Sunday, December 28, 2008

Not The Same Old Resolution...

Every Year millions of people across the globe set themselves up for absolute failure. Even though most intentions are strong minded, the vast majority come up very short on setting reachable resolutions for the next 365 days.

Unfortunately, most settle for "Getting healthy and losing weight" or Losing weight and exercising more".

I hate to tell all those that have set one of these two as their resolutions, you are doomed to fail!!!

Becoming healthy is not a resolution. Losing weight is not a resolution. Exercising more is not a resolution.

Resolutions are much more specific - if you want to achieve any of the above. Better examples of more specificity would be...

1. I'm going to exercise 30 minutes, 4 times per week, every week with a mix of cardiovascular and resistance exercises, so I can lose weight and become healthier.

2. I'm going to eat 5 times per day while combining a protein and complex carbohydrate every time I eat, so I can lose weight and become healthier.

3. I'm going to replace all white breads and white pastas with whole wheat breads and pastas so I can become healthier.

By setting a more specific resolution for your health related goals, you will be 100% more apt to achieve them. Don't cut yourself short by making a bad choice to start off the new year.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Your Christmas Eve Day 4 Minute Workout

Don't forget to get a workout in on Christmas Eve and Christmas. I know that you are spending time with family and enjoying great moments of holiday cheer, but it doesn't take much to get a good workout in. In fact the above video is a 4 minute total body, resistance and cardiovascular workout for you that EVERYONE can do.


All you have to do is hit play and follow along with me.

You will feel better about yourself that you got your exercise in on the days where you know you just might not be eating the best.



A Movie Worth Watching...

If you want to be inspired, there is one particular movie I highly recommend watching…

It’s called Peaceful Warrior.

It came out in 2006 and has Nick Nolte in it.

It’s kind of a sports movie, but more a movie about how you think, how you perceive things, how to block things out and focus on the moment, not what you are doing 10 seconds or 10 minutes from now. It’s about living each moment to the fullest, blocking everything else out and focusing on what you love doing. It is also a true story, which I love.

I just happened to come across this movie on TV and right away it hooked me in. It was like I was meant to watch it at that particular time in my life. I needed a little focus in my life at that time and this movie certainly gave it to me.

I can’t tell you how inspired I was after watching it - in making me better and making my business better. I’m at a peaceful place right now because of this movie. And whenever I leave this place, I’m going to turn that movie back on, until I’m back in that peaceful place.

One of the main lessons I learned from this movie is…Make sure you love what you are trying to accomplish in life. I mean really and truly love it. Like you were meant to do that particular thing.

For me…I realized how much I love what I do. I knew it, but I had forgotten it for a while. I was focusing on the future and not what I was currently doing. I have to think about the future a little being a business owner, but I need to live in the now, not in the later. I was living in the later for a long time, and I realized it was not a good place for me. Now, since watching this movie, my life is much fuller and more in-depth. I’m much more aware of everything, and I truly love helping people reach a better place in their health.

If you want to be in a better place in your life…go rent “Peaceful Warrior”.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Motivating You

I’ve been talking about motivation the last couple of weeks. Any idea why? I’ll tell you… Because it’s December, and in this month of great holiday cheer, there are more people than ever that become depressed.

Motivation is a key factor in helping many get through this great time of year. Motivation comes in many different forms…friends, loved ones, music, family, movies, book and many, many more. Take time out for yourself to get motivated again for the future. Forget what has happened in the last 12 months, and focus on what’s ahead, on what can be accomplished in the next 12 months. What haven’t you achieved yet that you wanted to achieve in 2008, but didn’t? What new goals do you have for the upcoming year? These goals are yours for the taking! Anything can be accomplished if you want it bad enough!

Everything takes work, and everything is achieved with help, so accept all the help that is offered. No matter what…go get what you want. Just go get it. Make it happen.

I highly suggest listen to or reading motivational books, surrounding yourself with the kind of people you want to be and soon you will be one of them and others will want to be like you.

Here are many motivational sources you have to help you get started…


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

34 Healthy Gift Ideas!

It’s that time of year. In just a matter of weeks, we will be celebrating Christmas, Hanukah, and New Year’s. While many people are typically in a festive mood, it is also a very stressful time for many others. The hectic pace, the shopping, the holiday parties, the travel, and all that goes with this time of year, makes it a rather interesting time.

Being in the fitness field, I try to keep pumping up my friends, family, and all my clients with lots of positivity. I try to keep them motivated to continue with their workouts, and just because there are two big holidays within a month doesn’t mean to stop eating healthy. I also try to make it easier and a little less stressful by giving many holiday healthier gift ideas, so here are "34 Healthy Gift Ideas" for you to give to the special people in your life.

