ability to lose weight than probably any other
nutritional strategy. Look for foods like cereals and bread that have a minimum of
three grams of fiber per serving. Eating fiber will keep you from feeling hungry,
improve your digestion and help you reduce your waistline fast! Try AdvoCare’s Fruit and Fiber Bars or Fiber Drink to increase more fiber. (Located in the studio or

Secret #9: You must create regular diet & exercise routines!

When it comes to making changes in your diet and exercise the most important thing
you can do is work on creating routines. Successful change comes from the repetition
of certain acts over and over again. Remember you’re making lifestyle changes not
just going on a short term diet. Go grocery shopping at the same time each week,
prepare your meals for the next day and schedule your time for exercise just like you
do any other appointment. I cannot stress how important this is.

You don’t have to be perfect in the beginning nor should you expect to be. Simply
work on creating better routines every day and you’ll soon find healthy eating and
exercising to be second nature.

Secret #10: You must be willing to make sacrifices!

You probably already knew this but it’s essential to your success. It’s easy to make
excuses for why you can’t eat healthy or find time for exercise. The reality is we all
have 24 hours to use each day. It’s up to you to decide how you’ll use the time. Take
an honest look at your lifestyle and habits right now and decide what’s most

Here’s some straight talk on what you need to do. If there’s any person, activity, or
habit that is not positive or supportive towards your weight loss goals they’ve got to
go! The most successful people have the guts to do this and their results show it. Go
and do likewise.

Secret #11: You must know your caloric requirements!

You cannot get your body to release stored fat unless you provide it with an energy
balance. Calories are simply energy and if you’re not eating enough to support your
resting metabolic rate plus daily activities you put your body in a fat storing mode.
Most people have no idea how many calories they should be eating for fat loss
and thus they struggle with seeing results. This is a vital piece of information to your
success. The reality is your metabolism is unique and experience has shown us that
it’s very ineffective to estimate your caloric needs. The majority of people who start
our programs are surprised to learn they’re actually not eating enough calories to lose

I recommend you complete a Nutritional Coaching Session each month if you’re serious about making a body transformation. (A Shaping Concepts trainer can scheduling this into your program each month).

Secret #12: You must use a heart rate monitor!

The most effective cardiovascular exercise routines are built around your individual
target heart rate zones. The intensity or heart rate range where your body is best at
burning fat is unique to your metabolism and body make-up.
Once you learn your ideal target heart rate zones you can begin exercising with pin point accuracy. Having a heart rate monitor is essential to tracking your intensity during cardio workouts. Polar® is my heart rate monitor brand of choice due to their compatibility with most
cardio equipment.

Secret #13: You must set quantifiable goals!

The practice of goal setting makes everything seem to fall in place. However, you
must set goals that can be measured. Set a number to the percentage of body fat or
inches you want to lose. This way you can measure your progress. Write your goals
down on an index card and post it someplace like your bathroom mirror where you’ll
see it at least twice daily. This is an extremely powerful technique. You become what
you think about so fill your subconscious thoughts with your goals as much as
possible. Your body really does follow your mind. Tell your mind over and over what
you expect and the results will amaze you.

Secret #14: You must eliminate processed and refined foods from your diet!

These foods are big time culprits for hindering weight loss. You think you’re doing well
by eating “low-fat” or “no-sugar” diet foods but in reality these foods are part of the
problem. Three words you should look to avoid on food labels are “hydrogenated, high
fructose corn syrup, and enriched.” These are just a few of the indicators that the
food has been processed, refined or chemically altered. The further you get away from
whole foods the harder it is to lose weight. Eating breads, cereal and other starches
high in fiber along with fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, nuts, fish, legumes, etc. is the
secret to slimming your waistline and improving your health. There are no magic pills,
diets or other shortcuts that will work like eating whole foods and exercising.

Come in and sit down with me for a free consultation and go through a TRIAL SESSION to see what it’s really like to get fit and healthy.

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center.

Monday, October 17, 2011

14 Body Transformation Secrets to Success (Part I)

Secret #1: You must eat something every 3-4 hours!!!

One of the most important steps in your metabolism makeover is stabilizing pancreatic
hormones so you can begin releasing stored body fat. Eating small meals frequently
throughout the day helps provide a consistent supply of energy signaling to your body
that it no longer needs to store fat.

Secret #2: You must do aerobic exercise!

The majority of your weight loss especially in the beginning will come from doing
aerobic exercise like walking. The most successful clients start with aerobic exercise
for 30-45 minutes each day for a minimum of five days per week. The intensity needs
to be low for aerobic exercise, that’s why walking is so effective. You don’t necessarily need to
start performing higher intensity cardio routines until after an aerobic base is
established. Consult with your trainer on your ideal target heart rate range for aerobic

Secret #3: You must drink plenty of water!

This is an absolute necessity. You cannot lose weight without drinking a minimum of
eight glasses of water each day. This is a minimum requirement. Multiply your
bodyweight by .55 to determine your target water intake in ounces. Carry a water
bottle with you everywhere you go and sip on it throughout the day.

Secret #4: You must minimize alcohol consumption!

The cold hard truth is alcohol is nothing more than empty calories made up of sugar
that can stop fat burning in its tracks! There’s plenty of research showing the
numerous benefits of a glass of red wine daily to your health, but the key is
moderation. If you’re going to drink alcohol, do so with a meal and limit your intake. The choice is yours but remember your decision on how much alcohol you consume will always
affect your results.

Secret #5: You must decrease your consumption of saturated (animal fats) while
increasing unsaturated (omega-3) fats!

The latest research is showing that one of the biggest problems with the American
diet is that we’re not eating enough unsaturated fats. These are the “good fats”
typically found in cold water fish and plant sources. I recommend you supplement
your diet with AdvoCare’s OmegaPlex (found on the supplement shelf in the studio or at The benefits to your overall health and waistline from taking extra Omega-3’s daily are so numerous that I consider it a “super food.” Also, you can choose whatever brand you want, but take note that we carry AdvoCare products because of the world-class science and testing behind the products. You just have no idea what you are getting from an “over the counter” product.

Secret #6: You must consume plenty of fruits and vegetables!

I’m sure this is not breaking news to you but eating more fruits and vegetables really
is essential to your success. You must make a conscious effort through your meal
planning and grocery shopping to incorporate more fruits and vegetables. It’s recommended to eat 9-13 servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

Secret #7: You must provide your body with adequate rest!

If you’re not getting 6-8 hours of sleep each night you’re significantly limiting your
ability to lose body fat and develop lean muscle. Not getting enough sleep will cause a
stress response in your body and raise cortisol hormone levels. This will make it very
difficult to release stored body fat and allow for muscle re-growth and recovery. Many people including myself, struggle with getting enough sleep. I personally take AdvoCare’s SleepWorks to help with this. ( I absolutely LOVE it!!


Come in and sit down with me for a free consultation and go through a TRIAL SESSION to see what it’s really like to get fit and healthy.

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Four Components of Your Body Transformation

I’ve found there are four main components to a successful body transformation.
The reason that diet routines, pills, weight loss shakes and other so called “solutions” fail to deliver long-term results is they don’t focus on how the human body functions.

When you start putting all four of these components together you’ll begin seeing the
results you’ve always wanted.

1. Moderate Aerobic Exercise
2. A Concern For Muscle
3. Supportive Nutrition
4. Proper Progression

There are no shortcuts to achieving long-term weight loss. There must be a
commitment to healthy lifestyle changes that include proper nutrition and exercise. I
bet in your heart you already knew that.

It has been my goal since the beginning to build a business that differentiates itself by providing personalized solutions and not just a “one size fits all” program. That’s the Shaping Concepts difference. That's why I use these four body transformation components.

The Four Components of Your Body Transformation

Key Component #1: Moderate Aerobic Exercise

Individuals just starting an exercise program will want to develop an “Aerobic Base” by completing low-moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise. You can accomplish this by simply walking (5) days per week for 30-45 minutes. Walking is one of the most overlooked and effective activities you can perform in a weight loss program. The higher intensity cardio routines may come later for some individuals but they’re only effective if you’ve first developed an Aerobic Base.

Key Component #2: A Concern For Muscle (Resistance Exercise)

Your Semi-Private sessions with a trainer will be centered on developing lean muscle.
We’ll start with functional exercise and build to weighted resistance movements once
you’re ready for the increased intensity. When it comes to burning fat it’s important to remember that the more lean muscle you have the more efficient your body becomes at using fat for energy. Developing lean muscle will also help your body absorb more oxygen during respiration allowing you to complete cardiovascular exercise at higher intensities and thus burn more fat.

Key Component #3: Supportive Nutrition

This is the “eat right” part to the weight loss equation. The foods you eat and how
often you eat them will determine whether your body is in a “fat burning” state or a
“fat storing” state. The strategies you’ll learn from us come from a principal called
supportive nutrition. It is very important that you stick with these principals and not attempt to “fix” your program by cutting calories. This is why we have Nutritional Coaching Sessions as a part of our program.

Key Component #4: Proper Progression

The fourth component is proper progression which is nothing more than changing up
your exercise routine in a way that creates a new stimulus in your cardiovascular and
neuromuscular systems. Your body will adapt to any given workload over time. In
order to see the best results you must change the intensity of your workouts. The
most effective fat burning routines will eventually incorporate higher intensity exercise.

While each individual is different, our objective will typically be to progress you into routines that call upon more “fast twitch” muscle fibers. There are numerous benefits to higher intensity training routines but the type of training you complete will depend on your goals, health issues, fitness level and other factors. Your trainer is educated on providing you with the appropriate strategies according to your unique needs. Here at the Shaping Concepts Fitness Trainer Center we will introduce a new phase to your routine once per month. Even though your exercises may change every time you come in, your phase stays the same for about one month.