1. Motivational books or books on tape (CD) such as any of Andy Andrews books.
2. Massage gift certificates (at Shaping Concepts)
3. EatWell Magazine subscription
4. Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar – great for healthy salad dressings!
5. Sessions with a nutritionist or fitness professional about healthy eating habits
6. A healthy cooking class
7. Fitness boot camp sessions (at Shaping Concepts)
8. A crock pot, rice cooker, or steamer
9. Workout clothes for indoor and outdoor activities
10. An outdoor bicycle
11. A week with an "Expert" fitness trainer (with me at Shaping Concepts)
12. A phone coaching session with an "Expert" fitness trainer (with me at Shaping Concepts)
13. A Pedometer
14. Subscription to a healthy magazine such as Shape, Health, Self, Men’s Health, Women’s health, Wellness, Prevention, Men’s Journal.
15. A fancy Water Bottle
16. Sport Bag
17. Boxing Gloves (great gift for women!)
18. Punching bag
19. Heart rate monitor
20. Gift certificate to a healthy restaurant
21. Gift certificate to Barnes & Noble
22. Gift certificate to I-Tunes
23. I-pod
24. Wii-Fit
25. Healthy organic food basket
26. Light weighted medicine balls
27. Small free weights
28. Massager seat
29. Jump rope
30. Individual trampoline or Rebounder
31. Stability ball
32. Workout Bands
33. Karate or boxing lessons (another great gift for women)
34. Bottle of favorite wine

Okay, you are completely set and now know what to get everyone on your list. Happy holiday shopping!

Check Out Shaping Concepts in the Bluffton Christmas Parade!

Thanks to everyone that helped in making this happen!
A special thanks goes out to Tom, Emily, Tim, and Dave!

Inspiring Movie You MUST See...

I was watching a fantastic, very inspiring Christmas movie with my daughter over the weekend. You might not normally think it is an inspiring movie, but there were parts in this movie that I needed myself, to push even harder in business, with my fitness goals, with many of you to reach your fitness goals and more.

The movie I’m talking about is "Polar Express".

I highly recommend everyone see it. If you don’t have it, go rent it, barrow it, whatever, just watch it!

Tom Hanks stars in it. He plays a train ticket collector. He punches words in the kids tickets at the end of the movie according to what has happened to that particular child.

One ticket he punched had the word "Learn" on it, as in lesson learned. Let us all keep learning more and more about ourselves.

Another ticket had the words "Depend on, Rely on, Count on", as in you can count on me. Let us feel safe about counting on others to help us through all different times in our lives.

Another ticket had the word "Lead" on it, as in leader or leadership, or leading the way. Let us be leaders in what we believe in and strive for.

The entire movie was based on the word "Believe", as in believing in Santa and the Christmas spirit. There was a bell that was given to a child by Santa, and he could only hear it if he truly believed in the Christmas Spirit and Santa himself. Let us all believe that we can reach the goals we set, whatever they may be. Then many more of those goals just might be accomplished.

There was one thing in the movie that struck a huge chord with me. I’ve used the phrase before, but when you hear it in another way, it makes you think a little. The phrase was "One thing about trains, it doesn’t matter where they are going, what matters is deciding to get on."

I’m the conductor of this fitness, weight loss, healthy train, whatever you want to call it, and I’m going Full Speed Ahead, with or without you. If you decide to not get on, not to take the ride with me, that’s fine, and I wish you well, but if you want to hop on and go on the ride of your lifetime, I’m very happy to have you on board with me, cause I’m going, and I’m going Full Speed Ahead and I’m taking everyone who joins me to a new and exciting place in their lives!

You decide!

What really matters is deciding to get on!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I Had The Worst Day Of My Life!

Back in 2001 I was working at a plantation activity center doing basically janitorial work and only training about one time per day as an assistant director. I absolutely hated it! I mean I felt like puking just driving to work. Not kidding! Few things are worse than doing janitorial work when all you want to do is train people to become healthier, stronger, leaner people. So after one particular crappy day, I mean really crappy day (more than normal), I decided I was going home early and also took the next day off to think about what I was going to do for the rest of my life.

That next day just so happened to be a day that totally changed my entire life, as well as most other people. You see that day was 9-11. I know everyone’s life was changed that day, but mine was a little different. Because I was home alone watching everything unravel on TV, I realized something. I realized my life was meaningless and going nowhere, as far as my professional career.

I was still in my first year of my marriage, had no kids, was in a brand new house I had just built, and had no clue where my professional career was going with the job I was in.

Watching everything that happened on TV that day did not let me think about my future as I wanted to that day, however, what it did do was clearer and much simpler. It made me realize I had to make a change in my life, immediately!

The next day I went in to work, quit my job on the spot and became my own boss as an independent contracted trainer for hire. I didn’t know anything about business, about getting a lot of clients off the street, but I did it. I had to! I had no other choice. I must have been really bad, because my wife backed me 100%!

I completely took the leap. I took a chance on myself. A chance to become something more, something better. A chance to help me grow as a person, inside and out.

Well, needless to say within 3 years I was named as one of the top 100 personal trainers in the nation. I educated myself more in those 3 years than what I learned in all my years of schooling. I went to clinics, seminars, met some of the best fitness pro’s in the world. I was completely driven to make it on my own and improve my life, and I did!

Today, I own a successful fitness studio. I’m a great copywriter, speaker, educator, entrepreneur, as well as being an expert in the fitness field. I’m also married to the best women ever to walk the planet (in my opinion). I have 2 wonderful, healthy kids, have built our second home, and much, much more. I have grown so much as a person. Much more than I would have in that crappy job I used to be in.

Trust me, things didn’t change over night, like I wanted them to. There were good times and many hard times. But I know for a fact that I have worked my butt off since that unforgettable day.

The fact is, I made my life what it is today. I went out and got it. I never gave up. I never quit!