Make sure you combine these four compenents into your everyday routine of transforming your body. If you don't, you probably won't be happy with your overall results.

Come in and sit down with me for a free consultation and go through a TRIAL SESSION to see what it’s really like to get fit and healthy.

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

10 Fat Loss Myths-Part II (Myth 6-10)

Incase you missed last weeks post click HERE to catch up on the first five Fat Loss Myths.


I used to believe this myth myself. The idea behind it is that your body must “warm up” for a period of time before it shifts into “fat burning mode”, and so anything before xx minutes simply doesn’t count.

This is complete nonsense! While you should always work towards incorporating a warm up period (as well as a slow down process) during your workouts, you actually start burning calories from the moment you begin!
However, where it does get a bit more complicated is that if you have a large amount of simple carbs stored in your system then your body will always first use these for energy before it starts to move onto fats and protein. For this reason you must make sure your pre workout meals put’s your body in a fat burning state ( If your goal is weight loss ) so you can burn as much fat as possible during your workouts. ( Learn more about pre & post workout meals here )


If you ever truly find a food group or item that will cause instant weight loss, please, let me know!
Realistically, there are no foods that instantly burn fat, however there are food types that can increase your metabolism (which will subsequently, help you lose weight). As always focus on eating balanced meals that includes the right amount and type of protein, fats and carbs.


These diets are typically difficult to stick with because they are very limiting in what you are allowed to eat. Furthermore, the reality of the matter is that while you may lose weight quickly at first, your body will plateau and you will find it difficult to get past the “hump”. Carbs are as vital to losing weight quickly as protein and fats. The trick is to learn how and when to eat carbs so they help you burn fat instead of piling it on.
So instead of focusing on cutting carbs rather focus on following a healthy eating plan that encompasses foods from the 3 main food groups, ensuring that you not only are given added flexibility in your meal options, but that you are receiving the minerals and vitamins that your body requires.


Did you know that there is such a thing as a “Sumo Diet”? It’s thought that Sumo wrestlers eat just before retiring for the day, and rarely eat throughout the day itself as a way of packing on pounds.
The reason for this isn’t because eating after 7pm actually causes major weight gain (the number of calories you have stored at the end of the day will still be transformed into fat regardless of when you ate), but instead, they do this because when you eat less your body ends up storing more fat, while decreasing your metabolism rate.
It’s important to eat regularly throughout the day, preferably 5 to 6 times. Breakfast is also a extremely important as that will help kick start your metabolism after your 8 hours of sleep.


This myth is not only extremely difficult to do, but it actually can harm your health. We all need fat in our diets to survive and to feed our muscles and encourage growth.
While reducing your fat intake will help you lose weight, it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to reduce it altogether.
Rather focus on eliminating the wrong types of fat e.g. trans fats, saturated fats etc.
There you go. Now you have no more reason to believe any of these myths or fall for them. Stick to the truth and you will get your 6 pack abs much faster!

Come in and sit down with me for a free consultation and go through a TRIAL SESSION to see what it’s really like to get fit and healthy.

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center in Bluffton, SC.

Chad thanks Peter Carvell for his contibution to this blog post.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

10 Fat Loss Myths (First Five here)

There are misleading programs and tactics that are not only ineffective but often dangerous when it comes to fat loss. Below are 10 FAT LOSS MYTHS that you must know about.


This myth is a bit confusing, so let’s set the record straight.
Eliminating (or at least minimizing) certain foods such as foods that are high in sugars) should be part of your transition into healthy eating. You always want to minimize the number of high fat (low energy) foods whenever possible.

However, eliminating complete food groups from your diet and focusing on eating only one kind of food are not only very difficult to stick with, but in order to maintain a healthy diet, you need a well rounded selection of wholesome foods from all of the food groups. So when you hear about a diet that consist of just eating CARBS or Protein or Fats instead of a healthy mix of all three you can pretty much be 100% sure it won’t last and won’t work for long.


This is a very common myth that actually is believable if you consider the reasoning behind it.

The myth goes on to indicate that because your body needs to heat up the water, it automatically begins to burn calories whenever you drink cold water. This calorie burning frenzy continues until your body has adjusted the water temperature to be that of your regular body’s warmth.

While drinking water (at any temperature) is an important part of any weight loss system, don’t count on losing weight just from drinking alone. And even if it sounds good in theory, the energy used to heat up that water is so little that it won’t have an effect in itself on your weight loss.

Water does however help to flush out your system keeping you healthy and free of toxins, but you cannot burn calories just by drinking it without a healthy diet.


If you focus your exercise and weight training on specific areas of your body you will be able to reduce the amount of fat in that specific area. FALSE!!!

In reality, there is no such thing as spot reduction, and instead as you begin to work out and exercise you will start to lose weight evenly throughout your entire body.

Another common myth is that a high number of repetitions will burn more fat, when in truth, fewer repetitions with a heavier weight will actually cause you to burn more fat in a shorter amount of time than a higher number of reps with a lighter weight.


Nearly every diet out there focuses on lowering your calorie intake and increasing your overall level of activity, and rightly so. The problem comes when dieters believe that by dramatically reducing their calorie intake they will shed the weight and keep it off.

It’s important to gradually reduce your calorie intake so that your body’s natural system doesn’t shift into ‘starvation’ mode, which triggers your system into believing that you need to store food for a possible period of famine (this has been part of our system since the beginning of man).

You also need to watch out for a disruption in your body’s natural metabolic pace, as dramatic reductions in calories can slow it down making it harder to shed those pounds.


I’ve seen this myth circulate the weight loss communities many times over the years and while the “best time of day” always seems to change, the basic idea remains the same:
You need to work out at specific times for maximum results.
In reality, you really don’t have to work out early in the morning, late at night or anything in between as long as you are actually exercising.

Focus more on maintaining a consistent schedule of activity and less on when you actually get it done.

For busy moms to business owners, being able to set a specific schedule isn’t always the easiest thing to achieve, so it’s great news that the real facts are that regardless of when you actually exercise, your body will burn the same amount of calories for the same workout regardless of the time of day.

Stay tuned for the next 5 Fat Loss Myths. They will be out in the next blog post.

Come in and sit down with me for a free consultation and go through a TRIAL SESSION to see what it’s really like to get fit and healthy.

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Center in Bluffton, SC.

Chad thanks Peter Carvell for his contibution to this blog post.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fitness Professionals... What are you paying for?

One of my clients told me a great story recently.

Nancy, who has been a client of mine here at Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Studio for about 5 years was recalling how back in the day, when she belonged to the local Gold’s gym. On her very first day she was given a free personal training session where she was taken over to one specific wall of machines, about 8 machines in total (even though there were over 50 machines in the gym) and was shown one time how to adjust the seat height according to her own height. She didn’t actually do anything on any of the machines accept about 5 reps just to figure out how to use them. The trainer wrote on her little workout card that she needed to do 3 sets of 12 reps at a certain weight.

So Nancy said for years and years, because she is very religious about doing her exercise, she did this same routine at the same weight, same seat adjustments, same repetitions, same number of sets, same everything. Year after year! She did it because that is what her trainer told her to do… Her trainer that she was given to her, for free, for a one time “personal training session”.

I’m sorry but this is not PERSONAL TRAINING! There is nothing personal about what he gave her. Nothing! He probably didn’t even know her goal, or even bothered to ask. Nancy said to me the other day how stupid she was for doing that same routine for so many years. She knew she was never improving in any way, but kept doing the same routine because that’s what her so called trainer said to do.

There are reasons why personal trainers are not considered as professionals. This is one reason.

Times have changed!!!

Nancy has been attending fitness sessions here at Shaping Concepts for many years now. Here’s some of the main reasons why…

We want to know what your goals are from the get go. At Shaping Concepts you don’t pay much for the training session itself. What you are paying for is the program design. We follow a very drawn out design that has been made just for your specific goals.

And forget about sitting on machines, we want you to move and be active. Move functionally, as you do throughout your entire day. You would be very surprised how many squats, lunges, pushing, and pulling movements, and rotations you do all day long. So this is how we train. I mean I can’t remember the last time I did a seated leg extension with a load down at my ankles in the middle of the day, so why would I train my body for that?

And don't forget about learning how to eat properly for your goals and overall health. We do that too. Infact that's 80% of you getting the results you want. When's the last time someone from the local gym told you that?

Another reason to come to Shaping Concepts or any training studio, and not a gym is this…
We are going to teach you about fat loss!

You could do this on your own, or at your local big national chain gym… mobilize fat, transport and oxidize it in the body, keep the insulin stable and glucagon high, raising your metabolism and make sure your omega-3 intake is optimum. Alright GO!


You could join my studio and I’ll take care of all that for you!

This is what today’s fitness professional is. So don’t make the mistake of hiring yourself a personal trainer. Instead go find yourself a fitness professional that knows how to do all this and knows how to come up with a program design according to your goals and needs. Anyone can take you through an exercise routine. Not everyone, however, can teach you how to lose fat.

Your body changes by the minute. Stop doing the same exercises, the same weights, the same reps.


Come in and sit down with me for a free consultation and go through a TRIAL SESSION to see what it’s really like to get fit and healthy.

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts Fitness Training Studio in Bluffton, SC

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

More Muscle = Less Fat

More muscle equals less fat. It’s a scientific fact!