If you’re having one of those days, where you feel like you are at your lowest point, I’m here to tell you to get your butt off the couch and go make yourself a new life! If you’re depressed about your body, your weight, the way you look and feel, your energy level, your health, if you’re pissed off at how you arrived at this point, I’m here to tell you to do something about it. NOW!

Don’t tell me you cannot afford to eat right or to join a gym or to hire a trainer. Don’t tell me that it’s the economy. It’s not circumstance. It’s you! It’s the decision you make.

If you simply want to make a change, a lifestyle change, if you want to do more, be more, like now, then the fastest and most certain path for you is here:

Make your own destiny!

Monday, November 24, 2008

A True Client Testimonial! Congratulations Emily!

Sometimes Your Own Family Secretly Wants You To Fail!

Even though you have made the decision to become a better person, to improve your health, your body, your appearance, your lifestyle, sometimes it may be more disheartening when trying to get the support needed from your family members, especially a spouse.

Many times a family will be the cause of going back to the way it’s always been…eating fattening, sugary foods, not exercising, feeling lazy all the time, and blaming yourself again and again.

So there are two questions I have for you…

One, why do our own family members secretly feel this way and how do they secretly sabotage us?

Two, what can we do about it to help you in your success?

Let’s start with question one…Why do our family members secretly feel this way? That’s easy. They are simply put…Jealous! They have not built up the strength to do what you have started. Everyone drives themselves (in a health conscious manner) from their personal emotion. Your husband cannot and should not drive emotion to lose weight because you are unhappy with your body. Your husband needs to be unhappy in some way to make a change. If he simply tries to make a lifestyle commitment to improve himself from your emotion, it just won’t last. He has to have his own emotional feelings to make a personal change. Therefore, he may want you to succeed, but deep down, if he knows he doesn’t have the strength and willpower to make a change himself, he doesn’t want you to succeed. That will make him feel very weak and lonely himself.

So not knowing what he is doing, he will bombard you with uncontrollable emotional breakdowns, like bringing home donuts, or always having candy in the house. He might even give you something as a present for doing a great job, but secretly knowing it could help break you down, like a box of chocolates.

Your spouse doesn’t really want you to fail. They do love you and want the best for you, but they don’t want you to have success unless they know they can too. If they are simply not emotionally ready, they will secretly bombard and sabotage you, not really knowing that they are doing so.

Okay, so what can we do about this to help us achieve our successes we really want to have? We have obviously come to some kind of understanding that we need a change in order to feel better about ourselves. We understand that to be healthy, we must eat better than we used to. We must exercise more than we used to and in a proper way. We must take care of ourselves emotionally in order to maintain all this. We had some kind of emotional setback in our lifetime that scared us enough to do something about it. So keep this in mind that you have already made the commitment. It is there! That has not changed. Your reason for making an improvement is still there right in front of you.

The only thing that is different now is the lack of support from certain people. (the people that have not yet had that emotional breakdown, which is no fault to them. They just have not had it yet.) We need to make these people understand that even though they are not going through this, that these changes you are trying to make, to make yourself better, are very hard, emotionally, physically, even spiritually sometimes, and you will need all the help and support you can get.

You need to make these people understand that you cannot have junk food in the house. So if they have it, it’s got to be stored somewhere else. They must also understand that you need extra time now, time for your exercise, time for preparing healthy meals. By the way, you are only taking care of you, and no one else. If they want to be a part of it, they must tell you. Don’t make your family members eat healthy meals just because you have made the change. They must want to for a reason, an emotional reason they have themselves.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I'm not Perfect, How About You?

Thanksgiving week is next week. I'm sure many of you are trying to save room for the great feast. Trust me, I love all those fabulous foods as well. Yes, even the pumpkin pie (with cool-whip of course).

I'm definitely not perfect by any means, especially when it comes to the holidays. Most of you think that I don't cheat at all, that I eat perfectly all the time. The truth is, I cheat quite a bit. But for the most part, I eat pretty healthy. (I'm not trying to lose weight either).

I know I'll eat pretty badly this Thanksgiving, so I've been working out a little extra and a little harder the last few weeks. I know that during dinner I'll be fine. It's the deserts that kill me. You see if there are sweets in the house (cake, pie, candy, etc.) I'm a goner! That's why I don't keep any of that stuff in my house most of the year. If it's not there, I won't eat it. But this Thanksgiving, the pumpkin pie, the cherry pie, cookies and more, uhhggg. It's just as hard for me as it is for you!

So let's make a pact this Thanksgiving - a pact we'll do together, you and me! I'll only have one serving of everything at dinner, then one piece of desert. 4 hours later, I'll do it all again, but choosing a different desert this time. I might do this 3-5 times over a 2 day span, but at least I won't stuff myself all at once and make myself feel like crap! This way I get to have every desert there is (just once).

If I can do it, so can you! Come on, take the challenge with me. We are not perfect, nobody is! So let's both eat a healthier way this Thanksgiving. Enjoy you feast!

The Biggest Weekend of the Year is Finally Here!