I know, I know, you don’t want to look like a body builder. Let me tell you, as a fitness professional for 22 plus years now, you WILL NOT get huge bulky muscles unless you inject something into your body, and I highly suggest you NOT DO THAT! It’s unsafe, illegal, and will give you countless side effects for life!

But you still must be improving your muscle strength and muscle tone to increase fat loss. See the body burns fat through the muscle. So the more muscle you have, the less fat you have. It’s really that simple when it comes to fat burning.

You can lose weight with all the fad diets, and just doing cardiovascular exercise day in and day out, but you will not be burning fat. You will however be burning off your muscle when trying to lose weight with low-carb diets and too much cardiovascular exercise. If you do choose to take this harder way out, which most people think that it’s easier, you will see and feel the effects of losing muscle rather than fat. If you want to have the “flabby skin” look and be really run down all the time, then that’s your choice. You will still lose weight, but you will be very unhealthy, and probably have a higher percentage of body fat than when you started, and add that to a higher cholesterol and bad blood sugar readings. Your choice.

If you want to look good, feel good have great readings in your blood sugar, and cholesterol, then start strengthening those muscles.

Here’s an example of how true this is…

Many of you know I’ve had two surgeries on my arm recently, one for a pinched nerve, and the other a torn tendon, which I’ve had for over 3 years. So I’ve been doing really no resistance training for about 6 months. In this time, I’ve been running quite a bit, even training for a marathon.

So before all this happened I averaged about 12% bodyfat. Since there has been no “muscle training” and lots of cardiovascular training, my weight has dropped 20 pounds (I wasn’t trying to lose weight), HOWEVER, my body fat went up to over 20%. I haven’t weighed this little or had this much fat in 20 plus years. I mean I was down to 150 pounds. Here’s the other thing… I had no energy, and really didn’t look good. And more importantly people noticed all this about me.

Here’s what I’m doing now…

As I said I had two surgeries, and still can’t do much strength training, especially some of the functional movements I love doing. But I have started. So here’s the plan I’ve done for the last month: (each day only last about 20 minutes total, if that.)

Monday – 4-5 sets of Chest 15x / Back 15x (nothing over 50 pounds)
Tuesday – 4-5 sets of Shoulders 15x / Triceps 15x / Biceps 15x (nothing over 12 pounds)
Wednesday – the same as Monday
Thursday – the same as Tuesday
Friday – the same as Monday and Wednesday
Sat / Sun – off

(I do my leg exercises each time I run with injury preventative non-weight barring exercises)

Notice that there is NOT ONE ABDOMINAL EXERCISE in this routine!!!

Since I have 8 weeks until my marathon, I’m still doing quite a bit of cardio, which completely counteracts what I’m trying to accomplish.

My running routine is this:

Monday – 3-4 miles (about 30 min)
Wednesday – 20-25 (3-4 miles worth) minutes of interval training
Friday – 4-5 miles (30-40 minutes)
Sunday – 10+ miles (90+ minutes)
Again, this cardio is VERY counter-productive to what my goal is (trying to build more muscle).


I’ve gained 6 pounds of muscle, and have lost about 7% bodyfat which is now down to 15%...and still dropping!

Now imagine what the results would be like if I weren’t doing all that counter-productive cardio. I should only be doing about 2-3 days of an average of 30 minutes.
By the way, remember I said I was doing NO ABDOMINAL EXERCISES? Well, I did this just to prove a point that tons of ab exercises don’t make your tummy tiny. I have a great 8-pack right now, after not having one 4 weeks ago at 22% bodyfat. All I did was uncover them. REMEMBER, THIS IS ONLY AFTER 4 WEEKS!

I have maintained my eating routine of eating right away each morning, and every 3-4 hours until right before I go to bed. Yes, I said MY LAST MEAL OF THE DAY IS 30 MINUTES (or less) BEFORE I GO TO BED. Each time I eat, I make sure there is a lean protein and a complex carb (higher fiber), and either a fruit or a vegetable. That’s it!

I did change my supplements a bit. As you know I take AdvoCare supplements, mainly because of the science and the product testing behind it. I have my Spark energy drink about 5:30am with 5 Catalyst (amino acids). I have an Arginine Extreme drink (for increased muscle endurance) mixed with a Mass Impact drink (for muscle building) 15 minutes before my strength training workout. I have a Post Workout Recovery shake after my workouts. Another Spark around 2-3pm. Sometimes I’ll try to have 3-5 more Catalyst. I have continued with other regulars such as OmegaPlex (Omega-3’s), Coreplex (multivitamin), Purple Champs (development of the brain, eyes, and nerves & overall health), and CitriZinc ((immune support). I will also have a Rehydrate drink (electrolyte replacement) before and after runs, and O2 Gold (enhances oxygen intake for prolong periods) on my long run days.

So I’m telling you all this so that you really understand the differences of losing “weight” and losing FAT! Honestly people, if you choose the rout of losing “weight”, 99% of the time you will be heavier in the future than when you started. That is a FACT, not an opinion! Losing “weight” is actually harder to do than losing fat. Think about it, you have to cut carbs, or even worse, cutting calories. That’s just not easy for anyone. I’m not sure why anyone would want to cut anything from their diet. You can eat more carbs and more protein, and actually eat more food than normal when you plan to lose fat. It’s also harder to do hours and hours of cardio in order to lose “weight”. When trying to lose fat it only takes 2-3 times a week for about 30 minutes.

Most people pick the losing “weight” option simply because of the strength training. The perception is that it’s hard, it’s painful, and it just flat out hurts all the time. That is only a perception. If done correctly, strength training can be fun and be done in a minimal amount of time. Being coached on how to train your muscles the correct way is vital as you want to do it in the most efficient way possible.

There you have it. It’s your choice, but know that I will always pay more attention and work more with those that choose the losing FAT path. The path that people choose tells me a lot about what type of person they are. Trust me when I say this, I know it when you choose the losing “weight” option. I can see right through it, and so can everyone else.

Again, it’s your choice. I don’t want to steer you towards one path more than the other, but…

Okay are you kidding me???? Of course I do! Everyone needs to burn FAT, not just lose weight. This is what makes you a healthy person or not. And that is what it’s all about… being healthy and fit!

If you would like help in losing that unwanted FAT and become a healthier, come in for a FREE TRIAL SESSION Today!

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts fitness studios in Bluffton, SC.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Big Factor in YOUR Success (FREE Gift for You!)

What is one of the biggest factors in YOU achieving success in reaching your fitness, health, and weight loss goals? It’s something everyone knows about. It’s something that everyone intends on doing. It’s something that is honestly one of the hardest things to get started doing, but does get easier and easier as time goes on.

Watch this video to find out what it is…

As said in the video, I’m giving you the perfect walking program for you to lose weight, and get a really good jump on your health. Trust me when I say this program really works. I’ve had many people go through this program, many times over. It’s a “progressive” walking program, meaning it begins easy and builds up for eight weeks, then all you do is repeat it. This “cycle” will keep your body guessing and working harder instead of getting bored and run down.

HOWEVER, this program will NOT get your butt out the door and do it for you. I can give you all the tools you need to get great results, but YOU have to be the one to get off the couch and hit the pavement. YOU have to be the one that decides to go out and get it done. YOU have to be the one that checks it off each day after it’s completed, and YOU are the one that has to live with the guilt if you skip a day or two, or completely fall off all together. I’ve given you this program that flat out works. If you follow it and stay CONSISTANT it will work. If you don’t lose weight with this program, I’d be absolutely amazed!

Now if you follow the program and eat crap, you will NOT get results. If you’re going to do it, eat healthy. Cheat a little, but eat 80% healthy everyday and you WILL lose weight.

(on the days where it has a total number of minutes, then two more numbers below it, this means it is an INTERVAL day, meaning the fist Monday, you will do fast walking for 30seconds, slower walking for 1minute for a total of 30minutes. On the first Saturday you will walk fast for 5minutes, then slower for 1minute for a total of 30minutes. All Wednesdays are medium paced.)

1 MON-30 min. 30sec/1min WED-Walk for 20 min. SAT-30 min. 5min/1min.
2 MON-30 min. 1min/1min WED-Walk for 25 min. SAT-30 min. 5min/1min.
3 MON-30 min. 1min/30sec WED-Walk for 30 min. SAT-30 min. 5min/1min.
4 MON- 40 min. 30sec/1min WED-Walk for 30 min. SAT-40 min. 5min/1min.
5 MON-40 min. 1min/1min WED-Walk for 35 min. SAT-40 min. 5min/1min.
6 MON-40 min. 1min/30sec WED-Walk for 40 min. SAT-40 min. 5min/1min.
7 MON-45 min. 1min/1min WED-Walk for 40 min. SAT-45 min. 5min/1min.
8 MON-50 min. 1min/1min WED-Walk for 45 min. SAT-50 min. 5min/1min.

If you want to have more consistancy in your program with some one-on-one personal training, partner training, or even our small group boot camp and circuit classes, come in to Shaping Concepts and try us out. Everyone gets a FREE TRIAL.

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts fitness studios in Bluffton, SC.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Hey, Chad here. I have a very simple, but VERY up front messege for you today.
If this is you...

...then I want you to take a few minutes and watch the video below I made specifically for you. Things might seem totally out of control and you might be in a place in life where you just don't see yourself or anything around you getting any better. If this is you, then please watch the video. There is a very important message that I need you to hear.

Really, you CAN make that simple decision to TAKE ACTION and start making that change you really do want.

As I said, I will do whatever I can to guide you in the right direction and push you as needed if you are willing to TAKE ACTION now or sometime in the future. I am always here for you. And it all start with a face to face meeting between the two of us. I will gladly give you a FREE consultation, with no obligation whatsoever to purchase any of my programs or products. Just Click here --> --> to TAKE ACTION NOW!