It's the hard-nose, get down-N-dirty, rough-em, tough-em, bring it on kind of weekend. I'm talking about the best, I mean absolute BEST competitive sporting event ever to take place! I'm talking about the Ohio Sate vs. Michigan football game.
Yes, once per year I have the joy of watching this fantastic, can't miss event. And once per year I'll have the Monday after where I can rub in how the "big M" LOST AGAIN to all my fabulous Michigan clients that I do love dearly! They truly deserve it though!They like to talk down my beloved Buckeyes all year long, but when it comes down to the Monday after the game, every year it seems to be my turn again.

I'll put a little wager, a fitness wager if you will on it this year, cause' the "big M" is that bad. I'm talking absolutely awful!!!

That's right, I'll put a wager on it. All you Michigan clients of mine (you know who you are! The ones that harass me all year long, because you are so jealous.) you have to sign up with me for some more personal training sessions ( how about just half as many as my Buckeyes put up on the scoreboard. However, if Michigan does pull a miracle out of their you know whats, I'll give you FREE personal training sessions -again, half as many as the Wolverines put on the scoreboard.

My word is like Oak! Good luck to you!

P.S. Be careful of falling buckeyes from the heavens - (God's a Buckeye fan too!)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What was your "Pivotal Point" in Life?

Do you know your "Pivotal Point"? The point in which your life changed. The point in which you decided to do something about your health. The point in which you decided to transform your body into something better.

Maybe your "Pivotal Point" has yet to come, but most likely it already has.
My transformation experience started at the end of 6th grade.

At the end of our school year our school had one of those "field days" where the 6th grade class went to the park for a picnic and games and other stuff..

Let me explain a little more about my life at that point before I explain what happened that day…

I was a very scrawny, very shy boy that needed lots of help with almost everything in school. I lacked confidence, and was kind of wimpy. I was never really good at anything, except I was okay at basketball, but knew it was only because I was taller than everyone else at that age. I was a very weak and lazy kid. Pretty dumb too! It’s okay, I admit it.

So at this Field Day that was always held at the end of every school year, it always ended with a big race; a sprint across the park. The entire 6th grade class took part in this race all at once (probably about 200 kids I’m guessing).

I lined up with more seriousness than I’ve ever had in my entire life. I wanted to win this thing and show everyone that I was somebody too.

Well it just so happened that the fastest kid in the school was also in the 6th grade; his name: Kurt Witchey. I knew of him, but we had never really talked before (It’s funny that I ended up being very good lifetime friends with his much older brother, who is actually on this emailing list). Everyone, including me knew he was the fastest kid out there.

During those few moments, my entire life changed! That’s when I decided that I WAS somebody and I was going to run as fast as it took to beat Kurt.

It turns out that I ran away with that race. It was close, but I was the definite winner. I remember everyone saying after the race that they had no idea I was that fast, and people were talking about me being in the Olympics one day. I honestly couldn’t get enough of all the talking.

I’ve never felt so empowered in my life up to that point. It was awesome! From that point on I was somebody.

Well, I had to keep that perception throughout my school years, excelling at being a sprinter on the track teams. I ended up getting a scholarship to run in college and even continued to compete thereafter, and became a coach as well, teaching others what I had learned. This is what brought me into the life of fitness and to this point in my professional fitness career and why I’m so passionate at striving to be the best, and to keep improving.

So when I am feeling lonely, weak, and questioning myself, I think back to those years of my life where I was striving to keep that persona of the fastest boy in Dublin, Ohio. I think that toughened me and helped me achieve more in life.

All because of running faster than Kurt Witchey!

That was my transformation. That was my "Pivotal Point".

That’s my story.

What’s yours?

How did you decide to become a healthier, happier person? How did fitness make your life better? I want to hear from you.

Oh, and by the way… I’m curious: would you call your fitness experience a pivotal point or something different?

What terms would you use to describe your fitness experience?

I look forward to hearing from you!

Oh Yeah...Take a look at what I can do now in the video below!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Halloween Adventure - Can You Keep Up?

Hey everyone! Chad Cannon here again. I just got back from spending a few days meeting Mickey and Minnie Mouse, and all their friends, flying through Peter Pan’s Neverland, playing with Buzz Lightyear and everyone from Toy Story, Winnie the Pooh, and yes Tigger too! I went through Space Mountain and saw magical parades! Yes you probably guessed it, I went to Disney World, the most magical place on earth! My wife and our two kids went for Halloween where EVERYONE was dressed up in some kind of costume. And Oh man, were they ever generous about giving out the candy!

So, you all know me by now and probably know that as I was having a fabulous time, I was also scoping out the range of fat people. Well, to my surprise I saw many, many skinnier people than I thought I would. (Maybe us fitness professional are getting our points across). In years past I would see about 60-70% overweight and/or obese people. Now if I looked at Americans only on this trip, I would have seen that 60-70%. That’s how bad America is!

So as I was killing myself trying to keep up with my 5 year old daughter at Disney World, I realized how I would have felt if I were not a healthy, in-shape person. I was pretty exhausted! I can’t even imagine how I would have felt being out of shape and unhealthy. That would have killed me.

For those of you that want to spend good, quality time with your kids, not yelling at them, being able to keep up with them, enjoying the rides with them at a great place like Disney World, I highly recommend losing that unwanted fat and start getting your body in-shape enough to do those types of activities. Not being able to do these things with my kids would make me feel like crap, and like a bad parent. That’s just my personal opinion. I would not want to hold back my kids from doing something fun like running around all of the Disney parks, riding all the rides, and meeting all the princesses and Mickey and his crew.

So if you don’t do it for yourself, at least get in shape and be healthy for your kids!

See How Much Fun It Is For Kids To Workout With Their Parents!

Jake, Your awesome!

Introducing our NEW Mother/Daughter Boot Camps!

It’s time to Empower Our Daughters!

Classes start THIS SATURDAY!!! Sign-Up NOW! Space is Limited!
Together we can be strong, healthy, and beautiful, inside and out! Join my wife, Tracey and my daughter Madeline, as they get fit together. Saturday’s at noon starting November 8th. Approx. age for daughters are 7-14, but all are welcome! Only $15 per class.

RSVP TODAY at 843-757-8626 or email to get more information.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Tip for not going belly-up or belly-out in my case!

Tis' the season for Ghosts and Goblins! And don't forget all those YUMMY treats that make you FAT!!!!! Yes, I'm trying to scare you. One thing I've learned over the years is that just because those tiny packs of candy are tiny doesn't mean you can have them. If you are anything like me it's a VERY bad idea. You see if I have just one piece of candy, I'll want another, and another, and another. That one piece of candy haunts me for two weeks until all the candy is gone (gone to my belly!) So keep in mind that it's not okay to have one of those bite size candy bars, because most people end up eating many , many bite size candy bars, not just one!

Speaking of Halloween - We had our annual "Freaky Fat Loss Halloween Boot Camp Extravaganza" this past Saturday. We all worked out the entire time with a pumpkin in our hands! Thank you all that came! I had a wonderful time and I'm sure everyone else did as well. Take a quick glance at our Freaky Fat Burning workout in the video below!

"Get Sexy" Boot Camp Wraps Up for Halloween Break

As I mentioned before, our "get Sexy" Womens Boot Camp just wrapped up phase #7 and we are looking to add a few others to our group of sexy women! Take a good look at the video below to see how much fun we have in the "Get Sexy" Boot Camp. These women have trimmed down more than you can imagine just in the last 4 weeks. The next phase (#8) begins Nov. 4th. Classes are from 5:30-6:30 PM Tuesdays and Thursdays. Phase #8 goes for 3 weeks, 1 week off for Thanksgiving, then 3 more weeks (6 weeks total). If you want to feel, look, and be sexy again, go to the Get Sexy registration page here:

It's only $12.45 per class! Everyone can afford that! I can't wait to see you there!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Gift That Keeps On Giving!

Hey everyone! Every year I (Shaping Concepts- ) do a Christmas Gift to someone that needs help with their health and weight. Someone that could not normally afford a trainer or even a gym membership. Last year, myself and my staff, and many friends of the winner surprised our gift winner on Christmas Eve day and gave her many gifts of health including a free month of training exclusively with me, a brand new high-end treadmill, nutritional reports and much, much more! The season is getting close so I am on the prowl for this year’s winner. Last year, I had people nominate others, and I received many nominations, so I'm doing it again this year. If you know of anyone that would be a good candidate (keep in mind they must be in Bluffton on Christmas Eve) please send in your nominations. I won't pick a winner until just before Christmas, but time is winding down.

Also, I would love to go out a purchase a brand new treadmill to give to this particular person, but I just cannot afford to do that. If anyone is interested in donating a new or unused treadmill for this gift, please contact me at Or if anyone has any other gift to throw in, let me know. If you know anyone that would donate their time and effort to the annual gift to donate anything health related, please let me know as soon as you can.

Again, this is something I really enjoy doing for our community and want to make it for someone in need of help. Please start sending in your nominations for this year’s Christmas Gift. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Chad Cannon

Freaky Fat Loss Boot Camp-FREE to you!

Let me SCARE the fat off your body! Join us this Saturday…
My local Bluffton Get Sexy Boot Camps ( ) will be holding their annual “Freaky Fat Loss Workout” on Saturday, October 25th at 6:30 pm at the Pinckney Colony Preserve in Bluffton. The event features an interval training fat loss workout using pumpkins that I promise will scare the fat off of your body. Come join us totally FREE! You MUST bring your own medium sized pumpkin to workout with. Those that attend in costume will receive a FREE gift! Call me at 843-757-8626 to RSVP. Hope to see you there!

Watch the video below to see what type of scary exercises we will be doing…

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Best Abdominal Exercise Around!

Abdominal exrecises are what everyone wants to do to flatten their tummy's. Although ab exercises are VERY good and should be done, please remember that they should be done while training the entire body. Don't forget the cardiovascular aspect and proper nutrition as well for optimal fat loss. In the video below is in my opinion one of the best abdominal exercises around. I have added variations so everyone at all levels can do it. Alright, go to it and get those abs burnin!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I'm Not Worried About The Economy! Why Should You Be?

Hi everyone! I want to talk to you today about our precious economy. I'll tell you why I'm not worried about what's going to happen. It's because I know something that everyone has in common. Check it out in the video below...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Setting goals NOW before the holidays hit!

Okay, I read a blog from a friend of mine, Scott Colby, also a trainer, and wanted to share it with you. It's about how Thanksgiving is such a bad time for binging, and slowing down your workouts, and so on. Let me explain more...