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts fitness studios in Bluffton, SC and an Advisor with AdvoCare International.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


You may have seen or heard the phrase “functional exercise” in the media lately. It’s certainly a hot topic right now. Celebrities like Oprah Winfrey are leading the way by telling the public of its many benefits. In reality functional exercise is not new….far from it. It’s actually just exercise that works your entire body in multiple planes of motion. The difference is today we are using stability balls, bands, medicine balls, foam rollers, and other fancy gadgets to replace what we used to do with our own bodies. The new equipment and training techniques are great and they’ve certainly created a “buzz” but it’s what they do that is really important. Somewhere along the line exercise changed from being something that worked the entire body to today being isolation movements on fixed, stationary equipment. The health club movement that started in the late 1970’s had a lot to do with our current perception of exercise. Let me explain…

But first, be sure to watch the video at the very bottom of this article to see the best functional exercise there is…for this time of year…it’s VERY FUNNY!

When it comes to exercise most people don’t have a clue regarding the type and duration needed to meet their individual goals. Unfortunately, the one place you think would be helping the most has actually created most of the confusion. Walk into any gym or health club in your community and you’ll see most people doing the same things…going from machine to machine, moving slowly, and only working one muscle group at a time. Whoever told them this was the best way to exercise? Probably nobody…but when there is a lack of education people will naturally just follow what they see someone else doing. The health club industry has done a poor job educating its members on how to reach their goals. The free personal training session or initial consultation is usually a joke. It’s typically conducted by someone at the front desk that has little or no professional experience. After you’ve been shown where the dumbbells are at, you’re turned loose to do it all on your own. Confused and embarrassed most people will just start watching and mimicking someone else. The end result is people getting frustrated. They’ll spend all this time working out without ever seeing results then one day they’ll quit. Such a shame….nobody ever shared with them the TRUTH.

The traditional gym or health club today is packed with exercise equipment to work every single muscle group in isolation. How we ever got to this point is really beyond me. I’m sure it has something to do with fitness equipment manufacturers looking to sell more equipment. I mean we have equipment for most every single movement imaginable. The problem with this is your body doesn’t work in isolation, it works with integration. Let’s look at four different movements you might do in everyday life and then break each one down in relation to functional and traditional exercise. After that you be the judge.

1) Picking up a small child from the floor.
2) Pull starting a lawn mower.
3) Lifting a heavy box from the floor
4) Pushing open a heavy door.

1) When you pick up a small child or most anything from the floor we do so in an asymmetrical form. In other words, you’re going to bend down with one leg in front of the other. When you bend over you’re going to use your low back, abdominals, and major leg muscles to get back up. This movement is going to use a lot of muscles in an integrated fashion. An exercise like a leg extension designed to isolate the quadriceps is of little use during this movement. But that’s exactly what you’d see most people doing to exercise their legs. A better alternative would be a functional exercise like a medicine ball reach which more closely resembles the actual activity. This exercise also improves balance, core strength, and motor skills. All things that are important with actual everyday activities.

2) Anyone who has ever pull started a lawn mower understands the demands this movement puts on the back, arms, and shoulders. The primary muscle group involved in any “pulling” movement is the latisimus dorsi of the back. Most machines designed to work the latisimus dorsi have you sitting down and pulling from overhead. Why? How often will that happen today? Chances are if you have to pull something you’ll do it standing up. You’ll also be using rotation from your hips to complete the movement. Two things you won’t find in standard exercise equipment. A better exercise to give you pulling with rotation would be a low-high chop with a resistance band or cable.

3) You won’t find many pieces of exercise equipment that will actually help you pick up something heavy from the floor. The reason is this is such a compound movement requiring the integration of the low back, abdominals, and legs. Low back problems rank number one for causes of lost work days in the US. Why? One reason has to do with the way we exercise. Traditional isolation equipment does little to prevent low back injuries that are commonly caused by muscle imbalances, usually due to a weak core. A good exercise to develop the muscles used when picking something up is called a “pull through.” This exercise really works the posterior chain, as you can see by the strain on my face!

4) Pushing exercises are some of my favorite examples. Typically when you push something you’ll do it standing up. Think about when you might push something today sitting down. I can’t think of too many instances. But let’s look at the number one exercise for most guys…the bench press. Now, I’m not knocking this exercise because it does have its purpose….but you need to look at the exercise objective in relation to your goals. The bench press is a great way to build hypertrophy or size for the chest. It’s probably the best way to add muscle mass if that’s your goal. But let’s look at the other 95% of the population that simply wants to look good, stay in shape, and improve their overall quality of life. There are some alternatives to the bench press that can work the core and the chest at the same time. Try a push up off a stability ball. I think you’ll be surprised!

Functional exercise is really nothing more than exercising the way you move in everyday life. Traditional isolation equipment does a poor job of simulating these everyday activities. Now before you go out and throw away your home gym…wait there’s more. I believe that people can benefit from traditional equipment if they combine it with functional movements. This concept is called “Three Tier Integration” and is the foundation for the workout routines we design and teach at Shaping Concepts. Combining functional exercise with different forms of resistance and cardiovascular exercise gives you the best total body workout. You’ll also be pleased to know that you’ll be able to complete your workouts in half the time.

Ever wonder who made the one-hour rule for workouts anyway? I’d like to know if you find out. I believe this unspoken rule has been handed down over time by new exercisers simply watching bodybuilders. But here’s the real problem….bodybuilders and the general population have drastically different goals. Individuals educated in exercise prescription know that hypertrophy periodizations (those designed primarily for muscle mass increase) require a minimum of one minute rest between sets. There is a physiological reason why the bodybuilder will take more rest between sets and thus more time with their workout. But that doesn’t mean their workout is best suited for an individual looking primarily to lose weight and get in shape.

Training routines and programs should always be individual specific according to a person’s wants, needs, and physical limitations. For most people, excluding athletes and bodybuilders, you can achieve your goals with 30 minute durations of exercise.

Most people don’t realize that the body starts breaking down after about 30 minutes of intense exercise. There’s little reason for the typical individual to exceed 30 minutes in a single session if they’re exercising properly. An hour in the gym can easily be replaced with 30 minutes of exercise done most anywhere….once you learn how. Years ago, people had a better idea on what exercise was really all about. Long before health clubs became nothing more than an endless sea of equipment and spandex. Back when a gym was actually a place where people went to break a sweat.

Old time fitness guru’s like Farmer Burns and Karl Gotch practiced bodyweight calisthenics and other exercises that focused on working the entire body. It was their teachings that made up the foundation for physical education classes in the public schools. Forty years ago you would’ve been taught that exercise included things like jumping jacks, push-up’s, torso twists, and knee bends. All examples of what today we call “functional exercise.”

I watched a documentary recently regarding physical education classes in our schools that just blew me away. At the time of filming, Illinois was the only state that had mandatory physical education classes in public schools. We’ve removed gym classes in order to spend more time on equivalency tests that determine government funding. Can you believe it? We’ve sacrificed our children’s health in order for better test results and government money. The one school they did show with physical education classes had 8-10 year old children working out on traditional weight equipment. When did this start? Not only is this impractical, it’s contributing to the misleading view our children have with exercise. When we do teach them PE, we teach them how to sit down and exercise! Whatever happened to dodge ball and relay races? Such a shame…the end result is a population that has never been taught the importance of real exercise. In fact, by removing it we’ve taught them it’s really not important at all. It should be no surprise that childhood obesity is at epidemic levels.

It’s time to get back to the basics! Time to get back to real exercise….the kind that actually helps improve your quality of life! The typical weight training routine everyone imitates focuses on aesthetic improvements instead of developments in motor skills, balance, flexibility, and overall strength. Remember, you want a body that you can use….not one that just looks good.

As we age, we’ll all lose things like balance, flexibility, motor skills, and strength. Now we can’t stop the aging process but we can change our quality of life. Whether you still want to be able to play 18 holes of golf or simply put on a pair of socks without sitting down…..functional exercise is for you.

Functional exercise should not be a new catch phrase in the fitness industry. Somewhere exercise became something we did without sweating and while sitting down! Give me a break! Bottom line is exercise should resemble how you move your body. It should contain in some way a form of pushing, pulling, reaching, squatting, and rotating. These are the pillars of human movement….for everyone from a pro athlete to a senior citizen. The movements don’t change…the way in which they are being used changes. That’s the reason we need different training programs. All in all, the exercises either population group should use will be very similar with only the intensity, progression and duration being different.

One of the great things about functional exercises is that they can be completed with very little equipment and space required. That’s why they’re great for home exercise routines. If you have an 8x10 open area you’re ready to exercise with functional exercise equipment.

At Shaping Concepts we’ve devised a workout series devoted exclusively to getting functional fitness in your own home. The “Trial” series can teach you the exercises needed to be done at home and are great for people of any age and fitness level. These workouts contain some of the very same exercises our clients perform in their private one-on-one workouts in our studios. You can purchase this program at any Shaping Concepts.

If you would like personal instruction on functional fitness please contact the studio at 843-757-8626 to schedule an appointment. We provide a totally FREE trial of our services and offer a complete 100% money back guarantee! If you want to get your very own FREE trial CLICK HERE NOW!

Now make sure to watch this video to see the BEST FUNCTIONAL EXERCISE there is…for this time of year…it’s VERY FUNNY!

(This is not a real hurricane. It was only a dramatization)

Chad Cannon is the owner of Shaping Concepts fitness studios in Bluffton, SC.