Thanksgiving is just 2 short months away and is a dangerous time of year as the most people overeat and begin to skip their workouts. So I am challenging you.

I want you to set some performance goals that you want to accomplish by Thanksgiving.
By performance goal, I don’t mean weight loss goal, like lose 20 pounds.
It should be something like doing 50 consecutive push ups.
Stretch your limits a little bit here…

Here are Scott's performance goals that he said he will accomplish by Thanksgiving…

100 consecutive push ups

20 consecutive pull ups

Bear crawl the length of a football field without my knees touching the ground

Run a 6 minute mile.

All of these goals will push him to his limits, epecially the 20 pull ups.
He said he will make a video of himself reaching each goal which will help keep him accountable.
By training to reach these performance goals, he will be developing a better body in the process.
So don’t get hung up on weight loss goals.
Increase your performance and a better body will be the natural result.
So what are your performance goals that you can accomplish by Thanksgiving?

I'm setting my goals!
Thanks Scott!

Great Tip for Watching your food intake!

Hey everyone! If you are like me and have trouble with sneaking those bad foods every now and then, I have a great tip to help you out and stop you from binging on foods that are holding you back on attaining your fat loss goals. Watch this 2 minute video to get your tip for watching your food intake!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Announcing The "Sexy Six" Women Of Bluffton for the Get Sexy Boot Camp!

Alright, you've come to the right place! Click on the video to see if you hear your name called to be chosen as one of the "Sexy Six" to go through 10 weeks of our Get Sexy Boot Camp at no charge!

Congratulations and I look forward to meeting you!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Oldy, But Goody! The best exercise for more strength!

Need more strength? Want to feel stronger? Want more muscle? Want to burn more fat? I have your answer here! In the video below, I have shown you 10 different ways to do the best exercise there is, in my opinion, that works so many muscle groups! The exercise...push-ups! I know most of you are saying I can't do push-ups, well I'm here to tell you...YOU CAN! There are probably thousands of different ways to do push ups. In this video I've shown you just 10. Some are for the beginner, and some for the advanced. Whatever your level, add push-ups to your routine! They will make you feel and look better. Everyone can do push-ups!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Self-Made Treadmill Right In Your Own Home!

Hey everyone! Are you one of those people that always has the excuse of not having a treadmill or a place to do cardiovascular exercise? NO MORE EXCUSES!!! I have a great way for everyone to do GREAT cardiovascular training in your own home, or out.

I know that there are stairs available all over the world. It's up to you to take advantage of those stairs. One of the best cardiovascular exercises is walking stairs, and if you incorporate intervals into the stair workout, as in the video below, you will be burning much more fat in half the time. That's sounds like a great scenario to me - more fat burning in half the time! Isn't that what we all want?

Try my stair interval workout 3-4 times per week and you will lose unwanted, ugly body fat, garaunteed! No doubt about it!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Learn How To Get Your 6-Pack Abs With 3 Fat Burning Elements!

Watch this video to see how YOU can get a great FAT BURNING workout, anywhere! There are 3 basic elements needed for burning your unwanted, flabby fat! Find out what they are in the video below!

What Is Your Business - Compared to Your J.O.B.?

Hi, I am Chad Cannon. I’m in the business of making people feel good. By that, I mean – feel good through exercise, better nutrition, and nutritional supplementation. I can even help you get out of debt. As I said before, I’m in the business of making people feel good. Feel good about their bodies, health wise and appearance wise, feel good about the social aspect of their lives, feel good about their relationships, feel good about their wealth, and most of all… feel good about helping others feel good.

My business is like many others. I realized this after having a conversation with a client of mine just a few days ago. This conversation made me realize how important my job and my businesses are to you, and how important “I” am to many of you.

You see I was talking with a teacher… an elementary school teacher, the evening before tropical storm “Hanna” was to make landfall. We were discussing how her school had been canceled the next day. She was very worried about her kids. I asked her why she was so worried. She simply said, ”They need me!” I jokingly said “what are they going to do without you?” She replied… “they’re not going to learn how to read”.

I stopped dead in my tracks, and thought for a moment. I thought how important she truly is to a countless number of kids, because she was right… who else is going to teach them how to read. That’s her business. That’s what she does for a living. Her “JOB” is being a teacher. Her “business” is helping kids learn how to read.

Of course that got my mind stirring… stirring about MY business. My “JOB” is being an owner and fitness professional. My “business” is making people feel g.o.o.d, in many different aspects.
During this thinking, I totally realized how important my “business” and I am to all of you. Just like this teacher, someone who totally changes the lives of others, I also have the gift and ability of doing the same.

So I ask you, I beg you to please let me help you feel good. Call me at 843-757-8626 or email me at for a FREE one-on-one phone or in-person consultation. I can’t wait to hear from you!

By the way…What is YOUR “business”?

Monday, September 1, 2008

Want More Stability? Try Un-Stability Training!

BOSU Ball training is one of the best ways to work on balance, coordination, stability, pure strength and much more. Just try standing on the ball. That's hard enough as it is. Once you can stand with no problem, then try walking in place on the ball, then walk in place while turning around in a circle. Don't forget to try both directions. As we all get older and our balance seems to worsen, we have a higher chance of falling and breaking bones. By working on unbalanced surfaces now, you can beat the loss of strength and stability by gaining more now! I highly suggest everyone has a BOSU ball in their homes. As you will see on this video, it is great for every age, not just adults. Both of my children have grown up on a BOSU Ball right from the start and honestly have GREAT coordination and will probably have lots of athletic abilities!


Admit it, YOU want to be sexy too...The "Get Sexy Bluffton" Woman's Body Transformation Contest. Read Below On How You Can Register To Be One Of The (6) Women Who Are Selected To Qualify For This Amazing 10 Week Program Absolutely FREE!

Do You Want To Look Better With No Clothes On?
Not too many people get excited about exercise to help prevent diseases such as heart disease, stroke, or even diabetes. But when it comes to getting "sexy", everyone comes running!
If you want a flat, sexy tummy, to fit into a slender red dress, feel confident at the beach in a bikini, or even get the body back that you had in your 20's, if that's what important to you, then let it be, because that's the most important and motivating thing for you. So I encourage you to get sexy because by taking care of your outsides you'll automatically improve your insides.

Getting sexy is all about lowering body fat and increasing lean muscle mass to get that tight, toned, athletic body anyway. My "Get Sexy Boot Camp" is here to make you look and feel better inside and out! I will make this boot camp challenging to YOUR current fitness level, not the person's next to you!My "Get Sexy Bootcamps" are extremely personalized while at the same time they provide the camraderie, motivation, and support that you can only get from a group.Normally, a one on one session with a Shaping Concepts fitness professional would cost you $35-60 per workout. Now, you have the opportunity to work with a Shaping Concepts fitness pro in a fun and exciting group environment for only a fraction of the cost. Best of all, for a limited time I'm choosing (6) women to participate in my program absolutely FREE! I will be choosing the "Sexy Six" from applications received by the deadline of Friday September 19th, 2008.

If you are not chosen as one of the "Sexy Six", you can still join my "Get Sexy Boot Camps" for just over $12 per session. We have found that the social support and accountability that comes with group training consistently provides far better results than going it alone.
I will teach you how to build a fast metabolism that will have you burning unwanted body fat while at the same time, building lean, sexy muscle every hour of every day. So what are you waiting for? Sign up to get the "sexy" back by filling out the web form here:

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

7 Principles To Success!

So a few weeks ago, I was in Dallas for AdvoCare success school and I saw one of the most astounding speakers ever – Andy Andrews! He absolutely changed the way I look at reaching my goals... My goals in business, in my personal life, in everything! He talked for many hours about the 7 principles for success. I took lots of notes and learned a lot, so I wanted to give you the 7 principles to success ( in a very shortened version) so you can have great results as well.

Take these 7 principles to heart. Read them many times over and remember them.

1. Responsibility – I am responsible for my life so make better choices!
2. I will seek wisdom – we are flooded with information. Wisdom is rare!
3. I am a person of action - we have to do something for something to happen!
4. I will have a decided heart – more people fail of an undecided heart!
5. Today, I will choose to be happy – what is it that other people would change about you?
6. I will greet each day with a forgiving spirit – it’s a decision, not an emotion!
7. Persist without exception – the game isn’t over until you say it’s over!

Seriously, live by these and you will be more successful than you can ever imagine!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The big question is how many and what type of calories are needed to burn fat, lose weight and lose inches.

How many calories should be put in your body to burn more fat? You need to ask yourself a few questions in order to answer this. How active are you? You can add as much as 500 more calories per day if you are a very active person, or add just a little, maybe an extra 100 calories if you do less than 60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per week.

It does matter what type of calories you put in as well! You absolutely, no question about it, need to have complex carbohydrates in order to burn fat. I repeat – you need complex carbohydrates in your system in order to burn fat!

The best way to burn fat is to eat a small amount of protein and complex carbs every 3-4 hours. Combining these together will increase your metabolism. Most people will eat about 1500-2000+ calories each day to burn fat calories and start shedding inches and body weight.

I personally eat around 2500-3000 calories every single day because I’m am very, very active, in my jobs, in my home life, (taking care of a 5 year old and a 10 month old-that’s 2000 calories burned right there!) and the exercise and activity I get in for my personal health and enjoyment. For those of you that don’t know what I look like, I’m not a big guy! I’m been eating this way for years and my weight fluctuates each day between 155-165. I am also very, very strong, and am very toned. I basically look like a very mini version of a body builder, and that’s the way I want to look. My body fat is usually a bit under 10% or just over 10%. So I am living proof that the more calories you put in your body – good calories – the faster your metabolism will be which means more fat being burned!

Now you have to make sure before you start shoving in the calories, that you are active enough to burn and use the calories you put in your system. So if you are not very active, and want to burn fat, lose weight and inches, probably stay around the 1500 calories per day range. However, if you are a 6’6 tall guy, and weigh 350+ pounds, guess what? 1500 calories is not going to cut it. You will need more, lots more, because you have to work twice as hard to burn fat. So it depends on your size as well.

I highly encourage all of you to take advantage of my “Nutritional Metabolic Makeover Session” one on one with me, either over the phone – Call TODAY 843.757.8626 or in person – Call TODAY 843.757.8626 and schedule your appointment NOW! It’s one hour of figuring out exactly how many calories you need per day based on your body structure, your weight, your activity levels and more. I’ll spell it out completely for you. It’s ONLY a one time $60 charge! That’s it! $60 and you know what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat. What else could you ask for? Call TODAY 843.757.8626 to schedule your appointment with me NOW!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Important Question To Ask Yourself...

Chad Cannon here, YOUR Fat Loss Expert!
I have a very important question I want you to ask yourself. The answer you give yourself is so meaningful to your entire life, your entire being. The answer you give yourself is the structure of your entire life!
What is my question? You better make sure you are seated before you read on, because that’s how meaningful it is. It truly defines your entire life!
Okay, here it is…
How “passionate” are you about the things in your life?
I’m talking about the things that you really and truly love. I’m talking about the things you really and truly care about. I’m talking about the love you give to others, and yourself. I’m talking about the goals you set for your wealth. I’m talking about the goals you set for your health.
For the most part my training clients come in to lose weight and expect me to do all the work to make them lose weight. The fact is, they are not going to lose anything unless there is a “passion” to do so. If that “passion” is there, they will do anything in their power, that they know is the best and smartest way to do so to get the results they truly want.
“Passion” drives you! I cannot put it any simpler than that. “Passion” drives you!
For those of you that don’t have “passion” or don’t know where to get it…”passion” comes from one place and one place only!
From “Emotion”!
“Emotion” WILL fuel your “passion”!”Emotion” WILL fill your “passion” up so much you will feel like you can accomplish anything. Not just feel it, you know it! I’m not just saying that, I truly mean that!
I was in Dallas last weekend for an Advocare Success School. The experience I had during this ranked up there with my children being born and the moment I saw my wife walk down the isle. It was truly that “emotional” for me! I’m not ashamed to say I got teary-eyed at least 20 times over the three day event. These were tears of “passion” and love of my future – of what I know is going to happen to me, my family, and generations of my family to come. I saw many people go through that transformation up front and saw people achieve their purpose in life right before my eyes. I saw people arrive where they’ve been trying to get for years.
I know what my purpose is in life here on this earth. I’ve known for quite some time now. The difference is I know now how to fulfill what I’m suppose to do. I now have “passion” about it, and I got it from all the emotion I had and saw people go through last weekend at the Advocare Success School.
I saw and heard so many GREAT “passionate” people that spoke from emotion. Two of the best I saw were Andy Andrews . He had to be the best speaker I’ve EVER seen or heard. He’s also probably the craziest person I’ve ever seen! You HAVE to check out his books! I’m so not kidding! Get them NOW!
The other person you might be pretty shocked at. Don’t laugh! It was presidential candidate Governor Mike Huckabee . I learned many things about his past he shared with us…did you know he was given by doctors a “health” death sentence about 7 years ago from having type II diabetes? He went on to lose 150+ pounds, run 4 marathons including the New York City Marathon, and so much more. That’s a whole other story I’ll bring up later some other day.
Honestly, I’ve NEVER EVER been around so many honest, influential, “passionate” people in my entire life. I’m talking probably 2-3 thousand people.
If you want to sit down and talk with me or phone conversation personally with me, about how to become “passionate” and have purpose in your life, I am absolutely here for you. I might not be able to help you. I might not be able to draw from your emotion. I might not be able to help at all, but on the other hand…I MIGHT! I’m giving out –in this newsletter only- my personal cell phone number. You can call me anytime, no charge, no fees of any kind. Let me help you with what I’ve learned. Call NOW if you want true “passion” and purpose in your life. 843-263-6287.
If anyone wants to attend the next Advocare Success School with me and my wife, the next one is in February 2009 in Dallas. We already have our tickets! Let me help you get yours NOW! Call me 843-263-6287!

Okay everyone, I have a short video that I want you to watch from the time I was in Dallas. One of my good friends “Z Buttar” from Florida, spoke a few words for me. Check it out here:

Friday, August 1, 2008


If you’re like me you’ve had it with all the weight loss quick-fixes. I created a special report after watching so many people continue to struggle with weight loss primarily due to misinformation. Experience has shown me that people who succeed in losing weight do so with supportive nutrition along with a combination of resistance and cardiovascular exercise. I’m not going to give you a bunch of feel good information like “eat all your favorite foods and still lose weight.” I’ve had it up to here with all the lies! YES…you still can enjoy your favorite foods in moderation but if you’re looking to change your body you’ll have to start doing things differently.

I can’t tell you how many people I’ve consulted with over the years that just refused to let go of the way they eat. For most people it’s the way they don’t eat. If you’re going to be successful with weight loss you MUST open up your mind to a new way of thinking. I’ve heard all the excuses a hundred times over like “I’m too busy to eat that often”…. or “I could never drink that much water.” Look, I’m not going make you do anything…my objective is to simply share with you the TRUTH about how your body burns fat...

To read more, get the “Results” For Weight Loss FREE REPORT! Email now at and just ask me for your FREE report!

Hello everyone!

I'm glad you decided to join my new blog! I want you to be able to use this blog as a tool for your success. Use this blog to meet other people just like you. Use it to ask questions to others and myself. Use this to form groups to help you stay motivated, and much, much more!

I want to start off this new blog by asking if anyone has any quick and healthy recipes that they want to share with others. I would love to start a Shaping Concepts Cook Book from the recipes you send in. So if anyone has a recipe you would like to include, please blog back. Thanks!